Sunday, December 10, 2017

Christmas Overload

I wish we could do what they do in Who-Ville
They sure know how to say "Merry Christmas" to you!

1.  Christmas Eve performance preview day.  We set out  bright and early for our sneak peek at what's in store for Christmas Eve Service.

2.  A fancy afternoon with Aunt Christina.  The Nutcracker soon starts to begin, in the finest theater you've ever been in!

Dax slept from the 3rd Scene in Act 1 on.  The other two really enjoyed the show, though they both admitted without speaking lines or singing they weren't quite sure what was going on.

3.  We help my mom decorate her Christmas tree each year.  I try to always dedicate a day just to all things Christmas with my mom and boys, but this year it just wasn't in the cards, so I tacked it on to our Christmas Overload day!!

Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store.  Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more!!

4.  Olaf Grinched us today, so I couldn't just let the Christmas Overload be it!  Oh no!!  We had a full-on Merry Grinchmas once we got home from all our activities.  We jumped in to green pj's, make Grinched popcorn and played The Who game with a wrapped present.  I bet you'll never guess who won...

Yep!  You guessed right!!  Ethan won a Yoda ornament for our tree!!

Thrilled to have spent a day watching my children perform Christmas Carols in church, experience the ballet for the first time, and decorate my mom's tree for may be the last time in my childhood home.

xoxo - j

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Silly Bio

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I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!