Friday, December 8, 2017

A Celtic Christmas

The Biggest Little City is dripping in little family activities, you just have to look for them.  Yesterday, Ethan's class went to see Siamsa, A Celtic Christmas put on by the Reno Irish Dance Company at the Grand Sierra.

Just the marquee display had me excited to get in to the theater!

The Grand Theater Lobby was decked out in everything Christmas.  The gold Christmas Tree was our favorite but just around the corner from it were two giant chairs that almost looked like Santa's!

As if the remarkable setting wasn't enough, I had the privilege of hanging out with some pretty handsome and silly 3rd graders, and their amazing teacher!  Are you excited yet?!

After we took our seats, in the 4th row, the director of the dance studio came out and told us what was in store.  The show is about two sisters looking for the true meaning of Christmas and searching for their families old Celtic Christmas tradition of a candle in the window.  Certain people in the audience were given bells to ring when Holly mentioned the candle in the window.  Once she was done with her opening speech, they cued up the music, the lights dimmed and the show started.  It was 75 minutes of amazing dancing, singing and fun costumes.

I love to snap a picture or two of the pipsqueaks when we are at events like this.  I love to see the excitement and wonder on their eyes.  Plus I would never think to bring my brood of boys to a show like this, so I was so happy his teacher planned this outing.

The boys were so great during the show, but the 75 minutes straight of sitting did make them just a little restless.  They finally couldn't hold still any longer at about 10 minutes left and kept asking me what time it was.

Born and raised in Reno, I grew up with getting to see shows and go to events all around our little town, in these very same theaters.  And now years later I get to follow in my moms footsteps and take my littles to do the exact same thing.  That's just special y'all!

xoxo - j 

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Silly Bio

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I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!