Friday, December 19, 2014

Party Party Party

Today we woke up to Olaf donning Mickey ears both Christmas themed and regular. The pipsqueaks were so excited to discover Olaf had dusted off "Mickey Saves Santa" that there was no waiting for family time to watch it!

Ethan was SO excited for today because not only was today the last day of school for 2014, but it was also his Christmas Party at school.

When I arrived a few other moms were helping get all the kiddos holiday projects put into their treat bags and the centers all ready for the start of the fete. We partied down to Christmas music while the kids worked their way through 5 different centers. One of the centers was a total crack-up...Christmas Dance Party on the smartboard. School these days is way different than they way I remember it. Nonetheless the kids had a blast and I enjoyed being a part of it.

And if we didn't have enough fun today our family time tonight was an early Christmas with Grandpa Fred!! Thursdays are our dinners with my dad and since we are heading to Las Vegas for our holiday this year it only made sense we do presents tonight!

Ethan got his Power Rangers Megaforce Key that he's been lusting after for the past few months, while Carter made out with Star Wars battle set and light saber.

My dad seemed to like his new hunting threads, while Trevor and I certainly appreciate the generous gift he gave us!

Even though there was a lot of excitement going on today, it was the perfect way to spend our Thursday! Happy holidays!!


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Silly Bio

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I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!