Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Handmade By The Pipsqueaks

All the way back on December 18th Ethan was so excited about a surprise he brought home on his last day of school! The very next day Carter and Daxton came home with little packages in tow.

We decided to wait until we got back from Las Vegas to open the handmade gifts as we didn't want to risk damage in transporting them to and fro. So right after dinner tonight we called Ethan up on Facetime and opened the presies.

Ethan's card is pictures of his favorite things we did this holiday season. In case you can't really read it it says "candy cane; Polar Express; Tree; Angel; Santa"...we are so proud of his spelling!!!

The handprint wreath is darling; the reindeer ornament painted with Carter's finger prints is so stinking cute and Dax's Snowman that he painted himself has us over the moon. We couldn't love our gifts more and we love that our pipsqueaks' hearts and soles went into their creations!

This is the best part of being a parent and boy do I love these little munchkins!!


Sunday, December 28, 2014

Road Trip Home

If there is one thing that makes us sad it's having to say good-bye. Our trip came to end today as we made our way back north to Reno. Ethan, being the lucky little 6 year old that he is gets to stay an extra week!! Saying good-bye to him was harder than I anticipated...we both shed a little tear or two!!

We hugged and kissed Yaya and Papa (and Ethan) good-by, loaded up the truck and hit the road.

Fun Fact About Las Vegas: Over 39 million people visit Las Vegas each year.

Next we drove through Beatty where we had to stop two different times once to let little Daxton stretch his legs and the other to secure one of our 500 boxes in the back of the truck.

Fun Fact About Beatty: Known as the "Gateway to Death Valley" since 1933 when Death Valley was declared a National Monument by President Herbert Hoover.

After Beatty we drove up into the mountains and stumbled upon Goldfield. This town seriously used to creep me out but I feel like lately it's been cleaned up. And I truly love the history of our amazing state so this town has a little piece of my historical passion.

Fun Fact About Goldfield: Goldfield was the largest town in Nevada in 1906 with the population of 20,000.

We reached the halfway mark (Tonopah) at about 2 p.m. today. We took a quit gas/pit stop at Giggle Springs gas station, and Carter actually decided he wanted to go potty. Hey I will take it where I can get it with that kid!! We ate lunch there as well and went on our way as we felt like we were making decent time and Daxton was actually doing better this trip.

Fun Fact About Tonopah: The community began circa 1900 with the discovery of gold and silver-rich ore by prospector Jim Butler when he went looking for a lost burro he owned.

Mina is the next tiny tiny town you come to going North on 95 from Las Vegas. I don't even think you have to slow down much through this town...

Fun Fact About Mina: It was founded as railroad town in 1905.

Luning is about as big or small as Mina and we quickly passed right on through.

Fun Fact About Luning: It is often listed as a ghost-town, but it is not, as of 2005 there was a population of 87 people.

Finally we reached Hawthorne as the sun was going down. We didn't stop here for fear it would be over an hour like it was on our trip down to Vegas!

Fun Fact About Hawthorne: The Hawthorne Army Depot is the primary economic base of the town.

We zipped right through Schurz, we never have actually ever stopped there and I don't plan on having to because that town freaks me out more than any other little ghost-like town along the way...I'm not sure why but it is always somber looking.

Fun Fact About Schurz: It is located on the Walker River Indian Reservation. {There are fireworks stands every 40 feet}

Finally after what felt like an eternity we hit Sheckler's Pass and bypassed Fallon straight on to Fernley.

Fun Fact About Fernley: Fernley first began as a railroad stop in September 1904.

...Then right around 6:45 p.m. {drumroll please} we saw the lights of the city!! We were HOME!!

Fun Fact About Reno: From 1929 to 1939, Washoe County Courthouse officials gave their stamp of approval to 30,000 couples who said “I don’t,” crowning Reno as the Divorce Capital of the World {Thank goodness or I may not have a job}

That in a nutshell is our lovely state South to North!!!


Christmas in Las Vegas

It is extraordinarily difficult to keep four pipsqueaks and six adults entertained in the house all day. Although I have to say we did a mighty fine job for the most part. Trevor's dad was dying to get the pipsqueaks out of the house to take them to do something fun, Christmas related with a true Vegas flare...so off to Ethel M we went! Not only is it the Mars candy factory, but it has an amazing cactus garden that they deck out with lights.

The kids also got to see a movie with the grandparents...Big Hero 6!! The kids loved it, the grown-ups loved it!

We hope you all enjoyed your holiday week!


Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas Favorites

At Christmastime everyone excitedly anticipates exquisitely wrapped packages tied up with bows or fancy embellishments. And every year Santa does not seem to disappoint! But, it does not matter how fancy the wrapping or sparkly the bow there is always a gift that the meaning behind it or just the gift itself surpasses all the others.

We pulled all the Bradshaw/Clarkson favorites together. The pipsqueaks seemed to have no problems pulling out their newest prized possessions!

Papa received a gold cross pendant from Tara that he said means the world to him! Yaya picked her newest Nutcracker Santa brought her.

Trevor decided his freeze-dried food was the best present he received (half of his Christmas got left in Reno...oops)!! I have several favorites including a hand sander and a beautiful Christmas decoration Tara made for me, but I ultimately picked the cowboy boots Dave and Elaine got me...they are GORGEOUS!!! Ethan, of course, picked his Skylanders collection in its entirety; while Carter said his scooter was the best present he got. Little Dax's "favorite" gift was the reindeer bear Ethan gave him.

The Clarkson's picked their favorites too to complete our collection!! Uncle Casey received a generator for camping...best gift alive!! Aunt Tara picked the canvas I made her that has the chorus of "Snowflake In The Summer" on it. I think honestly this is my favorite gift of all too and not just because I made it, but because there is so much love in those words (Trevor wrote it)! Madi picked her Princess Jasmine doll and Bronson's was his cowboy guns and holster!!

We truly hope that y'all had the best Christmas and that your favorite gifts were gifts with love and meaning behind them!


Merry Christmas

We hope your day was filled with love, wonder and joy...

We hope that y'all spent time together opening presents in your jammies...

We hope that all the unwrapping didn't make you go bug-eyeed...

My mother-in-law made the world's best Christmas dinner...we hope yours was delicious, filled with amazing conversation and love...

From our family to yours we wish you a very Merry Christmas!!


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house we were all scurrying around as fast as a mouse!

We spent our day running last minute errands and when we had a minute to sit down we decided to snap some shots of the original 4 Bradshaws (and my sweet little nephew)

...and later we made our gingerbread village.

Next, we had our beloved story "Twas the Night Before Christmas" and exchanged our 50p presents...and then we got down to some serious present opening.

Then it was time for a family photo op...

The pipsqueaks got all snuggled into their new Christmas jammies, left the jolly old elf some yummy oatmeal cookies and milk; and settled down all snug in their beds!!

And now we're watching Christmas movies, building scooters and stuffing stockings!! An overall preparation for tomorrow!! Tonight truly is the most magical night of the year!!

Merry Christmas Eve


Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!