Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Crack-Ups

As we wrap up the holiday season and prepare to ring in the new year I can't help but enjoy the lights and sounds of Christmas for two more days. I have been reflecting on the funny things that happened both before and during Christmas.

For some reason our favorite song of the season was not even a Christmas song at all...and I CANNOT get it out of my head!

"The dog goes woof, cat goes meow, bird goes tweet and mouse goes squeak..." Oh yes, we in the Bradshaw Nook cannot get enough of "WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY?" I have been singing this little diddy all day! If you do not know it, DO NOT under any circumstance look it up on You Tube or you'll be singing it all day and all night too!!

Sad but silly moment for us was when we were Christmas Light parusing and Ethan informed us that looking at Christmas lights is boring and hurts his bum....GASP...I guess my little man is getting too cool for Christmas light viewing. I think I may have shed a little tear at his announcement!! I hope that was just a grouchy 5 year old talking and not a foreshadow for next year.

I think the funniest memory I will take away from this Christmas season was making our annual Christams Eve jammies. I found the easiest pattern in the entire world using a pair of pj pnats already in use. Well, little did I know the ones I picked to use as the pattern for Trevor's were pants he had since oh I don't know...1995!! I was so proud at how awesome our red fleece pants turned out this year, I wrapped them beautifully in plaid paper, addressed them from Mrs. Clause and set out to Christmas Eve dinner. I know you are all on the edge of your seats about what actually happened with Trevor's pants but every time I think about it I laugh so hard I cry!!! Anyway...he opens his pants and asks me if I mixed up our packages because his were literally about 3-4 inches too short!! I told him I didn't know the pj pants that were on the floor of our bedroom that I swear he wears EVERYNIGHT were too short otherwise I would have used a different pair!!! I wish I had a good picture of the hilarity because as I type this I'm holding back giggles!!

We hope everyone had as fun and silly Christmas as we did!! We can't wait to ring in 2014 with some good friends and family this week!!

xoxo - The Bradshaws

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Silly Bio

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I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!