Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Crack-Ups

As we wrap up the holiday season and prepare to ring in the new year I can't help but enjoy the lights and sounds of Christmas for two more days. I have been reflecting on the funny things that happened both before and during Christmas.

For some reason our favorite song of the season was not even a Christmas song at all...and I CANNOT get it out of my head!

"The dog goes woof, cat goes meow, bird goes tweet and mouse goes squeak..." Oh yes, we in the Bradshaw Nook cannot get enough of "WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY?" I have been singing this little diddy all day! If you do not know it, DO NOT under any circumstance look it up on You Tube or you'll be singing it all day and all night too!!

Sad but silly moment for us was when we were Christmas Light parusing and Ethan informed us that looking at Christmas lights is boring and hurts his bum....GASP...I guess my little man is getting too cool for Christmas light viewing. I think I may have shed a little tear at his announcement!! I hope that was just a grouchy 5 year old talking and not a foreshadow for next year.

I think the funniest memory I will take away from this Christmas season was making our annual Christams Eve jammies. I found the easiest pattern in the entire world using a pair of pj pnats already in use. Well, little did I know the ones I picked to use as the pattern for Trevor's were pants he had since oh I don't know...1995!! I was so proud at how awesome our red fleece pants turned out this year, I wrapped them beautifully in plaid paper, addressed them from Mrs. Clause and set out to Christmas Eve dinner. I know you are all on the edge of your seats about what actually happened with Trevor's pants but every time I think about it I laugh so hard I cry!!! Anyway...he opens his pants and asks me if I mixed up our packages because his were literally about 3-4 inches too short!! I told him I didn't know the pj pants that were on the floor of our bedroom that I swear he wears EVERYNIGHT were too short otherwise I would have used a different pair!!! I wish I had a good picture of the hilarity because as I type this I'm holding back giggles!!

We hope everyone had as fun and silly Christmas as we did!! We can't wait to ring in 2014 with some good friends and family this week!!

xoxo - The Bradshaws

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Christmas Recap

The boys have been playing like crazy with all their new toys since Christmas morning, which gave me the idea to utilize play time for our Thank You's. They got so many fun things and I thought it would be fun for the people who gifted them to see the loot in action!

Now, getting these two maniacs to play with what I wanted so I could snap those photos came with a lot of grief! Before you feel sorry for these littles whose mom insists they take pictures while playing, rest assured it actually turned into a game!

They love everything they received and are so appreciative of everything. We really tried to make sure we reiterated that it's not about receiving a bunch of gifts, it's about family and love. I think Ethan is starting to understand that concept, but it will be a few years before Carter does.

Thank you to all our friends and family who make our lives special everyday, not just Christmas!! We love you!!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Many Face of the Bradshaw Boys

On Monday we found out the kids' school was to be closed today, it is possible that we knew prior to that of the closing, however I don't think so! So I had the pleasure of getting to spend the day with my little loves. I thought I would be able to take them to my office, put on a movie and get some work done. BOY WAS I WRONG!!! We did manage to be there for 2 hours, but that was not without screaming, yelling, Mommy getting really frustrated and almost being in tears. But two naps later we are all in better spirits and having a blast!

We are currently playing with our new toys and drinking Koolaid, but just a little while agao we decided to have a photo shoot and a silly face contest, which should keep everyone giggling!

And since I missed doing this yesterday...I hope everyone had a magical and special Christmas.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Chuck E. Cheese

For the past 5 years I have avoided and down-played Chuck E. Cheese. Well tonight I finally lost the batter, my cousin Shiloh's daughter turned 3, and that is where she had the party. I don't know how the boys did at school because they were coming out of their skin this morning in anticipation for their first experience at Chuck E. Cheese.

When we arrived to the party, the kids couldn't wait to get their tokens and start playing. Ethan was interested in experiencing and playing all the games, while Carter only wanted to ride the Safari Boat and the car with Chuck E. Cheese himself. Unfortunately for us, the pictures that were supposed to come with riding in the car with Chuck E. himself was jammed so our $2.50 worth of tokens that went into the ride only produced joy on that cute little 2 year old's face!

Next, was dinner and a dance party with Chuck E. It never ceases to amaze me that the kids are terrified of Archie at the Aces games but were not at all afraid of the GIANT mouse!! They had so much fun dancing and singing and high-fiving the mouse. After the pizza and the cake they grabbed their tokens (which seemed to be never-ending) and headed back into the game room. Ethan was so into getting tickets that he couldn't be bothered any longer with hanging out with Michaela, Carter and I. He won 50 tickets and was so proud of this Dracula teeth he traded for.

I think their first experience was amazing and so fun, I think I'm going to have to plan a fun day for the boys at heaven forbid...CHUCK E. CHEESE!!

Thicker Than Water

One day long long ago, I was blessed with a cousin and sister. At different points in our lives I'm sure we made an unlikely trio. But through it all we have been there for each other. Both Sister and Cousin received the most exciting news last Friday that needed celebrating! So, we did just that last night.

Let's start with my sister's good news...she got a job at Renown Regional Medical Center!! She is going to be working in their out-patient rehab facility as a patient access representative!! We are SOOO excited for her! She has so much going for her and now she is moving forward with her career! Maybe the next exciting news will be she's getting married...I'm not pushing it or pressuring her...just saying!!

Moving right along to Michaela! I'm sure it's common knowledge but she is expecting her first baby in April. My last pregnancy and her first and we get to go through the magical experience together. Well, while I was really hoping we would both be having babies of the same gender God just keeps laughing at me!!! Friday her and Charlie found out they are having a GIRL!!! I'm so thrilled for them (and of course a little jealous), but Daxton is going to have a best friend 3 months after he's born!

The dinner "party" was so overdue, but having loads to catch up on is just one of the gazillion things I adore about the holidays!!

Weekly Bradshaw Ramblings - Christmas Home Edition

It all started when we put our Christmas lights up. Then lots of homes in the neighborhood started glowing and I was a goner! Christmas is everywhere, the Travel Channel, the just makes me want to decorate and bake!!

Will I ever get tired of oohing and awing over houses covered in lights? I think not!!

On a totally unrelated note I had intended on making reigndeer cookies and having the kids decorate them all up, but time just completely got away from us. We had our pictures taken with Santa and birthday parties and the next thing I knew it was Monday morning!!

We are supposed to be getting more snow this week, which gives me mixed feelings. I would prefer sunshine until Christmas morning...then it can snow!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Birthday Parties and Elf Munch

I am that mom. The mom that is so proud of her children that she her heart becomes so full that they only way to keep it from bursting is to let the pressure out through tears. Yep, anyone who knows me knows lately EVERYTHING makes me cry!

We went to a birthday party yesterday at a bounce house place. Yes the kids were running around like maniacs and yelling and screaming, but they patiently waited their turn to go down the slides, the zipline, even get a piece of cake. Watching how polite they were to the other children and how even thoguh they wanted to jump out of their skin having to wait for these fun things, they were patient and kind...seeing that makes my heart melt!! I love those children so much and I am so blessed that even though I'm not sure they are always listening to me, they seem to take in some of what Trevor and I have been teaching them.

So now let me dry my eyes and move on to what our fun Christmas project yesterday! The kids are not having traditional holdiay parties in their classes at school, but I still wanted to make treats for their class so we set out to make Elf Munch. What is Elf Munch you ask??? It is chocolate Chex cereal, rice Chex cereal, pretzels and M&M's...nothing too fancy. However, those two little Bradshaw Pipsqueaks LOVED it, in fact Carter loved it so much that it ended up all over my kitchen table and the floor!! Even Trevor seemed to really like it because he finished off what was left after we filled the snack bags. I hope the kids' classmates enjoy the Elf Munch as much as we do!

Ho-Ho-Holiday Must Have

I just spent the last hour and a half making a yummy holiday must-have!

The recipe for EGG NOG is a family recipe that my mom has been making for as long as I can remember. It's not the holidays in our family without sitting in the kitchen stirring the egg nog for what feel like hours!! I had intended for the kids to help me stir because your arm dies after about 20 minutes, but unfortunately they have ended up in bed everynight I have attempted to make it, so I was on my own.

Armed with the portable DVD player, Mom's copy of White Christmas, my phone, my kindle and a wooden spoon (I know what you're thinking...seriously you needed all of that stuff the movie wasn't enough?!) I stirred until my little arm couldn't stir anymore. An hour and a half later, 3/4 through White Christmas and 2 chapters read the egg nog is currently cooling on the stove waiting for the whipping cream!!

Hopefully my first year attempting this tradition alone the egg nog will be as yummy as the last 27 years!!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Signed, Sealed & Delivered

All our Christmas cards are stamped and in the mail! We spent our evening making surprise deliveries of CHristmas cards and ornaments! From our little nook to yours, hope you find yourself on the "Nice List" and that your season be Merry and Bright!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Frosty Fun Day

It is definitely NOT warming up much around here, even though I heard promises of an 8-10 degree climb in temperatures coming soon. I guess we'll see if the ice actually melts off our street!! With that said I felt it only appropriate for today be "Frosty" themed!!

Olaf landed at the top of our tree with the snowman topper. I think he must miss the icy climate of his home in the North Pole, but it made me happy to see he agreed that today needed an icy theme!!

It was my intention to make snowmen tonight using glue and shaving cream and some little pipsqueaks creativity, but we had an errand to run that took longer than intended so I fully plan on making sure it gets included in one of our other fun days to come! Once we finished our errand we hopped into our jammies and snuggled in to watch Frosty the Snowman.

I think the kids are really enjoying the planned out activities for the day, I am really hoping we will be able to continue this in the months to come. Even though we will have to say good-bye to Olaf on December 24th, I think we can still have fun-filled themed actvities. Plus the kids are getting REALLY excited to meet their baby brother, which may be sooner rather than later!!!


Yesterday Olaf pulled out How the Grinch Stole Christmas and put it on the piano for the boys to find. I unfortunately didn't get to be home last night because I had 3 basketball games to sit through! The kids loved every minute of watching Jim Carey play the scrooge-like character. Even though I'm pretty sure Trevor said HE was the only one watching the movie at one point.

They apparently liked whatever they did watch because they asked for it again tonight!

Dear Christmas Cookies

Dear Cookies,

I'm sure you have no idea how excited we get to make you during the holidays. We dream of you, anxiously await the day we get to make you. Most of all you make us so happy!

Hovever...I would really appreciate it if I could enjoy you without gaining anymore weight!!! These hips are big enough as it is! Olaf brought out all the cookie cutters which just ended up in me baking 3 dozen sugar cookies!!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Christmas In Reno

At about 9:30 last night Trevor got up to get some cold medicine, when he came back to bed he informed me that it was "dumping snow." The weather forcast had been predicting snow all day Saturday so I was surprised that it started so early the night before. When we woke up this morning everything was crisp white. The snow wasbeautiful and everything seemed so peaceful! The kids were so excited to see it they immediately wanted to go out and play in was 6:30 in the morning!!!

Even more exciting to them than the snow was that Olaf had "made" bear claws and brought them more hot coco. They are LOVING this elf and all he's been up to.

This is what our snow day looked like:

I was really hoping there wouldn't have been so much snow so we could have looked at Christmas Lights tonight, but we will have to save that for another time. Nothing says Christmas like snow, especially here in Reno!

The Bradshaw Tree

We have been loving all the decorating, Christmas songs, treats and magic that make the Christmas season special holiday. We ventured out on Thursday night to find the perfect tree.

First we had to make sure it was snug in the tree stand...

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Then the lights came next, I have to say Trevor did a wonderful job!

Next, the kids had at decorating the tree!!

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All decorated and ready for presents...

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Olaf update for yesterday, December 6:

The sneaky little elf was found sitting in the tree with 2 ornaments, one for each boy!

Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!