Sunday, August 31, 2014

Mommy Ramblings: Dear Whispy Baby Hair and Bald Spots

I hate you!

You are hereby given notice that the undersigned is terminating your tenancy of the premises located at the temples of my hairline, where you have taken up residency on a month to month basis under the lease dated approximately February 2009 between Jess, the unwilling landlord, and Awful-Pregnancy Indcued-Whispy Baby Hair, as tenant. This termination is effective immediately...unless you start growing out and covering up the Pregnancy-Induced Bald Spots that reside right beside you.

If you fail to meet the terms outlined above, the undersigned will be forced to begin eviction proceedings against you and/or ensue any and all other relief permitted under the Right to Good Hair Act. Landlord is willing and able to use any hair growing techniques to ensure your untimely demise.

Thank you for you anticipated cooperation in this matter, I look forward to proceeding amicably.




I know I'm not the only person out there who suffers from these awful bald spots and subsequently the awful whispy baby hairs!! Can I get a hallelujah sister?!!


Saturday, August 30, 2014

New Bedtime Stories

After getting through the first two weeks of school, I finally decided our book selection just wasn't cutting it for Ethan's required 10 minutes a day of reading. So off we went bright and early this morning to pick out new, more challenging books for the kindergartner who is really a 2nd grade reader! I let him pick out a beginner chapter book (gah I know chapter books really???) and then a Level 3 reader...and of course Carter needed a new book...I will let you guess which he picked.

After the book store Ethan insisted he needed an alarm clock. Geez this kid seems to just continuously acting like a 30 year old in a 5 (almost 6) year old body! Target did not disappoint us in having the perfect alarm clock for a child growing up way too fast!!

As luck would have it our Saturday has shaped up to be fun and relaxing!

Hope you are having a great start to your Labor Day weekend!!


Mommy Ramblings: Say What???

Trevor: "Babe your butt looks GOOD!"
Me: "Say What?!"

Yep, that is what my husband has been telling me these days! Yippee!!! I never expect those words to come out of his mouth, and no it's never in a passionate moment so I know he means it. I don't think he would say it if he didn't actually think it. The funniest part of all is I have not had a second of time to work out in the past it must be my morning stretching that is paying off!

I feel like I haven't written a post in a century. I always seem to start the month strong with good intentions of being better at consistency, and then life happens. Or, in the case of August...trial happens...which lead to late working hours and no sleep. And then Ethan started school and the other two pipsqueaks moved into new routines at their preschool. I have NO idea how all those bloggers out there find time to write every day and still complete all their regular life duties. It's an envy and a goal I have.

Ok so back to my lack of working out...ha ha! Now that August is coming to a close, trial ended on Thursday and I think we are starting to figure out the new school morning routines...I should be getting back on track with my workouts and eating habits. I have an end-of-the-year goal that I am DETERMINED to reach!! I'm not going to reveal much about it on here yet, but I promise as I progress towards my goal I will let y'all know!!

Time to get back on track...maybe I need some inspiration from everyone out there who seems to manage it all!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Mommy Ramblings: Favorite Moment

As a parent the first day of kindergarten is not for the timid.

Yesterday Ethan started elementary school, seemingly out of nowhere. The morning was a bit chaotic with all the parents and kids, but it ended sweetly with Mrs. Grange reading The Kissing Hand. Sitting on that rainbow square rug with Ethan on his first day of school was undoubtedly a favorite moment I will hold on to for the rest of my life.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Mommy Ramblings: Emotional Non-Eater

It never ceases to amaze me how my body's emotional state effects how I eat. This has been a really stressful summer to be perfectly honest. I have constantly been stressed out. Stressed to the point I never seem to be very hungry. Does anyone else know what I'm talking about? This emotional non-eating is definitely a genetic trait I inherited from my mother. I get stressed, I lose my appetite.

Too often I find my emotions are driving my eating habits. Stress = not eating; happy = cake; PMS = potato chips or chocolate; bored = any snacks I can get my hands on. Know what I mean?? I know there are other people out there who get like this too...

I'm shifting my attitude today. It's Monday so I can change the way I've been allowing myself to deal with stress at work. I've made my lunch and cut up a cup of watermelon for that 2pm snack! Here is to hoping I can refocus my emotional non-eating!!

AND instead of allowing myself to be "bored", today I'm going to try reading and see if that helps the bored snacking in the evening that seems to come with the work stress not eating.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Happy 6 Months Daxton

Happy August and happy 6 months of life to one of the little/big loves of my life! This little guy has captured my heart just as his brothers did before him. Daxton is the sweetest, happiest baby ever. He is all smiles and giggles and has had such and easy going disposition.

At 6 months Daxton Stats:

Height: 27 inches - Weight: 16lbs 10oz - Loves: tummy time and "swimming" or trying to crawl while playing on the floor; loves playing with plush colorful toys; puts almost everything in his mouth - Starting to fall asleep on his own - Wakes up at 7 am (most days) - eats at 7, 10, 1, 4 & 7 on most days - Eats about 5-6oz each feeding - So far he likes green beans, avocado, peaches - Hates rice cereal - Sleeps almost through the night (we wake up between 2 & 3 still) - Wears 6-9 month clothing - LOVES his bath time and looking at the baby in the mirror - babbles and coos like crazy - blows raspberries - rolls everywhere he wants to go - wants to play with his big brothers so bad.

Blessings to you all!!


Friday, August 15, 2014

Mommy Ramblings: City Living

So like usual I have fallen off my wagon of posting regular blogs! And while there are stories of the pipsqueaks that could fill many a blog entry and will continue to do so. Those little boys fill my days with such an array of emotions and activities that I need a place to capture the memories (and vent)as to all the goings on in our crazy little world...hence why the "Mommy Ramblings" started!

I don't exactly consider Reno a huge city or really much of what the rest of the world would consider a city at all; but it is bigger than a little cow town. I definitely have a love/hate relationship with urban life. Now compared to real cities, Reno is nothing. It's fairly small and manageable surrounded by the mountains on all sides, which is what has kept me here all these years. We live in a cute little neighborhood and my kids are zoned for good schools. During the summer there are lots of things to do...we can go float the Truckee River (when it's more than just a little stream); July is Artown and movies in the park; and, something new we have discovered this summer is Foodtruck Friday at Idlewild Park. I feel like an urban-mama and being part of the hustle-bustle of a city when we go do these kinds of things.

Ethan starts kindergarten on Monday...super excited and super sad all at once!! More to come on that!

Happy Friday!


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Movie Night

Tonight we spent a splendid evening at our own personal screening of Planes at the Bradshaw Nook.

After a whirlwind Thursday we just wanted to have a relaxing evening at home.

The movie kept us in stitches, it was undeniably enjoyed by all! Even though the kids have seen it 100 time, I had not.

We enjoyed popcorn and shockingly the boys didn't ask for soda, instead they asked for milk. (I die) It was definitely a memorable evening and one of the best mommy-boys night we've had in a good long while. We can't wait for tomorrow when Papa and Yaya arrive first thing in the morning!


Mommy Ramblings: Just Live

I am constantly trying to be healthier and just LIVE! I am constantly trying to figure out what works and what's realistic for me being a working mom. Let's be honest for a quick minute - we all get stressed every now and then, often that manifests physically - at least it does for me. I worked 116 hours this last two weeks and need to really slow it down. My goal for August is to keep stress in check and work on staying in tune with myself: body, spirit and mind, oh and all those little voices in my head...don't act like I'm the only one that has those!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Fishin' Dreams...Ruined By Rain

Epic fail. Fishin' dream ruined by the nonstop rainy weather we have been blessed with the past few days. I was hoping to take the kids to the Crystal Peak Park mill pond to go fishing. But the best laid plans are always laughed at by mother nature.

What should have been this:

Turned into this:

Hopefully we can try again before the summer comes to a close because the boys (big and little) love to have at least one fishing story per year to tell. So far the only "fishing" story we have for Summer 2014 is Ethan's field trip experience where they caught a duck instead of a fish!!

Despite all the rain, it was a fun evening shopping at Target.


Elaborate Plans

We are putting plans in place for our much anticipated and still secret Legoland trip! We have been studying the lay of Legoland for the past few months, trying to figure out what days to do what.

Last year for our Disneyland trip the pipsqueaks all had customized Disney t's, so it is a must that they have little Lego ensembles for the days in San Diego. I fully plan on getting some Lego fabric for pj bottoms and probably custom T's...

I'm so excited I might burst!!


Family Fun Fun Fun

Get a load of our cute family! Remember all those TV families? They definitely don't have anything on us! Truth be told we love going to visit our family in Sacramento and have to soak up every minute of our visit since they happen too few and far between.

So in a day and half...just that short of time...we chatted, caught up on the happenings and goings on of the Bradshaws. Aunt Sandy also had knee replacement surgery and Uncle Greg has been taking care of her and Grandma, so we decided to give them all a break by cooking dinner and making things as easy for them as possible.

We also were puzzle doing fools! The kids got a box set of Ninja Turtle puzzles that Ethan had put together in two minutes flat, the adult puzzle took us a little longer, but the 300 piece finished product was well worth the time.

Even though the visit was short every minute we get to spend with them is worth it. Our grandparents are getting older and even though I like to think I've convinced myself they will live forever, I know they won't, so getting to capture the precious moments of our kids with them is priceless.


Sacramento Weekend Getaway

We spent the weekend soaking up the heat in sunny Sacramento on our annual zoo trip. We always love getting to visit Aunt Sandy and Great Grandma, this year we got a bonus with Uncle Greg being there too.

We decided to just make it a laid back day at the zoo since it was so hot and the kids have been there several times over the years. So we took some silly pictures...

We fed the giraffes...

As tradition dictates we rode the carousel and the train to complete our zoo experience...

How on earth is it already August?? Until next year Sacramento Zoo...


Year 32 Is On!!

We opened our August with a BIG celebration! Trevor's birthday is August 1...and year 32 opened with a bang!

We gathered 30 of our closest friends at Marietta's Mexican Restaurant in South Reno. It was good food, good drinks and good company. The server brought out a huge sombrero and fried ice cream and the mariachi band played "Happy Birthday"

I think the kids had more fun with the sombrero than Trevor did. Happy 32 to the most amazing husband and dad in the world!

Hope all of you had a fun start to your August!


Mommy Ramblings: Hi Mom

It's just me, your first born. I've been blogging off and on for the past 6 years. Before you ask (because I know you will even though I've reminded you of this a million times) blog is short for weblog and mine is about our crazy little family of 5!

I just wanted to remind you that it's here for your reading pleasure!

No, I'm not consistent, even though I'd love to be!

No, I don't write about the same subject each time!!

Just take a little glance at it every now and then so you can be in the know with all our other two readers, lol!!


your oldest daughter

P.S. The kids miss you and need another sleepover at Nonna's, that would be so much fun!!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Mommy Ramblings: I Want to Reconnect With You!

This post is exactly as the title states...a rambling! My mind has been going 500 mph this past month. I've got loads of errands to run with school about to start! I'm trying to not let the stress of my "to do" list overwhelm me, and start that "I quit before I even start" attitude. I know I can do it and I know I don't have to be Super Woman. I just need to prioritize...list the things I MUST do and include my work out because that is good for my mental state, lol! I need to remember not to compromise on that because keeping myself healthy is as important as taking care of the things and people around me. Lacing up those tennis shoes and going...just as soon as I get those kiddos in bed later tonight.

Switching gears, I wanted to touch on the happenings and goings on of the past few weekends...some of which have been seriously awesome. McQueen High School Class of 2004 celebrated their 10 year reunion two weekends ago. It was fun to how much people have changed (or not) in the past decade. It was so much fun to reconnect with old friends and hear about their lives since graduation...some are married, some have kids others do not. Some have gone to grad school, others have moved all around the country.

Meeting up with the girls I cheered with and were closest to during that transitional part of life was a hoot. We crashed Natalie's sons' 2nd birthday party the day after the reunion and I'm so glad I did! I missed those girls so much and how much fun we all had together. I told Natalie that I hope she was ready to hang out as much as possible because now that we have reconnected it was forever, lol! This past weekend Natalie and her husband joined us for Trevor's 32nd birthday! I'm so glad we have reconnected and I hope we are able to establish a relationship as adults and families!!

Anyone else that I didn't get a chance to really chat with please let's chat, talk about life, motherhood, being a name it I'd love to reconnect!

Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!