Monday, January 6, 2014

Friday in the Nook - After the Holidays

I don't want to bore you all with anymore Christmas/Holiday pictures so I will spare you one of the house torn to shreds by wrapping paper, empty boxes and toys!! Just know that I think I will have anxiety for a year anticipating the chaos December 2014 will bring!!

While I cherish the memories I will always hold of the kids' faces on Christmas morning, the aftermath is just crazy!!

Like I said previously I cannot wait for what 2014 has in store for us. We got to start our first weekend of the new year with visitors from Vegas!! Trevor's mom, dad, sister and niece and nephew made the 7 hour trek to Reno to be here for my Diaper Party! They arrived in the wee hours of the morning on the 3rd, and stayed until yesterday afternoon! I LOVE LOVE LOVE watching the kiddos play together. Ethan is starting to get into the "too cool" stage and refused 90% of the time to play with Madison and Carter. It makes me sad that my little man is getting so big. I think between the 3 "big" kids they all walked away with scrapes and bruises from wrestling, sword fighting and just being near each other in general. I'm not sure how Bronson fared since he's the littlest little...I'm sure the bigger kids managed to get him in all the WWE that was going on in the Bradshaw Nook this weekend.

I don't have any picture of the choas uploaded at the moment, but when I do get it all ready I will be sure to update this post so you can be a part of all the mayhem!!

I feel like 2014 came sweeping in and let me tell you there are a million and one things on my "want to do" list for this year! We are 6 days into the year and let me tell you it's already been a blast. I am so excited to share the moments with all of you! There is a list of books I hope to get through this year, a list of movies I want to see, a list of date nights with my handsome husband that will be happening, a baby to welcome, and probably 5,000 picture I need to get into baby books!

I am so invigorated to spend quality time with my littles and my love! I haven't been this excited for life in a LONG time, I hadn't even realized I had become complacent in my interests or that I was just floating through each day until I woke up with this vigor! This contagious energy is spilling into everything!! Tune in later for more on the Diaper Party and the shenanigans we have planned for Family Time tonight!

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Silly Bio

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I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!