Friday, January 10, 2014

Dribble It, Pass It...

I have had an absolute blast coaching cheerleading this year at Reed High School. The one thing that has been the hardest though is being away from the kids so much. On Tuesday, Ethan had a field trip to High Ballocity at Coconut Bowl, so I thought it would be perfect to pick him up and have him go to a basketball game with me at Reed. It would be a fun little Mommy-Ethan outing!

Little did I know he was going to make it through all 3 games, that is 6 hours of basketball games (if you were wondering)!! He literally talked through the entire first game, asking questions about how many points you get when you score; why did she only get 1 point for that basket; how do you get 3 points?! I was certain that I would be calling Trevor at any point after the JV game to come get him, but nope. He got so excited to see the Varsity girls!! As soon as they lined up for their first game he was "slow motion" running behind them on the bleachers, holding their poms, having the best time ever...then he tripped and swore he broke his leg! That ended the playing on the bleachers and began our Angry Birds Star Wars marathon.

He made it through the Varsity boys game as well, he followed two of my senior girls around...they didn't seem to mind, or at least they were good sports about it. He definitely has a little crush on both Lauren and Ashley.

At the end of the night we headed off to McDonald's for dinner. I kept telling him how good he was at the games and how happy it made me that he went with me. He said, "Mom, stop talking about's giving me headache!" At that point I nearly died from holding back the laughter. He must have had a really good time though, because he asked if Trevor would be taking them to the games tonight at McQueen. I sure hope so, it definitely made having to be away from home a lot more fun!

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Silly Bio

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I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!