Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Beating the Winter Blues

We continue to have the strangest weather here in Reno, we are talking mid to high 50's during the day and then 20's at night. Since it's only January the sun is still setting way too early for us to enjoy time at the park. We will not and cannot complain though, because we are so thankful for our warm, cozy home, plenty of yummy food and snacks and Mommy and Daddys' creative ways to entertain during family time.

Most of the time our family time ends up with us all snuggled up on the couch watching a million and one cartoons before bedtime. As part of our New Year's "Resolutions" we want to make our family time memorable - - take the kids on outings and have adventures with them they will remember in 10 years! Obviously we can't do it every night, but we are working on it! On Monday, I was really hoping to get off early and surprise the kids with a trip to Starbucks for hot coco and cake pops, unfortunately my schedule didn't permit the early exit. So, we decided it would be a fun treat for after dinner. We loaded the littles up, refusing to tell them where we were going...when we pulled into the parking lot they still had NO idea where we were.

When we walked in and I told them we were getting hot coco and they could pick any flavor of cake pop they wanted their eyes lit up. After much debate, Ethan picked salted caramel and Carter picked chocolate. Anyone who knows that child will not be surprised by his selection!

After we all finished our treats we moseyed on over to the fireplace and sipped our hot coco by the fire. The kids were fascinated by the giant stone hearth, both kept telling us it was making their faces hot!

Do I expect them to remember a random trip to Starbucks in 10 years from now?? No, as I know there will be a million trips similar, but what I do hope is that when they look back at all their childhood memories they remember we didn't just plant them in front of the TV and leave them to fend for themselves. I hope they look back with fondness and remember how much fun Trevor and I try to make each day!

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Silly Bio

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I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!