Wednesday, January 15, 2014

My Reading Obsession {Mary Poppins She Wrote}

Ever since I picked up Zeitoun a few months ago I have been a reading fanatic. Two weeks ago Trevor took me to see Saving Mr. Banks, where I learned the film was based on the author of Mary Poppins, P.L Travers' life. I instantly HAD to get my hands on the book...

Mary Poppins She Wrote by Valerie Lawson is my latest read. I have been trying to savor the pages as she disects Mrs. Travers' characters and analyzes each one to fit the characters written in the beloved Mary Poppins books.

While I am well aware that books never exactly translate in to movies I do have to say so far translating a biography onto the silver screen in Saving Mr. Banks has been spot on. I loved the movie...but any movie with Tom Hanks in it is a good one in my book!!

I am not trying to write a review for either the book or the movie, but if you love the story of Mary Poppins I do recommend both!

Beating the Winter Blues

We continue to have the strangest weather here in Reno, we are talking mid to high 50's during the day and then 20's at night. Since it's only January the sun is still setting way too early for us to enjoy time at the park. We will not and cannot complain though, because we are so thankful for our warm, cozy home, plenty of yummy food and snacks and Mommy and Daddys' creative ways to entertain during family time.

Most of the time our family time ends up with us all snuggled up on the couch watching a million and one cartoons before bedtime. As part of our New Year's "Resolutions" we want to make our family time memorable - - take the kids on outings and have adventures with them they will remember in 10 years! Obviously we can't do it every night, but we are working on it! On Monday, I was really hoping to get off early and surprise the kids with a trip to Starbucks for hot coco and cake pops, unfortunately my schedule didn't permit the early exit. So, we decided it would be a fun treat for after dinner. We loaded the littles up, refusing to tell them where we were going...when we pulled into the parking lot they still had NO idea where we were.

When we walked in and I told them we were getting hot coco and they could pick any flavor of cake pop they wanted their eyes lit up. After much debate, Ethan picked salted caramel and Carter picked chocolate. Anyone who knows that child will not be surprised by his selection!

After we all finished our treats we moseyed on over to the fireplace and sipped our hot coco by the fire. The kids were fascinated by the giant stone hearth, both kept telling us it was making their faces hot!

Do I expect them to remember a random trip to Starbucks in 10 years from now?? No, as I know there will be a million trips similar, but what I do hope is that when they look back at all their childhood memories they remember we didn't just plant them in front of the TV and leave them to fend for themselves. I hope they look back with fondness and remember how much fun Trevor and I try to make each day!

Big Love? Missing it BIG Time

Well, it's official, I miss Big Love big time!!

Somehow I have managed to move on since HBO decided to end my beloved show, but lately I find myself on Sunday nights wishing it was on. Lucky for me Trevor bought me all 5 seasons on DVD...I just need to track down the Season 1 box so I can catch up with this quirky family.

Oh how I have missed Barb's biting one-liners, Nikki's mean-girl behavior and Margene in general. I think I know what I will be doing while I fold baby clothes tonight!!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Seahawks, Bully's and Time with Daddy

Trevor and I have been talking a lot about making it a point to spend one-on-one time with each kid, especially since their world is about to be disrupted by another baby. Trevor decided he wanted to take Ethan to Bully's for a special Daddy-Ethan Day! Ethan decided awhile ago that the Seattle Seahawks were his favorite football team mainly because he loves their colors.

We didn't anticipate Ethan would last long at Bully's watching a football game, we just didn't think he'd be that into it! But, as most kids do, he surprised us!! He lasted until the 3rd quarter and had a blast!! Daddy gave hime $4 worth of quarters to play in the arcade...he brought home 4 little miniature football players. He told me the intent was to get a Seahawk player but after four tries he was unsuccessful, however, those football guys are our newest fave!!!

I love how involved my husband is with the kids and I can't wait to see how things evolve as they get older and are able to have more daddy days doing the things they both love!

Friday Night Lights

I got another special treat this week!! I know football is over so don't let the title of this fool season is just kicking off, so think of that as gym lights!! you all know Ethan came to 6 hours of basketball games on Tuesday, well the whole crew came to 4 hours of basketball games on Friday!!

Reed played McQueen at McQueen so Trevor loaded the boys up and brought them to the games! They were in 7th Heaven!! Carter gets passed from girl to girl, they gave him lots of treats and special attention. While Ethan got to see his crush again and play with one of Trevor's co-worker's daughters.

I am really hoping the family will continue to make the basketball games family time because football season didn't see the Bradshaw crew as much as I hoped!! I can't wait to see if this week I get my loves supporting the Reed Raiders!!!

Thursday Night at Baby's 'R Us

Trevor and I scooted out of the house Thursday evening to pick up the littles and take them to Red Robin for dinner. After that we decided that 12 boxes of baby clothes weren't enough so we went shopping!

After fueling up we started out on our whirlwind shopping trip at Baby's 'R Us. I can't let this new little come home in a hand-me-down outfit. I know that sounds caddy or just plain stuck up, but I want each of my kids to have their own outfit to pass onto their first baby!

In true Bradshaw style this little bundle of joy will be coming home in a little baseball layette, just has his two brothers before him did!!

January Birthday Wishes

The Bradshaws want to take the time to wish all of our family and friends who have birthdays this month HaPpY BiRtHdAy!!

To all of our kind, smart, wonderful family and friends who are celebrating turning a year older this month we hope you love your cards (if I can ever have 5 minutes to finish them up) and know that the Bradshaws are thinking of you and love you!!

Wish we could celebrate with each of you!!

xoxo - The Bradshaws

Calling All Superheroes...To a Tea Party

I am a sun and summer kind of girl. Trees without leaves, cold windy days and that awful stuff we call snow are not a few of my favorite things. That being said, the kids still want to play and have fun things to do for our nightly family time. But what do you do with two littles when the sun sets at 5 pm and it's 20 degrees outside??

The Bradshaws have a Superhero Tea Party. I know what you're thinking...but Jessica you have boys!! Oh that does not stop one from dressing up as a crime fighting, ninja and enjoying a cup of hot apple cider!! I don't let the kids drink tea so their choices were hot coco or apple cider, of course they each picked the opposite! Nonetheless we had a blast!!

I see many more superhero parties in our future!!

Diaper Shower

Last Saturday my amazing cousin threw me a Diaper Party! I didn't want a traditional shower for many reasons, starting with the fact that this is my third pregnancy and my THIRD boy!! Had this been a girl, that may have been a different story as to Baby Shower v. Diaper Party.

The attendees included my mother-in-law and sister-in-law; my mom andparty.sister; my aunts and cousins; and some really good friends! I can't thank everyone enough for coming from near and far for the party!

Michaela made quite the spread of food from mini quiches to homemade raspberry rolls. The ONE thing I was addicted to was the brownie dip and the animal crackers. It was the most addicting thing ever!!!

Again...THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES to everyone who came and contributed to the party.

While the girls were at the party the boys were busy finishing up the Super Hero room, hanging shelves and adding in the finishing touches. We have 2 amazing handmade superhero shields that Aunt Tara made the boys left to hang...which maybe after we get the nursery finished today we can get those up on the shelves.

Last weekend brought wonderful memories and probably a years worth of diapers!!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Dribble It, Pass It...

I have had an absolute blast coaching cheerleading this year at Reed High School. The one thing that has been the hardest though is being away from the kids so much. On Tuesday, Ethan had a field trip to High Ballocity at Coconut Bowl, so I thought it would be perfect to pick him up and have him go to a basketball game with me at Reed. It would be a fun little Mommy-Ethan outing!

Little did I know he was going to make it through all 3 games, that is 6 hours of basketball games (if you were wondering)!! He literally talked through the entire first game, asking questions about how many points you get when you score; why did she only get 1 point for that basket; how do you get 3 points?! I was certain that I would be calling Trevor at any point after the JV game to come get him, but nope. He got so excited to see the Varsity girls!! As soon as they lined up for their first game he was "slow motion" running behind them on the bleachers, holding their poms, having the best time ever...then he tripped and swore he broke his leg! That ended the playing on the bleachers and began our Angry Birds Star Wars marathon.

He made it through the Varsity boys game as well, he followed two of my senior girls around...they didn't seem to mind, or at least they were good sports about it. He definitely has a little crush on both Lauren and Ashley.

At the end of the night we headed off to McDonald's for dinner. I kept telling him how good he was at the games and how happy it made me that he went with me. He said, "Mom, stop talking about's giving me headache!" At that point I nearly died from holding back the laughter. He must have had a really good time though, because he asked if Trevor would be taking them to the games tonight at McQueen. I sure hope so, it definitely made having to be away from home a lot more fun!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Dreadful Hormones

I will be the first person to admit that when I was pregnant with Carter I was an evil witch. I could not get my hormones in check and I would yell and fight and scream at the drop of a hat. I felt like I was better with this pregnancy, things didn't upset me as quick. But man do I cry at EVERYTHING!!!

On Sunday afternoon I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown because the nursery is nowhere near ready for a little bundle of joy to occupy it. I have not opened a single box of baby clothes to wash and hang...I couldn't even tell you if this child has clothes at this point. I have absolutely NO clue where the bottles are...definitely going to need them...but they are MIA. At least we managed to get the carseat in my car, and yes, all 3 fit in the backseat of my Subaru Legacy...please do not ask how because I'm not sure how Trevor managed it, but they are in and everyone will be safe!

I have been trying very hard to hold my emotions in check. I don't know how much longer I will be able to manage, especially when I get asked "How much longer?" or "When are you due?" I am sure these innocent inquirers are not intending to be rude, but all I hear is "OMG you are huge, when is that baby going to pop out of you?" But my favorite thing people have been saying, which again I'm sure is not meant to pull on my irrational heartstrings, is "You look so tired and ready to pop!" Thank you, I am aware that I look like hell warmed over, please do not rub that one in anymore.

I know that sounds ridiculous and I do have a flare for the dramatic but at this stage of the game these dreadful hormones are raging and you never know who will be the victim of making a pregnant woman sob and sob. Just know that if this happens I am sorry in advance, eventually I will pull it together and somewhere in the not so distant future this hormone roller coaster will be over!!

32-36 Weeks:

Monday, January 6, 2014

Friday in the Nook - After the Holidays

I don't want to bore you all with anymore Christmas/Holiday pictures so I will spare you one of the house torn to shreds by wrapping paper, empty boxes and toys!! Just know that I think I will have anxiety for a year anticipating the chaos December 2014 will bring!!

While I cherish the memories I will always hold of the kids' faces on Christmas morning, the aftermath is just crazy!!

Like I said previously I cannot wait for what 2014 has in store for us. We got to start our first weekend of the new year with visitors from Vegas!! Trevor's mom, dad, sister and niece and nephew made the 7 hour trek to Reno to be here for my Diaper Party! They arrived in the wee hours of the morning on the 3rd, and stayed until yesterday afternoon! I LOVE LOVE LOVE watching the kiddos play together. Ethan is starting to get into the "too cool" stage and refused 90% of the time to play with Madison and Carter. It makes me sad that my little man is getting so big. I think between the 3 "big" kids they all walked away with scrapes and bruises from wrestling, sword fighting and just being near each other in general. I'm not sure how Bronson fared since he's the littlest little...I'm sure the bigger kids managed to get him in all the WWE that was going on in the Bradshaw Nook this weekend.

I don't have any picture of the choas uploaded at the moment, but when I do get it all ready I will be sure to update this post so you can be a part of all the mayhem!!

I feel like 2014 came sweeping in and let me tell you there are a million and one things on my "want to do" list for this year! We are 6 days into the year and let me tell you it's already been a blast. I am so excited to share the moments with all of you! There is a list of books I hope to get through this year, a list of movies I want to see, a list of date nights with my handsome husband that will be happening, a baby to welcome, and probably 5,000 picture I need to get into baby books!

I am so invigorated to spend quality time with my littles and my love! I haven't been this excited for life in a LONG time, I hadn't even realized I had become complacent in my interests or that I was just floating through each day until I woke up with this vigor! This contagious energy is spilling into everything!! Tune in later for more on the Diaper Party and the shenanigans we have planned for Family Time tonight!

Thankful for Family

The holidays are wrapped up and while we tend to eat like kings on those days, part of our goal this year is to be better about actually eating at home versus buying dinner or microwaving dinner. So on Thursday we had Nonna (mom) over for dinner! We feasted on baked chicken, wild rice, corn and corn bread...pretty fancy dinner for a Thursday night!! One of the best parts of the evening...THE KIDS ATE THEIR FOOD!!!

As I watch my mom with my kids and how much love and fun they have together I am reminded that life is good. We are so blessed to have such amazing family around us.

Later that night, or I should say in the wee hours of the morning of the 3rd, Trevor's mom, dad, sister and her kids arrived for the weekend. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the time we get with them. It never seems to be long enough! I can't complain too much though, this little munchkin should be making his appearance anytime and they will be back here when that happens!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Eve Celebration

We rang in 2014 with the best game night ever! We invited really good friends and family over to celebrate, play games and ring in the new year. Not to mention it was mine and Trevors' 3rd wedding anniversary!!

While all the children were content playing in the playroom and the boys' bedroom, the adults were having a battle of the sexes playing Logo Party and Smart Ass.

I had fully intended on decking out the house in gold and silver, but time was not on my side this year so we just made due with our twinkle lights and pizza from Costco. I can't thank everyone enough for the food/drink contributions they made!

In true New Year's tradition we had the TV tuned into Times Square, we counted down...forgot to pull out the champagne and sparkling cider, smooched our honeys, and welcomed the new year and all the possibilities of twenty fourteen!

What the Brashaws are looking forward to in 2014:

1. New addition to our family - - Crazy 4 will become Wild 5!!
2. Continuing our remodel/home improvements
3. More date nights and quality time for Trevor and Jess
4. More family time and activities
5. Being fit and healthy
6. Being the best we can be

Happy New Year to you and yours, and the happiest of anniversaries to my AMAZING husband!!

xoxo - Jess

Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!