Sunday, November 10, 2013

To Connect or Not

Oh internet, you great connector you. You have made everyone in the universe virtually just a click away...for better or worse.

I am thrilled by the way social media has allowed me the option to connect our family with family and friends all over the country. I get excited when someone I haven't seen or spoken to in years comments on a blog post or a picture of the kids!

But what about when you don't want to connect or even better yet there has to be etiquette to posting on social media. Trevor and I have been to several wedding in the last 5 years and only one bride asked that nobody use their smart phones to post photos or videos to the plethora of social media outlets...that's why they pay a videographer and photographer!!

We went to a wedding yesterday and multiple people were filming different aspects of the event on their phones, snapping picture right and left which got me to thinking about my cousins wedding a couple months ago when the wedding ceremony hadn't even ended and there were 300 photos posted on Facebook. This doesn't just apply to weddings...when Carter was born a picture of him had been posted to Facebook by a family member before I was even in recovery. Am I just old-fashioned in thinking that should be up to the couple/family to post video and photos to facebook?

Now don't get me wrong I have been able to politely deflect and happily embrace all the different online connections. I tell myself that not all periods of life lend themselves to nostalgia or even need to be shared. I love where the internet has taken us, especially lessening the degrees of separation as I want my friends and family far and near to be a part of our family. I just can't help but wonder if sometimes we're all just a little too available.

1 comment:

  1. I like that the internet provides me with a way to curate my life for different audiences. Facebook sucks for accidentally letting people see the wrong things, but they're getting better with things like timeline review and tag review. I maintain so many different social media accounts that I am always aware of who my audience is whenever I post something, allow something, or delete I feel like being in control of the image you present is a responsibility that everyone who uses the internet has. It's interesting to me that people don't seem to realize that they choose what and how people see into their lives, you know? It's the main thing I think about when posting things anywhere: how are the people I care about going to react to this or that. Like I said, I feel like I'm curating. It's not about just letting my personal life explode into the social world, it's about deciding which parts are important enough to share.

    Anyway, sorry about the rant. This was a good post!


Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!