Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Sniffles, Snores and Giggles Oh My!

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These little bugs have the dreaded summer into fall cold; Trevor and I have it off and on depending on the day!! I mean it makes sense that we'd all have it given the season and the amount of playing we do outdoors. At least Trevor can take some Theraflu or haven't seen pitiful until you've been around a pregnant girl and her two children who can't breathe through their nose and there isn't anything we can take for it! Ok, that might be a slight exaggeration of how sick we actually are, but nontheless Carter Bug did end up with a croup diagnosis Monday morning. So humidifiers it is!

The past few nights (since Saturday) they boys have been transitioning into sleeping in the same room. There have cerntainly been ups and downs to this transition, mostly Carter wanting to play instead of lay down and sleep! But what better time to transition than when we all have sniffley noses (or croup), right before the holidays and in the midst of all the other craziness we have going on in the Bradshaw Nook! We are in full focus here!

I can honestly say it only took two really bad nights of playing and destroying Ethan's tidy room before Carter actually just wanted to lay down and go to sleep for the night. I am not one to keep score on these types of things, kids share rooms all the time without issue but I would say this is a win! Trevor and I thought we'd never get peace after the 500 trips down the hall to scold and lay the two year old back down! Not that we minded it but it gets exhausting hearing the five year old whine and complain that his brother was playing with the lamp yet again!!

I do get to giggling a little everytime I hear them giggling and playing together. It makes me so happy that in spite of the normal sibling angst my kids seem to actually prefer to sleep in the same room and enjoy each others' company.


xoxo -

The Bradshaws

**ps. I'm not sure why this picture won't flip, so enjoy it upside down**

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Silly Bio

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I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!