Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The One I Call Mom

When I was engaged I had several friends and/or aquaintences that were getting married as well. It amazed me how many of them had distant relationships with their moms. Whether it be they didn't speak or just didn't feel that their mom was the fussy wedding planning type. All I could think of was "well my mom isn't the fussy wedding planning type either, but she will still be the one telling me how beautiful I look on that day." And she did.

On my wedding day my mom fussed with my veil and my train, she hit the dance floor with all of our friends and relatives, and even chased Ethan around when it was necessary. She dragged me over to her friends' table to show off her grown-up daughter, popped the champagne at midnight (or maybe sooner) to celebrate the New Year, and she didn't for one second make my day anything but better. And I didn't think twice about it because that's what she does, that's what she's always done. She's been making my days better since I have had days.

My mom is beautiful and smart and extremely accomplished. She is happy to get down on the floor and wrestle with my boys, and she even makes us dinner almost every Sunday! I really believe she knows how much we love her and how thankful we are for her. But everyone should hear how loved and amazing we think they are, so for her birthday (which was yesterday)I made a little list of things I may have never told her:

Dear Mom,

Thank you for making me stick out cheerleading in high school, even though I threw multiple temper tantrums and came home from practice everyday complaining how much I hated it. It really did help shape the person I've become today.

Thank you for never passing judgment on my friendships and/or relationships, even when they were all wrong for me. I eventually figured it out, but I guess you knew I would.

Thank you for taking my daily calls and listening to me speak incesently for the last 27 years.

Thank you for always telling me I should follow my dreams, even when - no especially when I'm doing anything but that.

Thank you for always being such a strong independent woman because it forced me to do the same.

Thank you for letting me do my own thing, even when it was so different from anything you would have done...theater, cheerleading, sewing.

Thank you for standing by your beliefs. The older I get, the more this one thing about you teaches me not to make assumptions or cavalier judgments.

Thank you for always making your home the place that we can come to.

Thank you for being the first person I knew to have email, and for buying me a laptop back when they were so much more expensive than the desktops. You have always known your way around a computer, and that is impressive.

Thank you for loving my husband and being an awesome Nonna to my kids.

Thank you for being a working mom in a way that worked. I know of no other mom whose clients fly them on private planes and occupies the corner office. I’m so proud of you, and I’m not sure I’ve ever made that clear.

Love you Mom and Happy Birthday!!!

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Silly Bio

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I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!