Thursday, November 21, 2013

Snowy Morning In Reno

I clearly have not been doing as good of job this week of updating as last week.

It was snowing here this morning, and while I did manage to get myself and the kids dressed and out the door, I longed for a day of pj's, hot coco, and movies.

Don't they just look so thrilled having to be all bundled up like that?! In fact Carter refused to wear his hood so I'm sure his ears were cold!

I know that it is almost the end of November and we have been SOOOOO very lucky to have beautiful weather thus far, but for some reason I'm just not ready for snowy mornings and icy roads! It's so much easier to get up in the mornings when the sun is shining and it is going to be warm outside. The grey = melancholy.

In the same breath though I am so excited for the holiday season, we have so many fun things planned to do as a family and for the kids. I can't wait to share them all with you!! We've really stepped up our game with fun family activities in the next month (maybe years) to come!

Hopefully everyone is staying's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Preparing To Travel With The Kids

I am not an expert on traveling with small children, but we have become accustomed to long roadtrips with the pipsqueaks. Not to mention the plethora of information and ideas you can find all over Pinterest and Google which do seem to help with ideas to get through any road trip.

For some reason though I always become a nervous wreck about a week before a trip. It's almost a given that at some point along the 450 mile drive to Las Vegas we will have two screaming children. Thankfully we have never had any real problems traveling whether it's driving or flying. I just prefer to have all systems in place so the pipqueaks are comfortable.

The Number 1 Rule of traveling with the Bradshaw Pipsqueaks:


We have discovered that this is the best line of defense in keeping them distracted and happy. We always have them pick out enough movies that they don't have to watch the same twice. Of course we have the typical bag of toys (which never seem to be played with), the diaper bag, and our snack bags, but those things just don't seem to distract them long enough to make a long trip seem short.

We are gearing up for our trek to Las Vegas next week for Thanksgiving. We are so excited and cannot wait to see our family! My fingers are crossed that the kids are as well behaved and ethralled in just watching movies as they were in September on our 1200 mile road trip!!

I will keep you all posed on how we do!!

Sunday in the Nook - Are You Ready For Some Holiday Cheer

It was a beautiful November day for Reno, the sun was shining, the wind was not blowing which lately we have to celebrate when that happens! Trevor decided we better take advantage of the sun because in this town it could go from sunny and warm to snowing and freezing!! So out came all of the Christmas boxes...we had a light fiasco last year with our lights not matching so we plugged them all in to make sure they still worked and to see what we needed to buy. Off to Home Depot we went!!

No we are not crazy Christmas least we pretend we are not!!

Oddly enough we were not the only people prematurely putting up our Christmas lights, spotted all over our neighborhood were Christmas lights going up! We have not and will not plug them in until after Thanksgiving...unfortunately for the other Christmas enthusiasts in our neightborhood did not get the memo!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Bradshaw Nook Weekly Ramble - First Edition

This has been a FABULOUS week, we have gotten so many things accomplished! I hope everyone out there is enjoying themselves keeping up with our crazy clan! The boys had shots today, which was quite the adventure, but both were very brave!

I know everyone is so busy these days and with the holdiays just around the corner it's only going to get busier. But sometimes we need a little distraction so here are few things to make you smile:


Ethan: Mommy, Griffin's mommy has a tattoo that can NEVER come off
Me: Ethan so does your mommy and your daddy.
Ethan: Can you PLEASE save me one of them?
Me: No it doens't work like that, they get put on with needles and it hurts.
Ethan: Well when can I get one?
Me: When you're 18!!!
Ethan: Well I think it will still hurt when I'm 18...I think I will get one when I'm 32!!!

[Sits straight up in bed] Mommy!! Can you believe Daddy is ALMOST 32?!!!

(I had tears streaming down my face, I was laughing so hard)


My very special Mother's Day gift from Ethan...I giggle everytime I look at it on my desk. He apparently sees me with a tiny body and BIG head...LOVE LOVE LOVE him!!

I'm almost done reading my first book in what seems like forever! I have really enjoyed forcing myself to have some downtime and pick up a book. Any suggestions for future reads are greatly appreciated!

Finally, tonight is Grey's Anatomy night...BEST night of the week!!! Look forward to my mini girl's night with Michaela every Thursday!

Happy rest of the week - xoxo - The Bradshaws

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Moment

I was in the elevator on my way up to my routine prenatal appointment when a little boy with his grandma got in the elevator with me. I was a little taken back by the fact that he was carrying a toy gun. With the events that continue to transpire across the country with children bringing guns to school and the devastating loss our own community suffered only a month ago I was just surprised to see a parental figure out in public with a small child and a toy gun.

I am sure I had disapproval written all over my face as the grandma ushered her grandson to the back of the elevator as quickly as she could. Mom always says I need to work on keeping my face neutral, I just haven't been able to master that task yet. Whenever I feel my disgust, or irritation mounting I have a bad habit of immediately pulling out my phone and either texting Trevor or Christina so they can share my sentiments. I'm sure it was obvious I was more than a little shocked.

As soon as the elevator stopped on the fourth floor I rushed off full of emotions that I can't explain even now. It made me so sad, so deeply sad. I am not anti-guns or against owning guns, I just feel like small children should be taught to respect them and how to handle them properly. I know this was just a toy but after what happened last month Trevor went through and removed all the guns from the toy box until he could have a real conversation with Ethan about them.

After my appointment I sat in my car a little haunted. These days it takes less than a second for a heart to shift.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Mop Tops to Buzz Cuts

People often use phrases like "the kids grow like weeds" to describe how tall their children have gotten or how fast it seems they grow. I use that phrase to describe how quickly the boys' hair grows! It seems that we cannot go longer than 6 weeks before we are sitting in the barber's chair! I know some people love longer, shaggier hair on their kids, but if I let my kids hair grow they would look like cousin It!

We've been going to Hollylocks for the past few years and we love it! It's not the cheapest haircut in town but the kids love to sit in the chair and watch the movies they play; the best part for them though is the lollipop they get at the end.

We hadn't cut the kids hair since the beginning of September so it was definitely time for a little hollywood-esque treatment! By the time we got there yesterday the place was PACKED! I should have known better, it being a holiday. I should have called ahead but we've never really needed to in the past...note to self call ahead next time!

Here are out BEFORE photos:

And here is after approximately 5 minutes of magic in the chair:

The kids happily picked color spray for their hair and let our favorite girl put gel in it. I alwawys try to do the kids hair in the mornings before school, but for some reason I can never get it to look as cute!

Now they look a little less like Beatle wannabes and little more like Superheros in the making!! Aren't they super cute?!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

To Connect or Not

Oh internet, you great connector you. You have made everyone in the universe virtually just a click away...for better or worse.

I am thrilled by the way social media has allowed me the option to connect our family with family and friends all over the country. I get excited when someone I haven't seen or spoken to in years comments on a blog post or a picture of the kids!

But what about when you don't want to connect or even better yet there has to be etiquette to posting on social media. Trevor and I have been to several wedding in the last 5 years and only one bride asked that nobody use their smart phones to post photos or videos to the plethora of social media outlets...that's why they pay a videographer and photographer!!

We went to a wedding yesterday and multiple people were filming different aspects of the event on their phones, snapping picture right and left which got me to thinking about my cousins wedding a couple months ago when the wedding ceremony hadn't even ended and there were 300 photos posted on Facebook. This doesn't just apply to weddings...when Carter was born a picture of him had been posted to Facebook by a family member before I was even in recovery. Am I just old-fashioned in thinking that should be up to the couple/family to post video and photos to facebook?

Now don't get me wrong I have been able to politely deflect and happily embrace all the different online connections. I tell myself that not all periods of life lend themselves to nostalgia or even need to be shared. I love where the internet has taken us, especially lessening the degrees of separation as I want my friends and family far and near to be a part of our family. I just can't help but wonder if sometimes we're all just a little too available.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Holiday Head Start

I am so excited about the three-day weekend this week!! I am so looking forward to starting our Christmas shopping (I'd like it done prior to the holiday rush)and more importly meeting with our friend and family photographer Kristi Bowman to go through our photoshoot we did last month to start designing this year's Christmas card. I am hoping to have these cards ready to be sent out the first weekend in December...I don't want to be late with them! Especially since I love coming home to a stack of Christmas cards, the art of the Christmas Card better never die!

This wasn't our Christmas Card photo last year...I may just have to use it as part of this years because it makes my heart sing just looking at it!

Anyway...among all the 5 million other things we have going on I am starting out traditional yearly ornament this weekend as well! I might as well take advantage of having Monday off and put my time to good use! I of course found this idea on Pinterest (does anyone find ideas any other way in this day in age?)...I'm looking forward to giving these fun little Christmas tree trinkets to our friends and family. Best part is, the girl at Michael's gave me $25 off my purchase today...the ENTIRE price of the ornaments!!!

So excited to be getting a head start on the holidays this year...maybe Christmas Eve won't consist of me last minute shopping...

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Our Cozy Little Nook

I've gone back and reread the post I did at the end of last year, outlining all the hopes, dreams and plans I had for 2013. Sadly it's November and I'm just now disciplining myself to update this regularly and get back into posting pictures of the kids.

I really meant what I said when I posted this: "I really want to make our Crazy 4 [soon to be 5] a part of everyone we care abouts' lives. I want our family everywhere to be able to watch our kids grow up and our family expand. I want to make sure that even if we don't get see them everyday, they still feel like they saw us yesterday." That is the intention with this blog, and I suppose this post is a gentle reminder to me that I said that!!

I can't promise to update everyday, but I hope you'll continue to visit our cozy little nook every now and again to keep up with the face-paced lives of all us Bradshaws!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Sniffles, Snores and Giggles Oh My!

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These little bugs have the dreaded summer into fall cold; Trevor and I have it off and on depending on the day!! I mean it makes sense that we'd all have it given the season and the amount of playing we do outdoors. At least Trevor can take some Theraflu or haven't seen pitiful until you've been around a pregnant girl and her two children who can't breathe through their nose and there isn't anything we can take for it! Ok, that might be a slight exaggeration of how sick we actually are, but nontheless Carter Bug did end up with a croup diagnosis Monday morning. So humidifiers it is!

The past few nights (since Saturday) they boys have been transitioning into sleeping in the same room. There have cerntainly been ups and downs to this transition, mostly Carter wanting to play instead of lay down and sleep! But what better time to transition than when we all have sniffley noses (or croup), right before the holidays and in the midst of all the other craziness we have going on in the Bradshaw Nook! We are in full focus here!

I can honestly say it only took two really bad nights of playing and destroying Ethan's tidy room before Carter actually just wanted to lay down and go to sleep for the night. I am not one to keep score on these types of things, kids share rooms all the time without issue but I would say this is a win! Trevor and I thought we'd never get peace after the 500 trips down the hall to scold and lay the two year old back down! Not that we minded it but it gets exhausting hearing the five year old whine and complain that his brother was playing with the lamp yet again!!

I do get to giggling a little everytime I hear them giggling and playing together. It makes me so happy that in spite of the normal sibling angst my kids seem to actually prefer to sleep in the same room and enjoy each others' company.


xoxo -

The Bradshaws

**ps. I'm not sure why this picture won't flip, so enjoy it upside down**

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Little Bugs

These two little bugs and the little peanut on the way are my life!!! There is just something about their little dimples and michieveous light in their eyes that makes my heart melt!! This has been a little catch-up day for me with the blog because I would love more than anything to get into blogging. Anyway, I digressed...I can't belive Ethan is 5 and TODAY Carter is 2!!!

In only 3 more short months we will be blessed with yet another little bug!! I'm fairly certain it wasn't in my cards to have a girl but that's ok, I love my boys!! They make our lives infinitely better!

The One I Call Mom

When I was engaged I had several friends and/or aquaintences that were getting married as well. It amazed me how many of them had distant relationships with their moms. Whether it be they didn't speak or just didn't feel that their mom was the fussy wedding planning type. All I could think of was "well my mom isn't the fussy wedding planning type either, but she will still be the one telling me how beautiful I look on that day." And she did.

On my wedding day my mom fussed with my veil and my train, she hit the dance floor with all of our friends and relatives, and even chased Ethan around when it was necessary. She dragged me over to her friends' table to show off her grown-up daughter, popped the champagne at midnight (or maybe sooner) to celebrate the New Year, and she didn't for one second make my day anything but better. And I didn't think twice about it because that's what she does, that's what she's always done. She's been making my days better since I have had days.

My mom is beautiful and smart and extremely accomplished. She is happy to get down on the floor and wrestle with my boys, and she even makes us dinner almost every Sunday! I really believe she knows how much we love her and how thankful we are for her. But everyone should hear how loved and amazing we think they are, so for her birthday (which was yesterday)I made a little list of things I may have never told her:

Dear Mom,

Thank you for making me stick out cheerleading in high school, even though I threw multiple temper tantrums and came home from practice everyday complaining how much I hated it. It really did help shape the person I've become today.

Thank you for never passing judgment on my friendships and/or relationships, even when they were all wrong for me. I eventually figured it out, but I guess you knew I would.

Thank you for taking my daily calls and listening to me speak incesently for the last 27 years.

Thank you for always telling me I should follow my dreams, even when - no especially when I'm doing anything but that.

Thank you for always being such a strong independent woman because it forced me to do the same.

Thank you for letting me do my own thing, even when it was so different from anything you would have, cheerleading, sewing.

Thank you for standing by your beliefs. The older I get, the more this one thing about you teaches me not to make assumptions or cavalier judgments.

Thank you for always making your home the place that we can come to.

Thank you for being the first person I knew to have email, and for buying me a laptop back when they were so much more expensive than the desktops. You have always known your way around a computer, and that is impressive.

Thank you for loving my husband and being an awesome Nonna to my kids.

Thank you for being a working mom in a way that worked. I know of no other mom whose clients fly them on private planes and occupies the corner office. I’m so proud of you, and I’m not sure I’ve ever made that clear.

Love you Mom and Happy Birthday!!!

Meet My Super Husband

We met at the Imperial Bar & Lounge.

I was a starry-eyed 21 year old fresh out of a relationship, and had been staring at him from the back of our Education Ethics class for half a semester. He was older, and hot and completely not interested in me!

I didn't really think I fit it with his friends, even though a mutual friend introduced us. I had told a friend that I was going to marry him. He didn't seem to pay the least bit attention to me, somewhere along the way it all changed.

Despite what I thought was his disinterest in dating me, we became really great friends. I crushed on him like a giddy school girl, even though I didn't think I was his type. I was short and outgoing and blonde, I am fairly certain he prefers the leggier model types. One day all the carefully constructed walls came crumbling down and we professed our undying only took us a year to get there!

His version of events might differ...a little!!

He is my Super Husband! He is kind and funny and loves me inspite of everything that tells him he should have run in the other direction! I am just mad about him, he is the reason 2 (soon to be 3) little bugs call me mommy!! He is the reason I get to be Super Mommy every day!

Yes I Work...But My Number 1 Job Is Being Mommy!

This isn't the life that I dreamt for myself. I could never have come up with a scenario as amazing and wonderful as the events that have unfoldded the past five years!!

I was born and raised here in Reno. The summer after I graduated I couldn't have been more excited to venture out into the real world sight unseen...that didn't happen. The semester I graduated from UNR I was about to embark on the greatest journey I've ever taken, and it was the most important decision I ever made.

The first year was hard and scary and wonderful all the same time. I fell in love with being a mommy! I never knew that kind of love and I would have given anything to stay at home and try out being a fulltime mom.

But let's just back up for a second...prior to that first year of motherhood I met a really cute guy who was one day to become my husband. It was no easy task getting that guy to share his last name. But I knew this was the person I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with and I told my cousin and sister that was my life's work.

Mom always said I had a flair for the dramatic.

After we got married and had another sweet little bug I made the decision that I wanted to work outside the home. Some days it seems almost impossible to make our crazy schedules work. But somehow we do, I will never miss out on any of my kids' successes or Trevor's for that matter!

I do struggle at times that being out of the home changes the way my children are being raised, but then I look at how I was raised. I was raised by a very strong working mother that taught me the importance of being able to stand on my own two feet. I don't lose sleep over it anymore, at least I try not to. I won't apologize for the choices I've made, I'm doing exactly what I want to be doing, and even though it wasn't what I expected or even planned for my life it's exactly what I want to be doing.

So maybe I have a job (or two) outside the home, but my life's work is my marriage, my sweet little bugs and my daily attempt to bring a little sanity into this crazy world we live in!

Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!