Wednesday, December 2, 2015

He's Back {2015}

Our super fun elf, Olaf, is back again for the holiday season!!!  He flew in last night and worked his little elfin fingers to the bone preparing an awesome snow themed breakfast...this is our 3rd snowflake breakfast with Olaf!

Olaf dazzled the pipsqueaks with the snowballs (powdered donuts) & North Pole berries plus hot coco in those giant Frosty mugs!

To say the boys were excited would be an understatement.  They looked high and low for that sneaky elf on their way to breakfast.  They were thrilled with they say Olaf wrote them individual notes!!

This morning was definitely a fun way to kick off December and our school day!  The kids read and reread the Elf on the Shelf book and watched The Elf Story 4 times tonight!!  We haven't quite pulled out the decorations yet...but that is coming!!  Decorations or not the Christmas season has officially commenced in The Nook!!


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Silly Bio

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I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!