Sunday, August 16, 2015

Shark Bitten Pasta

As all moms of boys are aware there is something about sharks that just catch those littles curiosity.  We missed shark week this summer but that does not stop our fascination.  And since the pipsqueaks found themselves reunited with one of their favorite movies, Shark Boy & Lava Girl I felt it was only appropriate put a little twist on our spaghetti...

...and it was a huge success

I found this idea on one of my favorite mommy blogs, but she made it look so easy food coloring the noodles and cutting jaws into French bread.  Well I am here to tell you it wasn't as easy as it appeared on the computer screen lol!!  We used food coloring and olive oil to tint the noodles ocean blue...I think when I do this again I will put the food coloring into the pasta water and I will use a crustier bread like ciabatta.

But you know what it was the most fun we've had during dinner in a long time!  Ethan asked me what tomorrow's theme was going to buddy Mommy only has these creative dinner moments once in a blue moon!!  

Fins up y'all!! 


P.S.  I totally slacked on blogs this weekend because we had a super exciting surprise on Friday by Trevor's parents coming for a quick weekend visit!!  Next time though I won't slack...I am really enjoying journaling each day and looking back at the fun we have been having!!  Good night and sweet dreams - xo

Friday, August 14, 2015

Teacher Treat

We have made it through the first week back in school.  After tossing around lots of ideas and pinning like a fool, we decided to start off with new books for Mrs. B's library and a set of monogrammed notecards.  We picked out two Judy Moody books and a Junie B. Jones book...Ethan was chomping at the bit to get to read those.

I am extremely proud of Ethan for being so brave as he embarks on his first grade adventure!  And a little proud of myself for holding back tears...except for the first day!  It seems like we were down the hall in kindergarten just yesterday!


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Time to Update the Walls

As usual I got into a rut as far as wanting to decorate the house.  It's always easy to switch out my seasonal decor and update the chalkboard for the upcoming month, but when it comes to actually hanging a picture on the wall I get stage fright!

I've been spending a great deal of my spare time meticulously plotting and scheming layouts and themes for each wall in The Nook.

So far these are what I have found for the playroom and the family wall...

And because I'm never satisfied with how the big boys' room is decorated it will be getting a face lift in the near future...

Aren't these amazing?!!  I need to find a Piggies & Paws rep in the Reno area and host a party ASAP!!

What do y'all think?


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

A+ Boys

I could hardly wait to get home from back-to-school night to tell Ethan how excited I am about his teacher!  And seeing as he and Carter were so preoccupied with Shark Boy & Lava Girl our "discussion" was all of 2.5 seconds!

After a big hug and kiss from each little pipsqueak for presenting them with such a fun treat, we finally got a minute to talk about the day.  According to Ethan Mrs. B is "nice and fun" and it was pretty much a "perfect day" and he supposes he wants to go back tomorrow!  That cracked me up...what does he think it's an option?!  Tomorrow is early release day to boot!!  I was really happy to see Ethan stayed in the "ready to learn" category today...I get nervous that he gets too chatty!

Tonight was definitely an A in my book!


Monday, August 10, 2015

First Day of First Grade

Well Ethan is all settled in to his new class and I feel like a little piece of my heart was left at the school this morning.

I thought last night he would be nervous and want more than the 20 minutes of snuggles, but he fell fast asleep and woke up wide-eyed and bushy tailed this morning!  He jumped right out of bed when Daddy woke him up and came down the hall.  He was all smiles this morning eating his back-to-school pancakes!

We tried to give him a little first day of school pep know the standard make sure you use your manners, raise your hand don't just shout out, no talking when you are supposed to be listening! I try to make sure I always tell him how proud I am of him, but when he told me he was going to be sure and make a new friend it melted my heart.

His backpack and school supplies were all packed and ready to go and he made sure a dozen times that we had packed him a healthy lunch.

Before we knew it, it was time to head off to school.  After much begging and pleading he let me snap a few pictures.  Isn't it my right as a parent to snap 5000 pictures??  After going to the school last night he knew just where to go and found all his friends before the bell rang.

The bell rang, he lined right up and greeted Mrs. B with the sweetest smile!  Once we walked in to the classroom he sought out his desk at Table 2, and got a great surprise...his friend Quinn sits right next to him!!  It was almost like he had been in school for 6 months...the child is beyond confident.  Meanwhile I was fighting back tears.

I know he had a great first day and I'm certain he is looking forward to the year ahead.  We are very excited to see what this school year brings!!


Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Night Before First Grade

Twas the night before for first grade and all through the nook...

Mommy and Daddy took Ethan to take a quick look!

We decided to run Ethan up to Westergard to take a peek at where he would be lining up bright and early tomorrow, and to snap a few "first day" pictures.  Of course we will take a few actual first day pictures, but this was so much easier than fighting the crowds of kids and parents hoping to do the same thing!  And I'm not embarrassing Ethan with my paparazzi-like tendencies.

Aside from our little photo session/walk through, we spent the final day of summer break doing exactly what Ethan wanted.  Waffles for breakfast, watched Teen Beach Movie 2, played lots of baseball in the park and had home made riceroni for dinner.  Oh the things that please a six year old boy!!

Daddy did haircuts, we laid out our "first day" outfit and sprinkled our Ready Confetti on the steps of the bunkbed after we read "The Night Before First Grade"...all has been quiet down the hall for going on 3 hours. 

Now we have lunches to pack, treats to finish up and laundry to finish folding.  It's probably a good thing I still have things to check off my list, even though it's getting so late because I am more nervous for tomorrow than Ethan is!!  Why do they have to grow up so fast??


Saturday, August 8, 2015

End of Summer Bash

We hosted a little back-to-school bash this afternoon for a few of Ethan's FIRST GRADE friends...think ice cream sundaes, slip 'n' sliding and lots of spishing and splashing...oh an 6 of the cutest sugared up 6 year olds this side of the Mississippi!

We set up a food and drink station using one of our 6' party tables.  It got really overcast this afternoon so I didn't get to set up my cute banner I made.

I sent each of the littles home with a special book and "ready confetti" to make sure they are all set for the first day of first grade!

Needless to say the pipsqueaks were out like lights after their jam packed, fun-filled final summar hurrah!


Friday, August 7, 2015

Welcome Back Assembly Preview

The pipsqueaks were beyond excited to get to attend one of mommy's cheer practices.  They were already over the moon about being in the gym and climbing the bleachers, so meeting the cheerleaders was just icing on the cake.

At one point during our warm up I looked down and Carter was standing with arms folded and a quizzical look on his face...then I realized I was standing and doing the exact same thing!!

After an hour of warm up the girls were ready to perform their Welcome Back Assembly routine for their parents.  Unfortunately, MJ and I were manning the music in the back of the gym, so the only picture I managed to snap was the last warm up run-through!

The girls have worked their behinds off prepping for this assembly next week.  I couldn't have been prouder of their performance last night!  We have a little fine tuning to do, but over all they are killing it!  It's going to be an amazing performance, just as last night was, and an even more amazing year to come!!!  The pipsqueaks loved it, the parents loved it and I am one proud coach!!


Thursday, August 6, 2015

A Little Morning Fun

We spent yesterday morning at the dentist, but before I took the kids I decided we needed to have a little I took them to the park!  With school, extracurriculars, and football season all but a few weeks away, I'm saddened to think these impromptu outings will be few and far between.  Many memories have been made this summer.

Farewell sweet summer!


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Hometown Fun {Dinosaur Park}

We spent an overcast and windy afternoon at the dinosaur park down at Ranch San Rafael.  The pipsqueaks riding the dinosaurs, swinging and rock climbing.

Only a few more days left of summer!  Oh...and Ethan beat Trevor tonight at Battle Ship...that kid!!


Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!