Sunday, July 8, 2018

Visiting Nonna

My sweet mom was diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimer's 3 years ago.  This diagnosis ended a 30+ year legal career and changed the course of our lives.  In mid-January she made the decision it was time to move into assisted living and sell our childhood home.  As we navigate through this disease we are constantly learning new things, and discovering "new" symptoms. 

We try to visit with her as often as possible because we know time is never guaranteed.  Last night we boot-scooted off to bring her over for dinner and a visit with our wild bunch, in hopes of bringing a little grandchild cheer.  Being in the trenches of this disease, my sister and I are often overwhelmed with the lack of services available in town for both our mom and us as the caregivers.  Someday we will open a foundation in her name for families receiving similar diagnoses so early in their lives.  Enough rambling...last night we played games; discussed superheroes at length; lounged around the house watching baseball; ate homemade lasagna; played and belly laughed until we were out of energy.  Mom and her grandkids are little partners in crime...I'd venture to say that our visit was just as fun for her as it was for us!

As much fun as we had, I just couldn't squash the innately devastating fact that at the end of the night I was driving her home to her new home and she was riddled with anxiety to go back to a place that according to her will never be "home".  And while I pasted a smile on my face and channeled my former cheerleader peppiness as I have done everyday for the past 3  years, inside I wanted to burst into tears at the fact that there is no cure, there is no getting better.  My heart hurts not only for my mom and our family, but for all the other families out there facing this disease.  Keep them all in your thoughts and prayers and be thankful for the time you've been given with your own parents/loved ones.

xoxo - j

1 comment:

  1. Most times I come to Reno I make time to take my cousin Mary Anne out somewhere. We have good talks, laughs, and even joke about forgetting things. Last time I took her to the State Democratic convention held at GSR. She ran into another lawyer who I was introduced to by her....Yay she knew his name. I love your mom so much, and am agonizing over the horror of the disease that will eventually steal her mind from us. Keep up that spunky attitude, being sad does her no good. Love to you! Cousin Karen


Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!