Tuesday, May 6, 2014

In Need of Some Adult Time

Trevor and I had our first semi kid free date a few weeks ago. Even though we still had one little pipsqueak with us, the fact that we would only have the baby was amazing. Normally, finding a baby sitter would be a pain, but these days, adult time is hard to come by.

We generally take the pipsqueaks everywhere with us. I always felt that as a family we should do things as whole as much as we could. Now having three kids it is even more evident to us that we need to carve out time for us without them. There are moments when I am so desperate for adult conversation and/or silence that when I do get it I feel like I’m on a vacation.

I honestly don’t think I’ve had a moment alone or a full night of sleep in almost 6 years!!! Ok, I know that is really an exaggeration, but it feels that way.

Carter without fail wakes up between 4:45 and 6 every morning. He usually doesn’t yell for us, but he does turn on the light and pulls out every single toy in his room. Poor Ethan has to sleep through it or ends up coming into our room to get away from the noise. Daxton has finally started to sleep through the night to an extent.

Ethan has always been my good sleeper. He always went to bed without any fight and would sleep on through. Lately, he has even been sleeping in on the weekend which is SOOO nice for me.

I completely digressed from the original point of this. The point is I am exhausted and I do wonder if I will ever have a “normal” life again. I mean let’s face it when they say you have “pregnancy brain” they really should be calling it “mommy brain” since the sleep deprivation affects your memory, your patience…your metabolism and so much more! No wonder I have had to work out harder than ever to lose this baby weight. It’s amazing what a good night sleep could do for this busy mom of 3!

So, I thought a nice semi-date night with the easiest of the three could have been really fun for Trevor and me. Trevor escorted me to Lyndsey’s (one of my best friends) nursing school graduation party; we had great food and fun conversations. We made it back home with more energy than usual, probably because it was so nice to not have a child constantly interrupting our conversations…

Now I’m ready for a real date night!!

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Silly Bio

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I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!