Thursday, May 29, 2014

Mommy Ramblings: A Very Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Memorial Day Weekend did not start out exactly how I would have liked it. Friday night, I got extremely sick. I think Trevor is starting to just expect these migraines to practically knock me off my feet since I seem to get them one a weekly basis. Out of literally nowhere the room was spinning and I was instantly nauseated. This probably wouldn't have been as bad as it was if Ethan wasn't hosting his first sleepover!! I felt so bad that I didn't get to do ANYTHING with them, thank goodness Trevor was able to entertain them with Monopoly and movies!!

Saturday was much better, thankfully, since we have come to the conclusion that it used to be man-to-man defense with just the two kids, but now that there is three of them it's more like zone defense. I cannot even imagine what it is going to be like when Daxton is mobile and verbal because it's already constant crazy in this house!!

The weekend was spent with lots of friends celebrating the holiday and the start of summer. We enjoyed a BBQ at Eric and Deidre's on Saturday. They have a 2 year old as well which was so fun because Carter actually had someone his own age to play with, but watching Ethan with him was even more fun! They enjoyed each other's company and there wasn't a single fight.

Monday, we enjoyed another BBQ with a big group of friends and their kids. I was surrounded by moms I admire and we were able to spend fun quality time together. I didn't realize the value of deep friendships until the past few years. We were the first to have kids in our group of friends, with the exception of one or two people, so I finally feel like we are all coming on to the same page. In addition, in the past I feel like I was always consumed with Trevor, or just simply overwhelmed and exhausted with my own children to truly make time for a social life. Now more than ever I need and value those friendships as they are so different than the relationship I have with my husband. I honestly had the best time this weekend spending time with those friends and cultivating new relationships. And of course, I enjoyed the time with Trevor and the kids.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!!


Rays vs. Indians

I think one of the first things I knew about Trevor was that he loved baseball. In fact one of our times hanging out I heard all about their boys trip touring baseball fields around the country. I suppose that is a roundabout way of simply saying I knew our lives would be immersed in baseball, especially having 3 boys. I digressed...back on point...

Today was our first T-ball game in over a week against the Indians. This was our second game against this team. I really like their coach as he tries to teach all the kids not just his own team and doesn't give off an overly competitive vibe.

Carter so desperately wants to play with Ethan. Much to my dismay he moseyed out on to the field with a bat at one point during the second inning. Thankfully, nobody seemed to mind. Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I was spending my evenings at ballet instead of managing the dugout, but then I think about how blessed I am to be a mom of 3 little boys and wouldn't trade the Cracker Jacks and peanuts for hairnets and tutus (I promise I wouldn't)!!!

Trevor has the patience of a saint with these kids, and nothing is hotter than seeing the man you love teaching kids how to play a sport. He truly loves coaching these littles, as crazy as 5 year olds are. Ethan hit and fielded so well tonight, he was so pleased with himself! I know we aren't supposed to keep score in T-ball, but this was the first game we didn't blow the other team out of the water...I think we may have won by 1 run.

In just a few short weeks our season will be over and we will anxiously be waiting next season!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Mommy Ramblings: Out of the Mouth of Babes

If you ever want to learn something about yourself all you have to do is ask your child what they think about you. The truth may hurt, but hearing what your child thinks about you can be turned into constructive reflection. Plus, as long as you don't take offense to it it can be quite entertaining.

So a few weeks ago when Trevor was working I asked Ethan what he thought about us. I figured it might go over his head or that he wouldn't really know how to answer the question, but I was pleasantly surprised. Here is what he said for me: smart, pretty, fun, mean, princess, and rude. For Trevor he said: likes to play with us, fun, super hero, mean, and awesome.

To be totally honest, I was happy to hear what he feels, but I was a little hurt that I received mean and rude while Trevor was more of the fun things. So then I asked him why he felt the way he did, which he had a hard time answering. So, I asked him why he felt that we were mean to which he told me we always yell at him and Carter. Which honestly made me feel awful and has made me take a step back and rethink the way I speak to him and his brother. I then asked him why he felt like mommy was rude and he said that I don't let him talk all the time and he doesn't get to finish things when he is trying to tell me stories. Again, I felt so sad that I make him feel that what he is trying to tell me was unimportant or that I didn't care. I'm really trying to be more conscious of my actions with him so that he feels loved and knows that what he has to say is important to me.

All the rest of the stuff was fun and nice to hear. I have such special children, and such an amazing five year old!!!

A Beautiful Day for the Marina

We joined throngs of Reno/Sparks patrons for a stroll around the Marina this evening. In true Bradshaw fashion we threw the kids in the jogging strollers and backpack and we hit the trail.

Ethan refused to sit in the stroller so he literally sprinted 3/4 of the marina to keep up with Trevor and I. Then he finally decided he his legs couldn't carry him any further. The kids had such a fun time being outside and taking in the summer-like air!!

Happy Sunday!!


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Mommy Ramblings: Mother's Day (10 Days Late)

Thankfully someone thought it was a brilliant idea to create a day just for us moms. I hope everyone had a happy mother's day, sorry it's taken me 10 days past the actual holiday to say something.

I have learned more from other mothers than from any other source out there. Whatever I am going through, or my kids are going through there is another mom out there going through the same thing or has already been through it. I love and welcome all the mom feedback I get from my friends and family. I have to admit I have used much of your advice over the years and for that I will forever be thankful.

On Mother's Day we celebrated my mom and my children who have blessed me in so many ways. I have learned so much from my mom and my mother-in-law, especially unconditional love and devotion. Our children learn from example, and having three boys I hope to have a tender and trusting relationship with them. I am very lucky to have been raised by such amazing, strong women, who encourage me.

There is something very special about the relationship between a mother and her child. For Mother's Day we had breakfast with my mom and my sister. I hope that she knows how thankful I am to her for the life she has given me.

I am so lucky to have three beautiful children. Being their mom is my greatest accomplishment!

I hope everyone enjoyed their Mother's Day because you deserved it...and I promise next year I will make sure I post my Mother's Day blog on the actual day!!!

xoxo - jess

Rainy Day Fun

I know, I know...ANOTHER rainy day blog.


We were supposed to have a t-ball game this evening but with all the rain that is gracing our dear city the league had to cancel all games. I thought we would try to bring a little FUN indoors! So don't even feign surprise that I found a way to make this rain-filled, gloomy day exciting!

Daddy and Ethan played Monopoly, while I held Carter back from destroying the paper money, eating the hotels and just overall being destructive.

Nothing says rainy day bliss like some sprinkle cookies!

I seriously can't wait for the sun to come out and shine down on us again, but until it does I'm going to gobble up these fun times with my precious boys!


Monday, May 19, 2014

Mom Ramblings: Hectic Sunday

I had such a hectic Sunday (not that most days with three pipsqueaks aren't hectic). I'm realizing the ultimate organization is the only way to survive. Between the sleepover playdates, tball games, fundraisers, field trips I could just about lose my mind. Thankfully I don't think Trevor would let me forget anything.

I started the morning at 7:30 with Carter and Daxton. I realized after breakfast that I had to figure out when I could go pick up Ethan from his sleepover. After I fought with him a little to get in the car and by the time we got home I had to leave again.

I got to meet my friend and co-worker, Carmen for a quick lunch before we headed to the theater to watch another co-worker in her debut role as Maria in The Heiress. Are you still with me? Once the play was over I rushed home to have dinner with the boys. Then Carter and I headed to the grocery store, which I have to say was the best shopping experience I've had in a while...that little boy might actually be turning to Team Mom!

After the littles drifted off to sleep I cleaned, made quiche for the week, watched my reality TV. Then I realized when I was getting ready for bed that I needed desperately to paint my nails, Trevor and I hadn't had any alone time in oh I don't know weeks! I'm exhausted just telling you all about the jam packed day I had yesterday! Thankfully I have learned to live in I'm sure most moms do.

I'm off to bed after a much more mellow Monday!


Summer Fruits

Do y'all have any idea how we cannot wait for the summer fruit?! We can barely contain ourselves!! I have every intention making a ton of jam this summer, but we weren't quite ready for that tonight. Instead of a sugary treat we feasted on berries galore

And that my friends is the true sign of summer!


Saturday, May 17, 2014

A Stay At Home Saturday

We had the early t-ball game this morning, by early I mean 9:30. We loaded up the bat bag, the stroller, and the kiddos and headed up to the field. After three well-played innings, the kids' favorite part of every game was finally here!! Who doesn't love a good snack at the end of playing hard?! It cracks me up how the kids can barely contain themselves through the high-fives just to get a juice box and granola bar. Either way it seriously lights up my day.

From the game Ethan got to go to a play date at his teammate, Lukas' house. This is the second playdate/sleepover these two have had. They are becoming fast friends and I'm so happy about it. Lukas' mom, Britne, is a saint...either that or she is crazy!

Trevor had an Aces game tonight so that left me with the two littlest pipsqueaks. Carter has been such a handful these days, but he was so fabulous tonight. We played games, had a dance party, played in a bubble bath and in this child's life no night would not be complete without watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I think the biggest success of the night was that he only asked for his daddy once.

After the littles fell asleep I had a quiet house all to myself. I cleaned, made a grocery list, caught up on my shows and I even did and hour of yoga. Trevor is still not home since I guess the game is in extra innings at the moment.

I'm really looking forward to the hectic day I have planned for tomorrow, as well as the up coming week. I am honestly hoping that I can get myself refocused enough to not have a stressful week. And since my 6 day migraine seems to have finally gone away I think it's looking promising!


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

In Need of Some Adult Time

Trevor and I had our first semi kid free date a few weeks ago. Even though we still had one little pipsqueak with us, the fact that we would only have the baby was amazing. Normally, finding a baby sitter would be a pain, but these days, adult time is hard to come by.

We generally take the pipsqueaks everywhere with us. I always felt that as a family we should do things as whole as much as we could. Now having three kids it is even more evident to us that we need to carve out time for us without them. There are moments when I am so desperate for adult conversation and/or silence that when I do get it I feel like I’m on a vacation.

I honestly don’t think I’ve had a moment alone or a full night of sleep in almost 6 years!!! Ok, I know that is really an exaggeration, but it feels that way.

Carter without fail wakes up between 4:45 and 6 every morning. He usually doesn’t yell for us, but he does turn on the light and pulls out every single toy in his room. Poor Ethan has to sleep through it or ends up coming into our room to get away from the noise. Daxton has finally started to sleep through the night to an extent.

Ethan has always been my good sleeper. He always went to bed without any fight and would sleep on through. Lately, he has even been sleeping in on the weekend which is SOOO nice for me.

I completely digressed from the original point of this. The point is I am exhausted and I do wonder if I will ever have a “normal” life again. I mean let’s face it when they say you have “pregnancy brain” they really should be calling it “mommy brain” since the sleep deprivation affects your memory, your patience…your metabolism and so much more! No wonder I have had to work out harder than ever to lose this baby weight. It’s amazing what a good night sleep could do for this busy mom of 3!

So, I thought a nice semi-date night with the easiest of the three could have been really fun for Trevor and me. Trevor escorted me to Lyndsey’s (one of my best friends) nursing school graduation party; we had great food and fun conversations. We made it back home with more energy than usual, probably because it was so nice to not have a child constantly interrupting our conversations…

Now I’m ready for a real date night!!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Getting Artsy

Last night we spent a few hours picking out supplies for our Mother's Day gifts. Ethan and I picked out some pretty fun supplies to create some unique, one of a kind presents for the grandmothers. Ethan chose paint colors for all three pipqsqueaks. Let's just say we got all the paint, glitter, stickers and supplies a kid would ever need to complete a project. I'm pretty sure Trevor will be reminding me of my craft supply overload for months to come.

After the pipsqueaks were tucked snug in their beds I started MY Mother's Day project...can't wait to show off the finished product(s)!!

Once we really get into finishing them this weekend I will be sure to update with some pictures of the shenanigans that are sure to ensue.

But until then...enjoy past Mother's Day art mishaps...

(Mother's Day 2010)

Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!