Sunday, April 12, 2015

Weekend Round-Up

We didn't have any set schedule this weekend and it was fabulous. We still managed to be extremely busy, without a place to be at a certain time.

Friday -
The kids got to spend the evening with Miss Maddison while Trevor and I went out on a date!!

Saturday -
Ethan and Trevor had baseball practice in the morning. Only 3 kids showed up, but they had a blast practicing their hitting and fielding grounders!! After that we scooted off to the Dinosuar Park at Rancho San Rafael's Great Basin Adventure Park. We love going to that little tucked away park, and boy do we love dinosaurs in this house.

Sunday -
We started our Sunday fairly 7 a.m. early! We were planning on making strawberry ice cream today, but all the strawberries went bad in a matter of days before I could make our delectable delight for the week. So instead I baked bread! We ran a bunch of errands and ended up at the marina for a lovely midday walk. Little Dax got his hair cut and did a little bit better than the first time. We rounded off our day with dinner at Bully's...can't complain about not having to cook!

Now I have to finish up laundry, and get everything sorted for tomorrow. Ethan is back to school tomorrow which means were back to our good ole schedule! I hope everyone's weekend was a relaxing and fun as ours!


Easter Wrap-Up

It has pretty much taken me a week to wrap up Easter, and I'm so exhausted from Spring Break =)

I did manage to pack up the majority of the decorations today, I still have a bazillion loads of laundry to do, and The Royals is on tonight!! It's time to get this place in ship shape for spring...and these little pipsqueaks back on a schedule!


Mr. & Mrs. Bradshaw Date Night Fridays

Y'all know I work for a family law firm where all I see day in and day out is divorce. I know how important romance is to a marriage, so we are working more than ever to make sure we have a weekly date night. Friday night's date was to see Furious 7

We really enjoyed the leather recliners at the Galaxy Theater, the oversized sodas, Skittles...and of course the company. Oh and the movie was fabulous as well!!! I'm really excited for this weeks Date Night!!


Friday, April 10, 2015

Out of the Mouth of the Bradshaw Pipsqueaks

I have been sick this week, so I thought maybe I'd share some random happenings around The Bradshaw Nook, since I haven't had an ounce of energy to really get out and about. And let me tell you the pipsqueaks have been keeping us rolling on the floor with their hysterical antics.

On being crazy...

Ethan: Let's drive mommy crazy!
Carter: Yeah! Yeah! Crazy!
Ethan: Mommmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyy you can run but you can't hide!! Buhahahahaha [evil laugh]

On helping me carry things in from the car...

Me: Ethan carry your backpack in and put it in the kitchen.
Ethan: My hands are full already (carrying his drawing ONLY)...What do I look like I have 7 arms? [muttering under breath]

On our busy schedules...

Me: I think we should have a playdate with Annalita soon.
Ethan: Oh man! [big eyes & smile]
Me: Think it will be fun?
Ethan: Well, I've got a million things to do. I've got baseball practice and games. And I've got to work on beating Wreck It Ralph on the I just don't know if I'm going to have time.

On why we misbehaved at school...

Me: Carter did we have a rough day at school?
Carter: Yes.
Me: Carter did we have a hard time keeping our hands to ourselves today?
Carter: Yes.
Me: Why did we have a hard time keeping our hands to ourselves today?
Carter: [evil face] Miss Maddison is a dangerous teacher!!
Me: Carter you need to be excused now...[cue hysterical laughter]

It's very likely y'all didn't find these little conversations as funny as I did, but this is supposed to be a little journal of our daily happenings. And these are certainly moments I don't want to forget!!

- xo

The Kissing Hand

We are working on a long-term project for my mom. I don't know when we will give it to her or if it will be a forever work in progress. Each week (for the most part) we will video Ethan and Carter (and eventually Daxton too) reading a book and then create a page for our own book that corresponds with the video. This week's book was The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn.

Here's a peek at our book pages...

We traced our hands, glued a heart in the middle and added a sweet little poem. Just a quick little reflection on the very sweet book.

- xo

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Fix It Felix Ooh Ooh

Y'all we had a great time tonight spending our evening eating mac and cheese and watching Wreck It Ralph! Trevor had his first Ace's game night so the kids and I got to sit in the living room for dinner, enjoy one of our favorite movies...a hushed excitement echoed through the house.

It was a splendid and memorable evening!

- xo

Monday, April 6, 2015

Spring Break - Second Edition

In true Bradshaw fashion we were up at the crack of dawn today. After a little breakfast and a few rounds of Wreck It Ralph on the Wii, we bundled up and heading to Spring Break Camp & school. Ethan got to let his creative juices flow making puffy clouds out of paint and shaving cream today at camp! Thank you Miss Alyssa for such a fun project!!

Tonight we geared up for some whooping and hollering as we rooted on the Wisconsin Badgers in the NCAA Tournament Championship Game...from the comfort of our fluffy couches of course. My dad, Charlie and Michaela joined us for festivities.

Now that the pipsqueaks are all tucked in to bed, we're (Trevor) playing Call of Duty and snacking on chocolate chip cookies!! There is just something about a chocolate chip cookie that I can't say no to!!

Happy Monday! - xo

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter

We hope you had a wonderful and relaxing day, spent in the company of those you love and remembering the true meaning of Easter!

I sure wish my kids would have been in better moods to take a nice family picture, but they definitely had way too much candy way too early!!!

We kicked off our day bright and early with our annual Bradshaw Nook Easter egg hunt. The pipsqueaks were more than thrilled to see E.B. had visited our house and left them lots of treats. Carter found 1 egg, discovered it had chocolate in it and that was it for him.

After we exhausted ourselves hunting eggs and eating chocolate we ventured to Peg's for a lovely breakfast and then to my mom's for cocktails and dinner.

The house is clean and all is quiet around here. I can hardly believe it's already Monday tomorrow!

Happy Easter! - xo

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Easter Eve

Each year I seem to spend the Saturday before Easter dying, eating and stuffing eggs! Holidays seem to be especially hard to get these maniacs to 1) get dressed and 2) dress in the special attire I've's like wrestling pigs! But well worth it because these three are such handsome little gents...I can't to see them all dolled up tomorrow!

We are so excited for the Easter Bunny to make his visit that we just couldn't seem to sit still today! We kept checking our baskets to make sure a little treat hadn't found its way in.

We started our day with a pancake breakfast prepared by the one and only Daddy!! After a trip to Starbucks to celebrate a certain someone being 6.5 today, Ethan and Trevor hustled off to baseball practice. Upon their return Carter and I jetted off to a fun-filled Frozen themed princess party for Carter's sweet little friend Sophie. It was a busy Saturday to say the least.

This evening we did our usual boil and dying of the eggs. Of course Ethan and Carter couldn't wait to dip those little eggies (and their fingers) into the colors. They dipped and redipped until they were both in consensus that they were the perfect shade. We had a few casualties and only ended up with 11 eggs...and that is just because Ethan dyed eggs at camp yesterday!

And now that the pipsqueaks are nestled in their beds, Trevor and I put their baskets together and filled the plastic eggs, but this little bunny still has lots of preparing for tomorrow left to do!

Happy Easter Eve!! - xo

Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!