Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Color Explosion

So January is pretty much coming to a close and despite all my self-imposed goals I know I have not been doing that well this month with keeping y'all updated on our silly comings and goings. I have taken pictures of literally everything we've done this month and just as quickly moved on to another task before sitting down to blog!! So with that said, tonight for our fun family time we turned the kitchen into a crazy science lab for a fun little experiment!

Last summer a friend of mine, her son and Ethan attempted to a similar experiment during a sleep over with a plastic bag, vinegar and baking soda...I decided tonight to make color explosions using the same ingredients, cups and food coloring...

This has been such a strange week for me at work so it is always nice to be able to just enjoy time at home with my sweet little pipsqueaks!!


Saturday, January 24, 2015

Dinner Party {Chili Night}

Over the years we have been fortunate to stay close with quite a few lovely families, as well as my sister and cousin. In my quest to live more intentional and be a better me I decided that once a month we need to have a dinner party. Just a little something to get us all together, the kids can play and we can have a fun evening.

It only seemed fitting that for January's dinner we do something comforting, like chili! Originally I planned on it being a chili and beer night, but since only my sister and cousin were able to make it and none of us really drink so the latter wasn't really a requirement! Two flavors of chili (beef & bean and chicken & white bean); lots of fun toppings; some delicious cornbread (thank you Lala) and ice cream for dessert (thank you Christina) was our menu.

We had a packed house, full bellies and loads of fun with the original 3! The best part of the whole sister telling Michaela that her and Alan are engaged!!! I'm definitely looking forward to next months dinner night!


Monday, January 12, 2015

Down! Set! Hike!

To say we are "in to" football around here would be the understatement of the year. Judging by the way Ethan was "practicing" tonight I would say we are on the verge of obsessed. Imagine coming home to the pipsqueaks playing an indoor football game! Each, of course, making up their own rules.

We spent hours tonight going over the "rules" of football, playing game after game and Ethan breaking his own rules only to recreate them again. At one point we had Carter wielding a sword sitting on Trevor's back.

At bedtime I heard Ethan and Carter discussing the nights fun and both agreed that tonight was the "funnest night ever" and my heart skipped a beat and I said a little prayer that they hold on to their youth and sweet innocence just a while longer.


Friday, January 9, 2015

Mother-Daughter Dinner

Last night Sister and I had dinner with our mom at Luciano's. We had the best time just chatting, scheming and laughing. This happens too far and few between, so we agreed to make this a monthly happening.

I think this may be the last time we had a Mother-Daughter Dinner moment...2011

This woman is and always has been a great teacher, idol, travel companion, and friend! We love you so much Mom!!


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

What To Do With the Christmas Cards???

What to do...what to do...with those Christmas cards now that it is January...??? I decided this year I was going to use them as the contact photo in my phone.

One of the things I hate the most about putting Christmas away come January is figuring out what to do with all the beautiful cards from all our friends and family. I am never able to throw them out so I generally toss them into my card box, but this year I decided to tie them all together properly on a binder clip. Every year when we pull out our decor I look back at the cards from Christmases past and enjoy the stories they tell of the years past...weddings, pregnancies, fun trips; more weddings and more and more babies!

For the lucky few I will get to enjoy your Christmas cards all year round...each time you call me!


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Girls Grey's Anatomy Night

Michaela and I have a tradition of watching Grey's Anatomy. This is something that we have always done and before we both were having babies. Every week we'd watch it, discuss it and spend time together. This season has been a little tough because we both have babies and the demands of their crazy little schedules, so we watch when we can! Tonight we were finally able to sit back and enjoy the winter finale of our beloved show!

I can't wait for the season to pick back up! And while on the topic of shows picking back up...I can't wait for How To Get Away With Murder, Scandal, and Nashville to get going again!!!

I love my girls TV nights with my cousin/BFF...and her little pipsqueak!!!


Sunday, January 4, 2015

A Breath of Fresh Air

It has been so cold this past week that we barely stepped foot outside. We spent all day yesterday inside enjoying a lazy pj day. Today the sun was shining and it appearing to be a "nice" winter day, so we bundled up and braved the cold for a breath of fresh air! Our nice little walk made for one splendid afternoon, if I do say so myself!

I just love nice winter days when the sun is shining and the wind isn't blowing!! Happy January!



I think I've said it a few times over the past few days, but in 2015 Trevor and I really want to focus on our daily family time so since Carter is still the "oldest" child at home and it's freezing outside today was a pj and jello jiggler kind of day here in The Nook!

I let him pick the flavors, much to my chagrin he chose Berry Blue and Lime. I don't mind the Berry Blue, but Lime Jello has never been my favorite. I let him do everything except handle the hot water, he stirred each for 3 minutes and couldn't have had a better time. The three hour wait while they set was a bit of a struggle, but in the end we had so much fun with our wiggley treat!

The recipe/how to is on the side of the box! Who knew so much fun could be had with a little box of


Saturday, January 3, 2015

New Year's Style Dinner

Along with my sister and mom, we cooked up a dinner for my grandparents to ring in 2015. Last night we fested on black-eyed peas for luck and greens for wealth! It was a fun dinner that I hope will be our newest Bradshaw Nook tradition

Along with the peas and greens we had roast beef, salad and corn bread. The roast was a little too done and a little too dry for me, but that's what I get for working all day and trying to manage cooking too!

Mom and Lee brought some friends along, Valina and Brent. They came from Utah to celebrate the new year with them, and had an unintentional extended stay when Brent had a major asthma attack and ended up in the hospital for two days. It was so fun to meet them and have dinner with them! I think Nonna really enjoyed the company and the sense of entertaining.

We ended the night with Valina pouring wine down Trevor's throat while he held a sleeping Daxton! All in all a good time was had by all.


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Buon Anno

After working the majority of the day we had some friends over to ring in the new year. While we waited for our friends to arrive Carter and Trevor enjoyed a little Youtube!

We set out some snacks, pizza and of course some sweets for everyone to enjoy while we played games. I'm not a game person per se but I do have fun playing trivia games! Literally the only picture I managed to snap was of the clock cookies...I was too busy trying to beat everyone at movie trivia and juggling kids!

As midnight drew near we cued up Auld Lang Syne, counted down with Carson Daly, clinked our glasses and kissed our sweets and welcomed all the possibilities of 2015!!

Sadly this is the only other "people" picture I took...

Buon Anno...Happy New Year...To 2015!!


Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!