Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Superhero Dinner Party

Yesterday we had dinner with one of the most extraordinary people we know.

Kind, smart, loving and not afraid to wear a superhero mask to dinner...my mom!

We hope you loved last night as much as we did and that you had a downright splendid time!!

We are sad it was our last dinner in this house, but we are excited for future dinners in your new home!!

xoxo - j

Monday, January 8, 2018


I adore silhouettes, especially silhouettes by Clay Rice.  It is amazing what one man can do with a black piece of paper, a pair of scissors and just a few minutes.  I've never had the pleasure of meeting him in person, but his work is amazing.

I had Ethan's silhouette done at age 2, and had intended to have Carter & Daxton's done as well, but just never managed to get my act together.  Now, after being in our new house for a little over a year, I just can't seem to decide if or where I would want them hung.  I have another idea/project up my sleeve for those silhouettes though, don't you worry.

A few years back I stumbled upon Mr. Rice's book "The Lonely Shadow" and have wanted to purchase copies for the boys ever since.  Mission accomplished...today!  I love the low country feel of the book - the moss on the tress, even the wildlife the shadow meets.

This will be a perfect little Valentine's gift for those sweet boys of mine!

xoxo - j

Sunday, January 7, 2018

High Stakes Poker

I love movies, this is no secret, with that said I have been so excited to see "Molly's Game" and when my sister and cousins accepted an invite for an afternoon out I was over the moon!

I spent my morning helping my dad and husband install our new microwave, and by help I mean I watched and on occasion stood on the counter holding screws.  So you can imagine how excited I was when it was time to go pick-up my sister.

I went IN to the theater excited to see a biopic of a former athlete turned underground poker mogul.  I came OUT of there completely intrigued and loving the drive that she had to be the best.  It was  impressive.

xoxo - j

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Little Pleasures

I'm a summer lovin', surf and sun kind of girl.  Trees without leaves, cold windy days and snow are just not my cup of tea.  That being said I have managed to spend my winter nights thoroughly enjoying two little pleasures.

1.  Microwavable Heating Bag - this little heating pad is full of oatmeal.  I pop it in the microwave for two minutes then drape it around my neck while I watch TV or read.  It makes the coldest nights a little bit warmer...function over form people!!

2.  Swiss Miss Hot Coco Mix - We seem to be boiling water by the pot, not the cup, these days.  We like our coco HOOOOOTTTT here in The Nook.  We got so lucky that our close friends dropped off a pack of coco mix for us just before Christmas with every flavor imaginable!  The French Vanilla was the first to go!

Back during my first pregnancy, when I just knew I was having a girl, I pictured sweet little morning tea parties with frilly table clothes and fancy napkins and lots of dolly friends.  Well three boys later, I count my blessings that I get a "tea" party at all.  I might have to share my Swiss Miss and coco mugs with Flash, Batman/Superman and Hulk and discuss varying ways to defend against even the worst of villains, but I wouldn't change a single thing!

xoxo - j

Thursday, January 4, 2018

HGTV and Renovation Obsession

I absolutely love HGTV and I look forward every year to the unveiling of the dream home.  I've never been to Washington but I would have loved to have that house on Puget Sound!

I love the airy floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the Sound in the sitting area.  I've never liked the industrial influence, but I think the farmhouse meets industrial look is starting to grow on me. 

All the crisp white and industrial influences of the 2018 HGTV Dream House has me all giddy and excited to tackle my own home renovation projects.  In fact I think I will get started on that this weekend by FINALLY finishing painting in the front of the house!!

In the mean time I will just keep oogling the pictures and day dreaming about how my own home will one day look!

xoxo - j

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Cupcake Delight

I can't lie and say we don't live a pretty charmed life.  Nor can I say I don't pretty much give my kids anything and everything they need and want.  I say "pretty much" because there are some things we don't budge on, cupcakes on a Wednesday just because is not one of them.  Much to everyone's delight when they woke up this morning 2 dozen chocolate cupcakes and all the toppings to turn them in to snowman creations were waiting for them.


The boys, particularly Carter, were super excited for their surprise and couldn't wait to start decorating.  So we cleaned up the kitchen from dinner as fast as our little hands could go and set to work.  

We took turns with the frosting and chocolate chips to come up with the perfect creations.

Oh how sweet tonight was.  These three sweet faces make it totally worth baking chocolate cupcakes mid-week for absolutely no reason at all.  I think they did a pretty darn good job turning plain ole cupcakes into tasty creations.

Now if I could just get a house elf to do all the clean up my midweek dreams would come true!!

xoxo - j

New Year's Feast

Tradition would state that on holidays we eat like kings, however, the traditional New Year's "feast" I prepare every year is meager in comparison.

A simple table setting of beautiful white and pink tulips in mason jars and my Nonna's water goblets were the perfect casual contrast to the very formal tablescapes of normal holidays.

I had tons of leftover spinach and onion dip from our super fun NYE game night.  The chippers and dippers were served in brown paper bags from the breakfast counter.

Our eats included Bourbon and Brown Sugar Pork Tenderloin; Collard Greens (for wealth); Hoppin' John (for luck); Sweet Cornbread Waffles; and Cream Puffs for dessert.

As I sat down with my sweet family of 5 I was once again reminded again just how good life is.  Something that I need to remind myself of throughout the day, especially when I get overly stressed or tired and have 3 little boys running the halls...

xoxo - j

Monday, January 1, 2018

NYE Celebration

We rang in the New Year with family in quite the welcoming celebration!

We hosted a super fun game night to welcome 2018!

While all the children were contained, entertained and eventually all dressed up like super heroes, the adults played silly games.

We ended our night playing Taboo, Mad Gab and Pass the Popcorn. 

A few minutes to 9:00 (midnight in NYC) we cued up the only channel that was showing a live stream of Times Square...the Spanish Channel as we counted down, clinked our glasses, smooched our honeys and welcomed all the possibilities of twenty-eighteen.

Happy New Year to you and yours!!

xoxo - j

Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!