Friday, June 2, 2017

Memorial Day Weekend

Like many others, we spent our first long weekend of summer soaking up the sun and enjoying the company of family.

We kicked off the summer season by hitting the road to Big Bear Lake in Southern California.  We picked up Carter and Dax early from preschool and waited for that 3:00 p.m. bell to ring for Ethan, then we hopped in the car and jetted off to our first adventure of Summer 2017.

After all the fun of that 10 hour drive we just couldn't contain our excitement any longer and kicked off our weekend panning for treasure.  The kids each walked away with a bag full of loot, Ethan even found an arrowhead in his treasure pan!

Next we rode down Magic Mountain on bobsleds...first we had to take the chair lift up the hill and this mama was a little nervous for Ethan and Madi to be on the lift by themselves.

We ended our first day in Big Bear at the Wildlife Rescue Zoo.  This place is truly amazing, rehabbing and releasing 80% of the animals they take in.  The ones "on display" are either too imprinted to be in the wild, too hurt or are 3 strikes animals, meaning they are in jail.

Yaya surprised us by bringing out a bunch of fun and unique gifts she brought back from Disney World and Hogwarts.  Of course the Bradshaw Pipsqueaks instantly morphed into their chosen Harry Potter characters (to be quite honest, they have inhabited those alter egos ever since).

Sunday, we took a fun river boat tour of the lake.  I think next time we visit a new place like this I will start our trip with a tour and informational excursion because a lot of things were brought to our attention like hikes and fun siteseeing places that we couldn't quite fit in.  Anyway...the kids had so much fun getting to drive the boat and then hitting the beach and Fawnskin Park.  Fisher was so excited he got to participate in the beach and park outing too!!

We rounded out our weekend with quite the adventurous ride home with no AC and lots of traffic going the other direction.  But with 3 little boys to entertain us who wouldn't have an undeniably good time!

As fast as our weekend started it ended and it was back to the loads and loads of laundry and our last real week of school!!!  No matter what, we can't get this time back and I would say without a doubt every minute of our fun filled weekend was worth it!


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Silly Bio

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I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!