Monday, April 14, 2014

Hello Monday!

Welcome to another week. After much deliberation, I decided today would be a good day to turn over a new leaf. My goal is to get everything organized...everything being motherhood in general (ha!); our house projects; family time; and, pretty much anything else you can think of. Keep your fingers crossed that I can accomplish this task!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Embarrassing Mom Moment

Here I am, mother of three, thinking I've got this mother thing down. I made a lot of mistakes with the first one, made new mistakes with the second, so I thought by the third I would at least make FEWER mistakes. Ha! The list of mistakes is growing!!

Let's start with not having diapers in the diaper bag! Um...what?! How does that happen?? The excuses I could make for how I walked out of the house without size 1 diapers in my bag could go on forever, but I will own it. I had to have my co-workers who were going out for lunch stop and grab me a bag of diapers...I think I still owe one of them money!

Then, let us fast forward a week. I'm sitting in my aunt's office talking to her about random stuff when I go to take off my jacket, to my horror I have leaked everywhere! What the H?! Oh yes I forgot those stupid little nursing pad thingies, I NEVER forget them!!! I rush to the bathroom cut a maxi pad in half and wash my shirt, which then I used my space heater as a dryer. Moving on with our day, Daxton starts screaming his head off...of course he's hungry. Pull out the bottle and formula...OH MY do I have NO formula?!!! Ok, that was a bit of an exaggeration, I had enough for one bottle. At this point I'm thinking "can I please start today over?" when I get a text from my sweet husband. I tell him how horrible my day has been and how horrible of a mother I must be. As any good husband would he came to our rescue!

So far this week I have managed to have formula, bottles, and diapers all in the bag. I even managed to have an extra outfit yesterday when Daxton needed it. I surely cannot be the only mother with more than one child who has committed such idiotic mistakes?!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Mommy Ramblings: It's National Find A Rainbow Day

Today is National Find A Rainbow Day.

The kids' school decided it would be fun to make a rainbow of kids. Each class wore a different color. Ethan wore orange and Carter wore yellow.

Carter's class painted a rainbow book and learned about the color yellow. I asked Ethan if his class did anything rainbow-related, but since it's spring break he told me they just went on their field trip to High Ballocity.

I love all the fun things the teachers come up with for the kids to do.

When I googled "National Find A Rainbow Day" I found out that there are random things every day of the year you could celebrate. It blew my mind!

I guess there is nothing wrong with having a new theme everyday of something you could celebrate. It was overcast most of today, so I doubt the kids actually found a rainbow, but I'm sure they had fun looking.

What a fun day!!

Happy National Find A Rainbow Day!!!

ApRiL FoOlS DaY - BaCkWaRd DiNnEr!!

It was April Fools Day, so what did we do?
Act silly, and crazy, and all mixed up too!

We surprised the littles and each other as well,
With a dinner that was just swell!

We had dessert for dinner and dinner for dessert,
Our mixed up meal was totally beserk!

It was time to eat the cupcakes,
When low-and-behold we had made a mistake!

The cake was meatloaf, the icing po-ta-to,
It was a crazy, loony mean, if I do say so!!

Our funny milk was blue and the mood so happy,
We told silly stories and got sappy.

It was a night of laughs and tales so tall
Happy April Fools to all!!

(I got this fun idea from one of my favorite blogs:

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Weekly Bradshaw Ramblings: Blissdom Edition

Yes, yes, and yes...snow in APRIL!!! (This isn't a current picture, but you get the point)

I guess we had such a mild winter that Mother Nature decided to use spring as her winter do-over!


I feel like I'm just now reaping the rewards of going back to work after having Little Peanut. The first few weeks are a bit of a blur, but the flow of work and connecting dots to build a case is very real. It's been a nice week so far!

I'm still working my way through enormous stacks of paper on my desk, but its been fun watching the dots connect.


Before I post I always do a preview so I can see what the final post will look like. And just now I realized I need to update the sidebar photos!! Hopefully I can get to that soon...maybe by like weeks end!

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Monday Funday

Spring baseball has finally started! The Aces had their annual scrimmage against UNR last night, leaving me alone with the littles. So I had to (wanted to) come up with something fun, quick and easy for us to go do on a Monday night. As it was April Fools Day yesterday I thought I would come up with something fun related to that, but then decided to carry it over to today when Trevor will be home to enjoy a fun April Fools-related family time. So off to Doughboy Donuts we went after a dinner of french bread pizza! It only took us a few minutes to pick out our delectable treats and back home we went to watch Frozen for the 5 millionth time (I love that movie).

What makes it totally worth it is when Ethan and Carter say things like "You are the funnest mommy in the world!" or "Mom, I love when we go do fun things after dinner." Me too my little sweets!!

By the way, my sweet little BABY was officially 2 months old yesterday! I can't believe how fast the time is flying!

Happy Spring xoxo

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Mommy Ramblings: My Partners In Crime

Have you ever taken a moment to reflect on major events of your life or things you might not do again? Who was there? Who egged you on? Those are the people I consider to be my partners in crime!

< "Partner in Crime" might be a broad title. It varies from eye-roll worthy (slapped on to someone when they are present for a not-so-fine moment) to the most important person in the room. But, in a nutshell, these ladies are responsible for many of the best memories in my life. Either because they were things just the three of us did or they witnessed the most important moments. Meet Michaela & Christina. I have decided that not only should this blog be about the Bradshaws as a whole, but also about us individually. Since these two ladies have been with me through thick and thin and are present for so many of our family outings/parties/moments, I should take the time to introduce them properly. Because they have witnessed so many of my successes...I think it's only fair I take some credit for theirs! Partners in crime, like most friends, function in a variety of different ways depending on the situation. For example, they save all their money to travel to Italy for 3 weeks with you because it was something on the Bucket List and then turn around 5 months later and venture back across the Atlantic to London. Or, they end a date early because you have just had your first baby.
< Often times these two have helped me with random craft projects, school projects, date planning...and most importantly wedding planning! They are the make-up of my creative team. The picture above was taken in Capri before husbands and children...those were our free-spirit days. Now, we are all married (or practically married) and 2 out of 3 of us have kids. Because M & C are such an integral part of my life, Trevor often jokes he has 3 wives! Especially since they are just as bossy as his real wife!! If you can belive it, there are others out there who potentially hold the same title as these two, but serve a completely different function in my life! These two lovely ladies were born into the crazy life of Jessica...they didn't really stand a chance!! Lucky for me to be related to such beautiful, smart and fun women!! END INTRODUCTION!

Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!