Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Super Bowl 51

One day per year, on Super Bowl Sunday, we celebrate all things football and all things boy.  You see, I think it's only fair to allow one day per year when the boys can just be completely immersed in all things football.  So now that the pipsqueaks are getting bigger and into the game more I caved.  Their day went something like this...

The boys picked which team they were going to root for since none of our actual teams were in the big game this year, and I dressed them accordingly.  Trevor jetted out the door to go place all the bets.  Let's face it the only praying we do on Super Bowl Sunday is that the bets hit.

This year I went a little overboard and made a ton of food.  Including chili dog bake, ham and cheese sliders, cookie dough dip and guacamole.  Thankfully Raley's cut up the veggies for me and made the Ranch.

In between lunch and kick-off we had some visitors and I wrestled with the boys trying to keep them as occupied as possible.  Trevor took Ethan in the backyard to play catch but the other two followed not long after and it ruined the quick game of pick-up backyard football.  

And then finally it was time for the coup de gras...KICK OFF!!  We hosted a very small and family only (Tyrone is family) party this year.  Ethan is so into sports and especially the big game that he was fully immersed in all things football.  Cart is finally old enough to not require constant supervision and sweet little Dax spent a lot of time watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in his room and then finally fell asleep on Ethan's bed.  I think everyone enjoyed the evening immensely.

I just want to say that Trevor is such an amazing father and husband so he definitely deserves a day devoted to all things football and man-ish.  Maybe next year I will take the kids out of the house for a bit so he can enjoy pre-game without boys yelling constantly.

Whew...until next year!!


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Silly Bio

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I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!