Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sunday in the Nook {Yes Day}

We wrapped up a long and luxurious Christmas Break with a "Yes Day" today.  You know the kind of day where you just give in to their every request for the sake of just having fun and enjoying their company?!

Can we have blueberry muffins for breakfast??  Why yes you may.

Can we light saber batter until our little arms fall off?  Why of course you may, you silly boys...

Can we do Star Wars Madlibs while we eat frozen yogurt and leftover pizza for lunch??  Done and done!!

Since Dax is napping, can we have unlimited tablet time until we go bug-eyed, while Daddy plays Call of Duty and you want to pull your unwashed, uncombed hair out?!  Yes, yes, and yes!!

Finally, after a trip to Target in our pj's (them, not me), and dinner...Can we PUH-LEASE play Avengers Monopoly??  Well heck we might as well finish this day off the way it started...YES!!

How today was different than any other Sunday in this house I'm not really sure!  That being said, I really missed these two pipsqueaks, and I'm sure going to miss spending days like this since it's back to the grind tomorrow.

I suppose I best get to finishing up prepping for Monday!!


Tuesday, January 5, 2016

2016 Resolution

Every year I hear how people are so glad that it's over, and that it was the worst year ever.  Well I've decided that no matter what happens during a day, a month, a year, heck even a lifetime it's what WE make it.  

With that in mind and all the "bad" things that face us this year that are not known to us at this time I decided my resolution/goal for 2016 is to live purposefully.  I want to be present in what I am doing.  I don't want to worry about tomorrow or the next day, I want to be focused on now and do the best that I can in the moment.

So in order to do these things I think the most important thing is to evaluate everything I commit myself and family to doing/going/supporting/etc., and also to evaluate what we spend our money on.  Is it something we truly need and has a purpose in the here in now or is something we might use or might want down the road.

I haven't made resolutions in years, but I'm excited about this one.  There are many good things to come in 2016!!


Monday, January 4, 2016

Home Inspiration

One of my favorite things to do right after the new year is to browse through the pictures of the HGTV Dream Home.  I love clicking through the photos and getting ideas for updates to my own home.  My favorite dream home will always be the 2012 Park City, Utah home!

This year's dream home isn't too shabby either, but I'm not sure I would love Florida...but since I've never been there I can't really judge.  The colors are a little too vibrant for me, but nonetheless I surely enjoyed looking through it!

Though it's not my style, I would be more than happy to move right in!!


Ringing in 2016

Although two of the three Bradshaw boys were in Vegas to ring in the new year, we still had two cute littles (C&E) make it to midnight with us!  Despite our game night festivities it was a relatively quiet night over all.  And the first day of January brought frigid air and dreary skies.

After we stuffed ourselves with Mexican food and playing Cards Against Humanity until we all nearly peed our pants, Trevor and I could barely keep our eyes open.  I'm already mourning the end of the holidays, as we start a new work week!

Happy New Year y'all!!


Saturday, January 2, 2016

Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016

As we closed out 2015 I thought it was only appropriate to ask each of the Bradshaw Nook members what their favorite part of 2015 was.  This is what they said...


We got to spend additional time with our parents, who in 2015 battled Stage 4 brain cancer and Alzheimer's disease.


I completely agree with Trevor that our time with our parents this past year was near and dear to my heart.  Another thing that was a favorite of mine in 2015 was all of our fun holiday activities we do from start to finish of each year.


"My favorite thingn we did in 2015 was go to so many movies!"


Bet you can't guess this one...STAR WARS: The Force Awakens (or as Carter says, The Force of the Awakens):


And since he can't tell us what is most favorite thing was this past year, I am only going to assume it was turning 1!

When I started this blogging adventure it was just to stay connected with those who lived far away.  I had no idea how much fun I would have doing it along the way or how much it would change me in the sense that I would love nothing more than to make a living writing.  So thank you to each and everyone of you who takes a few minute out of their day to spend it reading about our fun and silly lives.

With that I think I'm going to sign off from the virtual world and enjoy some pancakes with my littlest pipsqueak!!

Happy 2016 - xoxo

Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!