Friday, July 10, 2015

Mommy Rambling {Summer Stress}

Any one else feeling the summer stress?  I feel extra stressed today and not sure why...

Oh yeah three kids, SDK, a cheer program...and a bunch of administrative staff for WCSD not giving me a complete copy of my application packet to complete my fingerprints.  BIG breath...

Then of course there is this little issue of it being summer!  Ethan has really enjoyed his time at Boys & Girls Club, I'm sad they don't offer Billinghurst as a site for the entire summer.  But at the same time he is really looking forward to hanging out with Grandpa Fred!

Speaking of time with Grandpa...they were supposed to be going camping, but with all the rain the place they were intending to go in the next few weeks is right in a flood zone!  Yikes!!!  More to come on that!

I have been trying super hard to keep the kids out of the sun.  That's easier said than done.  I keep a SPF 55 in my travel bag that lives in my car, and I've been trying to get the kids to wear hats.  Ugghh the things we go through.

I have yet to decorate my house for summer.  I guess tomorrow I will pull out all of my fun beach decorations.  The kids truly love that our house has rotating decor.

I love the family aspect of summer, and dread the material keeping up with the Joneses aspect of it.  We're trying to keep it simple this year and focus on the stuff that matters.  Something about summer makes me so happy; the afternoon rainstorms, the BBQing, patio sitting and fresh flowers.  But at the same time it can be so stressful.

Homemade fun is the best kind of fun, especially when we have been having such crazy rain this week.  We've been keeping ourselves busy with a little abstract art, colorful handprints and new movies.  The kids really love the 1960's Babes in Toyland and Howard the Duck right now.

We are just soaking it all in, trying to enjoy everything and not let things be entirely too stressful.  Trying to fill picture frames with special memories.

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Silly Bio

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I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!