Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Daycare Keeps Me Pretty

Daycare parents know your name. They wave at you when your car pulls up. They know your kids names and your kids know their names. They know you're Trevor's wife and what you do for your career. No disguises work with daycare parents. I've worn scarves, sunglasses, even gone in my husband's car. They always greet you by name and with a big friendly smile.

It seems like this would be considered excellent parental camaraderie. In some ways it is, but most of the time I wish we could all just go on about our day.

The kids' school is just down the street from our house, so we all live in close proximity to not only the school, but other necessary venues, like Kohl's and Raley's. Not to mention we all go to the birthday parties. This is how we get to know each other so well.

So here is the dilemma...

It is sometimes a big pain in the rear to make sure my hair is done and my skin isn't going to scare anyone. Some of these moms really pull themselves together for their work days, so I can't bear for them to see me looking like a disaster (although sometimes I do). With three kids the day just starts rolling like a steam engine and pretty soon you're running out the door with your slippers on!

I always do want to look pretty for my husband, and I make an honest effort to, however, it seems as though it is the daycare parents that really keep me accountable. If they are the only reason I throw on some make-up everyday then so be it. Beauty is pain. And I want to be one of those "cute" moms!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Mommy Ramblings: Book Club

I know so many people who participate in book clubs! I really think that starting one, or joining one would be an awesome thing to add to my to do list. I think it would be a good mommy-only thing to get me out of the house and it would give me something to look forward to once a month. The only problem is finding time to read now that I have three little monsters!!

I was doing so much reading up until Little Peanut was born, and now I think if I looked at a book it would automatically put me to sleep! But at the same time it might be nice to have the discipline of reading one book a month and who knows maybe it would be the best conversation all month!!

I might make this a new 2014 goal...start a mommy book club!

Donuts Galore

A normal day around here would probably drive even the sanest sole to funny farm! So, we thought we were being super crafty by running out and bringing home Dough Boy's Donuts on Sunday morning. Not only were they to act as breakfast for our rowdy crew, but also as a sweet bribe to be good while mommy caught up on some much needed z's and daddy did a fantasy baseball draft.

Oh yes I did utter the words FANTASY BASEBALL...ugh already!! While Daddy drafted his fantasy team the littles ran around like mad men! Not only did we have baby screams, we had little boys yelling and sword fighting. So much for catching up on some sleep!

After what seemed like an all-day draft we scooted off to see Grandma Barbara and Grandpa Fred 2 as my children so fondly call him. They hadn't met Daxton yet so I was excited to get over there and spend some time! We had a very sweet visit with the great-grandparents. I wish I would have snapped a few pictures while we were there. Poor Grandma couldn't hold Daxton without him crying...hopefully this weekend or next will be better!

At the end of the day I don't think it was the the donut bribe that was the best part of our day, I think it was getting to spend time with family! - xoxo

Monday, March 3, 2014

Saturday Fun

It's been three weeks since our original plan to purchase a new swing. There was nothing wrong with the old one, except that it was, well, old! It didn't rock side to side or swing back and forth and it was not really accomodating to an infant. Since my mom was the one offering to make the purchase for Little Peanut I had to wait until it worked with her schedule. Finally, Saturday morning we loaded Ethan up in the car and off to Target we went! We LOVE the new swing...I will have to take a picture of it tonight and update. Daxton will sit in it for a few minutes and then he is done, but it's better than just having to snooze in the bouncey seat.

With the threat of rain storms looming overhead and being inside bound, Mom and I decided after Target to make a run into the Sun Glass Hut. I wish I could afford to shop there, but she needed sunglasses for her trip to Cancun (which she is currently on). Ethan could not help but pick out a few shades to try on. I kept telling him to be careful because we could not afford to purchase anything if it was broke. In fact at one point the manager came over and ripped a pair of sunglasses out of my hand and was probably about to kick us out of the store until she turned around and realized Mom was purchasing a pair of Chanel sunglasses...she quickly walked away.

Finally, Little Peanut turned ONE MONTH!! I can hardly believe a month has flown by! He is 8.5 lbs; loves to look at the lights; sleeps about 3 hours at a time; and loves to be snuggled!!

Happy March!! xoxo

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Going Back To Work Is Not Blissdom

I decided to go back to work part time 2 weeks after Daxton was born. I figured this is my third kid, I didn't need 4-6 weeks off, plus I really like having the structure of a routine and adult conversation. Daxton is fun to talk to, but it's just not the same as having a REAL conversation with like-minded adults!

I have only been getting 4 ish hours of sleep a night so by Wednesday I was dragging. I was inevitably having thoughts of "what am I doing here?" "Why did I chose to go back so soon?" I would rather sleep on the couch than walk into the office and sit at my desk.

Instead of just calling in and telling them I wasn't ready, I got myself up and slipped on some heels. The first few days back I couldn't focus, I was having a hard time following what was going on in all my cases. But I forced myself, and so far I feel like it's been so beneficial.

While being at work with a newborn might not be the most ideal work environment, we are establishing a routine and I'm getting back into the swing of things. It might not be blissdom, but it certainly has given me some structure and sanity in what has become a crazy existence!

Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!