Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Totally Tuesday

Tuesdays are our "back to the grind" days. Trevor starts his week at midnight and it just snowballs from there! Ethan goes to Shiloh's starting on Tuesdays so he actually has to be up in the mornings. Lucky for me, my week starts on Monday, like a "normal" person,so by Tuesday I feel like an old pro at the daily routine.

This week brings another element to our already busy schedule...baseball starts! The opening game for the Reno Ace's is Thursday, April 8, 2010. From that day forward (until October) Trevor's schedule becomes 4:30 pm to 4:30 am....AHHHH so crazy! I'm really going to miss him. I already feel like we don't get to spend enough time with one another. We will just have to be extra conscious about making time for each other.

Our favorite show was on tonight, "The Biggest Loser." It is one of the few shows Trevor and I love and we that we agree to watch together. I look forward to Tuesdays for that very reason, it's a mini date night. Tonight we had a special treat, my sister came over and hung out. I do get to see her almost everyday but having her here tonight was so nice. I love spending time with her, we made bruchetta and just laughed and talked!

About 20 minutes ago Trevor sent me a text that totally freaked me out! He left early for work and he sends me a text that says, "so...." And in true Jessica fashion I freaked out. Thankfully nothing happened, he just wanted to let me know he couldn't resist buying Ethan more baseball cards while he was at Walmart prior to work! It melted my heart. He loves Ethan so much and they share this wonderful bond, that I cannot describe. Baseball cards will hopefully be something that they can share when Ethan gets a little bit older.

My Tuesday is coming to an end. Ethan is sleeping soundly all snuggled in his bed, Trevor is at work making us some money and I am about to get cozy with a movie! I hope everyone has at least one day in their week that allows them to pause from their busy schedules and reflect on the little things. Goodnight Tuesday, Good morning Wednesday!


  1. I love that Trevor loves your little Ethan so much! So now that he is even more busy we should get together once a week for dinner and to let the boys play...what do you think?

  2. YES!! Let's definitely start doing that!

  3. I love reading you blog. Missed you guys on Sunday!


Silly Bio

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I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!