Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Stay-At-Home Weekend

I wanted to post this yesterday, but I ended up with the most obnoxious sinus headache!

Anyway...Friday night Trevor had to work at the Ace's so it was just Ethan and I. I made a version of Mexican potroast in the crockpot, I used turkey instead of beef because I'm lame and couldn't find a cheap enough potroast. At dinner time though, I decided it wasn't ready so I'm pretty sure Ethan ate PB&J! After I put him to bed, I literally passed out on the couch...I was so exhausted from playing nurse the last 2 days! When I woke up it was 10:45, I hadn't eaten and Trevor was on his way home! I scrambled to shred the turkey, but as I was shredding it for tacos I realized I was not eating it no matter what, for some reason shredding the turkey equated to shredding my forearm muscle...don't ask I was tired and in a weird mood! But Trevor liked the tacos and I did end up eating one the next day for lunch!

Ethan was sick Thursday, Friday and finally started to feel better Saturday, just in time for the nasty cold to hit me! I usually never catch anything from him, I mean as moms we really can't afford to be sick!

Saturday, we did leave the house long enough to buy Thomas a birthday present. I have to say Kohl's really disappointed me in their selection of clothing. I usually can walk into Kohl's with nothing and leave with like 20 things! We went to Thomas' 15th birthday party, I cannot believe he is 15! It was so much fun, Liz made cream cheese pies and Ethan got to play with all his older cousins. He loved it, he followed Daniel around like a little puppy, it was so so so cute!

Sunday was was such a lazy day. Ethan and I just played and played. We built a "castle" out of all of his giant legos, he colored pictures and we "drove" around in his Little Tykes car. My sister came over for dinner so she could interview us for one of her classes, why she chose Trevor and I as her case study I will never know, we are so boring!! I realized that I love and hate Sundays. I love them for the lazy way we spend the day, but I hate them because I know I will have to go to work the next day, lol.

I'm so excited for this week, tonight Jenica and I are going to Kohl's to get stuff to make more beach towel bags, Wednesday night is "Movie Night" with Michaela and Charlie, and then Thursday Ethan and I are going to go play with the Karrasch boys! This is going to be a great week...now if I could just shake this ear infection!!

1 comment:

  1. so fun! I love stay at home weekends! Are you guys making the bags like the one we gave Ethan? They are so cute! We are so excited to hang out with you guys! I get so bored and any friends that I have have husbands who are home at night...so basically I get super lonely! We can wait to see you guys! Take care :)


Silly Bio

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I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!