Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Writer's Block

I've been stumped that past few days. I really wanted to be able to post a blog everyday or at least every other day, but for some reason I get so preoccupied. A lot has been going on, I just get so distracted I forget to keep everyone up-to-date! I did get some good this past weekend, which was nice after such a long week at work. I'm feeling like a new woman!

Ethan had so much fun playing with his cousins, Tracen and Logan last week! He walks around the house saying, "Tracen, Logey" it's very cute. I'm hoping Sara and I can get the boys together again soon!

Christina came over on Sunday to do the last part of her family study. We had 10 minutes to build whatever we wanted out of Ethan's giant Legos. Everytime I would add a block to our castle Trevor would take it off, lol! He said he was doing it on purpose, but I think I wasn't building the castle "right" so he had to fix everything I did! I hope Christina's observations of us didn't lead her to believe we are totally chaotic and dysfunctional! I think Ethan had fun building a "castle" with Daddy and Mommy, though.

This week is much more mellow than last week, we don't really have anything on the calendar. Tomorrow is our weekly Movie Night with Michaela and Charlie. I guess we better let the boys pick the movie this week since we've picked the last 2 movies and they've both been Chick Flicks! Oye, I just don't want to watch a movie that's going to give me nightmares!!

Until the next post, I'm going to keep my mind open and the creative juices flowing! I hope everyone else reading this does the same!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Stay-At-Home Weekend

I wanted to post this yesterday, but I ended up with the most obnoxious sinus headache!

Anyway...Friday night Trevor had to work at the Ace's so it was just Ethan and I. I made a version of Mexican potroast in the crockpot, I used turkey instead of beef because I'm lame and couldn't find a cheap enough potroast. At dinner time though, I decided it wasn't ready so I'm pretty sure Ethan ate PB&J! After I put him to bed, I literally passed out on the couch...I was so exhausted from playing nurse the last 2 days! When I woke up it was 10:45, I hadn't eaten and Trevor was on his way home! I scrambled to shred the turkey, but as I was shredding it for tacos I realized I was not eating it no matter what, for some reason shredding the turkey equated to shredding my forearm muscle...don't ask I was tired and in a weird mood! But Trevor liked the tacos and I did end up eating one the next day for lunch!

Ethan was sick Thursday, Friday and finally started to feel better Saturday, just in time for the nasty cold to hit me! I usually never catch anything from him, I mean as moms we really can't afford to be sick!

Saturday, we did leave the house long enough to buy Thomas a birthday present. I have to say Kohl's really disappointed me in their selection of clothing. I usually can walk into Kohl's with nothing and leave with like 20 things! We went to Thomas' 15th birthday party, I cannot believe he is 15! It was so much fun, Liz made cream cheese pies and Ethan got to play with all his older cousins. He loved it, he followed Daniel around like a little puppy, it was so so so cute!

Sunday was was such a lazy day. Ethan and I just played and played. We built a "castle" out of all of his giant legos, he colored pictures and we "drove" around in his Little Tykes car. My sister came over for dinner so she could interview us for one of her classes, why she chose Trevor and I as her case study I will never know, we are so boring!! I realized that I love and hate Sundays. I love them for the lazy way we spend the day, but I hate them because I know I will have to go to work the next day, lol.

I'm so excited for this week, tonight Jenica and I are going to Kohl's to get stuff to make more beach towel bags, Wednesday night is "Movie Night" with Michaela and Charlie, and then Thursday Ethan and I are going to go play with the Karrasch boys! This is going to be a great week...now if I could just shake this ear infection!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I'm So Sad Ethan Is Sick

The decision to sell the truck or to not sell the truck is not going to be easy. I have a tendency to make quick and sometimes rash decisions. Thankfully it's not my car that we may or may not be selling. I know Trevor will think long and hard about it before a final decision to sell the truck will be made! He wanted that truck so bad, and his parents found the "perfect" one in Las Vegas. We were so excited to have a new truck, especially one as nice as it is, but when I see how stressed the payments and gas bills make Trevor it makes me so sad! He told me today that he has been thinking about getting rid of it. Even though I have all the confidence in the world that we will be able to make our budget work, I will stand by whatever decision he makes.

I was so sad that Ethan was sick today, mainly because I hate seeing him sick! It breaks my heart when he falls ill. I was also sad because his days with playing with Annalita are numbered, since they found a house and will be moving at the end of this month. The most important thing though is to get him better, so we kept him home today.

At the beginning of next month Ethan will be starting school at Pipsqueaks. It will be a bittersweet moment for me, but I'm hoping that I will feel a sense of accomplishment. Anyway...that will be a whole other blog! Even though Ethan was sick, I got to spend the whole day with my little man. My favorite part of today was the cuddling! He is super cuddly when he is sick, I want him to start feeling better, but I will miss the cozy cuddles!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Totally Tuesday

Tuesdays are our "back to the grind" days. Trevor starts his week at midnight and it just snowballs from there! Ethan goes to Shiloh's starting on Tuesdays so he actually has to be up in the mornings. Lucky for me, my week starts on Monday, like a "normal" person,so by Tuesday I feel like an old pro at the daily routine.

This week brings another element to our already busy schedule...baseball starts! The opening game for the Reno Ace's is Thursday, April 8, 2010. From that day forward (until October) Trevor's schedule becomes 4:30 pm to 4:30 am....AHHHH so crazy! I'm really going to miss him. I already feel like we don't get to spend enough time with one another. We will just have to be extra conscious about making time for each other.

Our favorite show was on tonight, "The Biggest Loser." It is one of the few shows Trevor and I love and we that we agree to watch together. I look forward to Tuesdays for that very reason, it's a mini date night. Tonight we had a special treat, my sister came over and hung out. I do get to see her almost everyday but having her here tonight was so nice. I love spending time with her, we made bruchetta and just laughed and talked!

About 20 minutes ago Trevor sent me a text that totally freaked me out! He left early for work and he sends me a text that says, "so...." And in true Jessica fashion I freaked out. Thankfully nothing happened, he just wanted to let me know he couldn't resist buying Ethan more baseball cards while he was at Walmart prior to work! It melted my heart. He loves Ethan so much and they share this wonderful bond, that I cannot describe. Baseball cards will hopefully be something that they can share when Ethan gets a little bit older.

My Tuesday is coming to an end. Ethan is sleeping soundly all snuggled in his bed, Trevor is at work making us some money and I am about to get cozy with a movie! I hope everyone has at least one day in their week that allows them to pause from their busy schedules and reflect on the little things. Goodnight Tuesday, Good morning Wednesday!

Monday, April 5, 2010

New Discoveries...Easter Eggs!

It constantly amazes me how little it takes to fascinate a child.
Yesterday was Ethan's second Easter, but a whole new world opened up for him. Last year we just gave him a stuffed bunny what was bigger than he was, this year we got to do the whole 9 yards! We had hardboiled eggs with camo dye (even though we didn't actually get a chance to dye them), an Easter basket with bubbles and books and movies and last but not least the most amazing thing of all....PLASTIC EGGS!
We went over to our friends, Dixie & Aaron's house for brunch and a massive Easter egg hunt. Ethan loved finding the eggs and opening them. We didn't let him have any of the candy,I know we're mean parents, but it was wonderful to watch this little boy discover the magic of plastic Easter eggs!

It is so important to me that Trevor and I get to share these moments with him, it is only a matter a time before the magic of Christmas, Easter and the Tooth Fairy are gone. I cherish every second I have watching the new discoveries.

This year it was the wonder of plastic eggs filled with dollar bills and candy, I can't wait to see what next Easter brings!

Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!