Monday, April 27, 2020

Why Write Now?

Blogging is over, right?  I mean done-zo, dead, totally lame?!  I think it was probably always lame, I mean kind of.  Maybe it was never cool.  But there was a time when everyone was into blogs.  At one point it seemed like everyone I knew had a blog and wrote about their kids and their cute family adventures, their amazing dinners and their fabulous craft projects & homes.  I think in some sense maybe it was a forum to be seen, another form of social media.  The most important thing for me is that I have always tried to be real and true in this space.  I haven't written here in over a year, until last weekend.  Being home all day, alone with 3 kids and trying to balance it all has put a lot of things in perspective for me.

When the pandemic started, I wasn't on board with staying at home.  I wasn't convinced this thing could be as bad as the media was saying.  I staunchly resisted the idea of stay at home orders.  I chose to be a work-out-of-the-home mom for a reason; I had tried to be a stay-at-home mom at one point and I was not good at it.  I think that is really where the resistance came from.  I couldn't imagine having to be an at-home mom, who managed school, all the things that make-up a home and figure out bringing my outside job in.

Writing here in some aspects saved me.  It kept me company during lonely years and was a way for me to journal the young years of my kids.  But more importantly it kept me writing, like one long course in personal essay writing.  As the kids got bigger and our lives got busier I did not prioritize writing.  I found every excuse to not keep it up.

I have missed writing.  I'm not worried about how many people see this and I am past the desire to maybe have the "right" person see my cute family adventures or the projects and recipes I threw on here.  I miss the genuine journaling aspect.  I love to write.

You know what else I really love...lists!

My real gift to this world is bossiness.  I am known for telling you exactly what you should do, how to do it and I will give all the ways I think you should say something.  I like being in charge.  My obsessions come fast and deep and I have a weird need to know everything about a subject I have fixated on.

Writing has been great for me.

It has not always been so great.  I have had my share of red pens rewriting everything I wrote down on a piece of paper.  I grew up with a mom who was not only and English major, and an attorney, but she had a genuine gift of writing.  She rewrote almost every high school paper I ever wrote...and college.  She shaped my writing, taught me how to have a voice and effectively argue a point.  I learned fast that bold is for stupid people and "that" is an unnecessary word.

Every time I think about stepping away from writing something big happens in my world.  In this instance something big is happening to the whole world.  I have come back to the piece about journaling.  I think putting pen to paper and writing what we are going through in The Nook, my feelings, my fears and our experience through this whole thing will be priceless for our family history.

I might run out of things to say, but for now I have things that will need be remembered years down the road.  Now is now, all we have is today.  And today we are in a unique situation that down the road I want to be able to look back on and remember.  Moments are fleeting, all we have is our memories...and if you know anything about us...those are even fleeting.

xo - jess

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Just Do It

We are heading into our 4th week of at-home school and our work-from-home order.  Lately I've been in a rut.  By "lately" I mean since I started having kids, but especially sine the stay-at-home orders went into effect.  I have fallen into a bad habit of planning and not doing.  For the last four weeks I have made countless to do lists for the following:

Organizing: I look through countless organization ideas on blogs and on Pinterest, I have task lists 10-miles long for each room in this house, and I have spent thousands of dollars on organization bins, labels, etc.  I just can't make myself actually organize this house.

Cooking:  Anyone who knows me knows I love to cook.  I enjoy it and I feel like I'm decently good at it. However, since we have all been home I spend countless hours creating a big mess in my kitchen on what seems like 100+ meals a day.  Cooking has become a chore and hasn't been fun lately.  I feel bad that I haven't been making super healthy dinners for my family so I made a menu for this week and plan to stick to it.

Reading:  I LOVE to read.  I LOVE to read actual books, a book with pages that I get to turn, a book with a real book mark (mine is a St. Francis of Asisi prayer card from my Nonna's funeral).  I have a bucket list of books I'd like to read before I die...or even by the end of the year.  I feel like staying at home would be the perfect excuse to just sit and read...but I just can't bring myself to pick up Gone With the Wind and just read. 

Blogging:  I love reading blogs (I know they are kind of out of style) but I love reading the blogs that I have read for years, ones that inspire me to want to be a Pinterest Mom and have a beautiful, organized house.  I know, I know, every year I say I'm going to be consistent and write here and use this forum to journal our lives.  Well, I decided I need to make it less about the kids and more about my thoughts and my forum to journal my journey.  So, I'm revamping this space, hoping it will inspire me to stop just planning all of the things I want to do and take a little advice from Nike and JUST DO IT!

xo - jess

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

First Place Second Day

Daxton had his kindergarten assessment today which I was able to have the afternoon off to take him and meet his potential teacher *fingers crossed*  I could hardly wait for the big kids to get out of school today and meet them outside the kindergarten playground.  Being typical boys the recap of their second day of school was 2.5 seconds long.

After a big hug and asking if they had homework Dax and I presented them with their very sweet and elaborate after school snack of cupcakes and green apples.

Both boys reported they had a perfect day and that they already LOVE their teachers and classes.  Both had PE today which seemed like a good break in the day to work off some first week of school energy. 

We had back to school night for 5th grade and I think we all agreed that Ethan definitely wants to go back  tomorrow.  Carter really seems to love Mrs. H and 2nd grade so far!! As for Dax it was reported that he did very well on his assessment though I heard him several times tell her he didn't know what sound a specific letter made which I knew was just not accurate...but I think that kid already understands there needs to be room for improvement!

It definitely was a first place second day of school!!

xoxo - j

First Day of School 2019

Well they are all settled in to their new classes and I feel like a little piece of my heart is being left at the school up the street. *ugly cry face*

Carter and Ethan both jumped right out of bed, hopped into the shower and got themselves all ready for the day.  They were extra snuggley and huggy - I do wonder how many more days like this I'll have...where they won't be too proud or grown up to seek us out when they are scared or lonely or just need a little extra love.

We had out traditional pancake breakfast and had the pleasure of Dad being off of work this week to join us for this momentous occasion.  They were all laughs and smiles as we gave them first day pep talks - remember the rules, don't talk out of turn, be respectful - most importantly I think we told them they are smart and will do a great job a million times.

Before we knew it, it was time to head off to school.  After much begging and pleading Ethan let us walk him to class "just for today" because you know it was our last first day of elementary school with him.  I mean I feel like it's my right as his mother to get one last first day of school hug and kiss and walk to the classroom door.  Both of them knew exactly where they were going and what to do with their backpacks and lunchboxes...I was blinking back tears the whole time trying to not make a scene.

They had a great first day and I'm positive that they are both more than ready for 5th and 2nd grade.  Just one more week and Daxton will start kindergarten!

xoxo - j

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Christmas Traditions

One of my favorite childhood decorations is one I made in 3rd grade, a paper garland of Christmas lights.  I think I fell in love with holiday countdowns that year, after careful consideration on whether or not to recreate the paper strand of lights for the Nook I decided a traditional looped paper garland was in store for the boys.  Olaf is an amazing mind reader and brought all the supplies from the North Pole for us.

We had so much fun looking at all the cute Christmas themed strips of paper Olaf brought us.  Carter and Ethan did such an amazing job creating their garlands, I helped Dax with his.  And in the end the trees look amazing with the 23 loops signifying how many days until the big man arrives!

We hope everyone had a fabulous day!!

xoxo - j

He's Baaacccckkkk!!!

Our friendly family scout elf, Olaf, is back for the 2018 holiday season! Hooray!!  He flew in last night and worked his little elfin fingers to the bone preparing our 6th annual Snowflake Breakfast!

The pipsqueaks could not believe their eyes when they came down the hall expecting a quick breakfast before our first event of the day.  We turned on the light and low and behold Olaf was perched atop three tiers of breakfast confections on a Christmas themed table.

A gentle reminder not to touch was largely targeted at the youngest pipsqueak!  Alternating looks of confusion and pure excitement lit up those sweet faces.

While we ate, I did the honor of reading Olaf's book for the first time of the season.  There was lots of banter about what Olaf has up his sleeve this holiday season as well as whether or not Olaf hibernates during the summer.  A rare and memorable breakfast all together for sure!!

We had a full day of Santaland at the kid's school first thing and then Olaf brought us tickets to ride the Candycane Express in Virginia City (more to come on that later).  It was a day full of holiday cheer. 

The decorations are mostly up and Olaf has arrived...Christmas has now OFFICIALLY commenced in the Nook!!

xoxo - j

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Hodge Podge Wednesday

We may have kicked off Christmas, but there are still two days left of November, two whole days before our actual Christmas shenanigans kick off in these parts.  Ethan, Carter, Dax and I gathered 'round the little red table to enjoy the remnants of the Thanksgiving leftovers and enjoy the first ever screening  of A Christmas Story.

I love days like these - coming home after a long day at work/school and just being able to relax and enjoy each other's company.  This all started when we noticed one of the houses by the school has a Ralphie in a bunny suit in the window and the kids had no point of reference to what that was, they just though it was creepy and weird...I thought it was hilarious and maybe a little creepy.  Overall I think the pipsqueaks really enjoyed it and thus it will be added to our extensive must-watch Christmas movie list.

After the boys were all snuggled in their beds, Trevor and I  had our annual date-night Christmas Vacation screening.  Hands down my favorite Christmas movie of all time.

It's been a memorable week of family fun so far!!

xoxo - j

Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!