Sunday, April 19, 2020

Just Do It

We are heading into our 4th week of at-home school and our work-from-home order.  Lately I've been in a rut.  By "lately" I mean since I started having kids, but especially sine the stay-at-home orders went into effect.  I have fallen into a bad habit of planning and not doing.  For the last four weeks I have made countless to do lists for the following:

Organizing: I look through countless organization ideas on blogs and on Pinterest, I have task lists 10-miles long for each room in this house, and I have spent thousands of dollars on organization bins, labels, etc.  I just can't make myself actually organize this house.

Cooking:  Anyone who knows me knows I love to cook.  I enjoy it and I feel like I'm decently good at it. However, since we have all been home I spend countless hours creating a big mess in my kitchen on what seems like 100+ meals a day.  Cooking has become a chore and hasn't been fun lately.  I feel bad that I haven't been making super healthy dinners for my family so I made a menu for this week and plan to stick to it.

Reading:  I LOVE to read.  I LOVE to read actual books, a book with pages that I get to turn, a book with a real book mark (mine is a St. Francis of Asisi prayer card from my Nonna's funeral).  I have a bucket list of books I'd like to read before I die...or even by the end of the year.  I feel like staying at home would be the perfect excuse to just sit and read...but I just can't bring myself to pick up Gone With the Wind and just read. 

Blogging:  I love reading blogs (I know they are kind of out of style) but I love reading the blogs that I have read for years, ones that inspire me to want to be a Pinterest Mom and have a beautiful, organized house.  I know, I know, every year I say I'm going to be consistent and write here and use this forum to journal our lives.  Well, I decided I need to make it less about the kids and more about my thoughts and my forum to journal my journey.  So, I'm revamping this space, hoping it will inspire me to stop just planning all of the things I want to do and take a little advice from Nike and JUST DO IT!

xo - jess

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Silly Bio

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I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!