Monday, March 26, 2018

{Mommy Rambling} - I Slept Forever...

I slept so well this weekend.  I feel like a new woman!  I totally hit my wall by Friday, exhausted from a long, stressful month. We did so many fun things this past week but I couldn't keep my eyes open past 8:30!  I am so embarrassed at how tired I am, I feel like I am way too young to be this tired.  Reality is though, I never get a full night's sleep and the consecutive days are killing me!  In desperation, after the boys left on Saturday morning I knocked myself out for several hours!

I hate that feeling, I need it so much and felt 100 times better yesterday.  It's amazing how sleep deprivation can effect many areas of your life.  Sometimes something has got to give because we can't always go at 100 mph. 

I think it's so important to get caught up on sleep at least once a week, but can you ever actually be caught up?!  I have been so grumpy and moody that I can't function very well.  One good night's sleep has been my saving grace.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

May Museum

After a crazy busy week full of illness and a winter storm we traded our snow boots for our superhero capes at the May Museum's Hall of Heroes exhibit.  Located at Rancho San Rafael Park and originally housed the vast taxidermy collection of Wilbur May and loads of unique history for our biggest little city.  The traveling exhibit through April is the Hall of could we resist?!

 We were greeted by Batman himself as we walked in to the museum. Dax couldn't even contain himself and broke Rule #1:  no yelling!  Hulk watched over the first room containing Super Hero jump, strength and agility tests, along with loads of Batman memorabilia.

We couldn't pass up the chance to try our hand at our Super Hero abilities.  I'm very happy to report that I have 3 Superheros in training!

Finally, we found Iron Man and took the Speed Test.  The pipsqueaks ran out the last of their steam and we enjoyed the 1960s Batman television show on a big screen TV next to the gift shop.  Sitting there I couldn't help but think how many rainy days and summer shenanigans took place at this park but how it was staple to come to the May Museum every summer when my cousins visited from Utah.  Watching my own sweet boys enjoy this place that holds so many memories for me filled my heart, I also couldn't help wondering about all the other moms with their kids excited to being immersed in Super Heroes galore.

As our day faded and our get-up-and-go waned, we made it home just in time to build a giant bed and do our quiet resting time out in the front room watching Captain Underpants and do some chores.  And that my friends is what did the pipsqueaks in.  They were out pretty much right after dinner...well except Dax!

xoxo - j

Monday, March 12, 2018

Photo Collages

Not a day goes by, that while marveling over the handsome boys that inhabit my home and hold my heart, that I don't wonder (like every other mom out there) where has the time gone?  It feels like just yesterday we welcomed our first little human into this world.  And here we are almost nine and half years later, with three smart, funny, strong-willed, rambunctious boys.  When I made the realization that we only have 8.5 more years before the first one is off to college I had a sentimental moment.  Without further ado, a little trip down memory lane...




xoxo - j

{Mommy Rambling} Wordless Wonder

Sunday, March 11, 2018

{Mommy Rambling} The Right Tools

We just wrapped up another Sunday dinner, which is always the hardest and BEST meal of the week for me.  Our schedule has been so insane lately so I'm forcing myself to carve out an hour everyday for us to sit down to reconnect.  I've been planning super healthy meals lately, lots of colorful, fresh foods and lean proteins.  I am feeling great and nobody else is complaining!

Today was such an incredible day for us.  I had the boys all to myself all day (as I do every Sunday), but there was not a single fight or argument.  I enjoyed just getting to be a mom and not having to yell all day.  It's funny how different it all feels when things play out the way you think they should in your head!!

We had a lazy, but productive morning tidying up the house, doing some chores and making some decisions about things we want to accomplish this week.  It was actually a super fun morning.

Today was the first in so many that as much as I love my family I DID NOT want to get in my car and drive east and not look back.  Anyone who doesn't long for their childless days or some other sort of escape from it all is lying.  I am sure there are people out there who would never admit it and probably judge me for being honest.

It was so fun to spend a nice, non-confrontational day with my boys.  It was even nice to be back at the baseball fields enjoying the sun and watching Carter meet his team for the first time.  There are so many days I feel insecure in my parenting and need validations.  But today I felt like for the first time in a long time I had it figured out.  It's all about having the right tools and borrowing the ones we don't.

xoxo - jess

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

{Mommy Rambling} Whew!

What a busy time!  I, along with some co-workers, went to Bishop, California last week for the annual Family Law Conference.  It was an ambitious trip during the biggest winter storm we've had all season!  But it felt so good to be a part of such an amazing learning opportunity.

Ethan and Carter both start baseball practice this week.  Though it seems to be a crap shoot as to whether or not that will actually happen due to the weather.  I suppose we just have to go with the flow!  Poor boys, they are so looking forward to being back out on the field doing what they love!

I'm a bit stressed out because it seems like I have a lot to accomplish this week.  I will be starting at a new firm in a few weeks.  I am so excited, but first I need to wrap up a huge case that goes to trial next week.  Why does it seem like 4:30 a.m. creeps up all too fast these days?!  And then the chaos ensues of getting the pipsqueaks out of the door by 8!  Definitely not our most glamorous time of the day, I'm sure it's not much different than most mornings for anyone with kiddos.

Heading to SKS for the next 10 days (the last 10 days in 16 years) is bitter sweet.  I start at Berkich Law Practice on the 19th!  There is still a lot to accomplish and wrap up with Tamatha first, though. 

On top of that, we are starting to put together our 2018-2019 cheer season!  Jes and I will be meeting with the athletic director next week.  This is a program that is very dear to my heart.  I am excited and also nervous to kick off another great season at BMCHS.  I feel like I've learned so much in the past 2 seasons, but I can't wait to take the program to the next level.

I kicked off Arbonne's 30 Days to Healthy Living on Monday.  I've completely committed myself to embracing this challenge and making an effort to be healthier.  I'm always curious what workout programs and healthy lifestyle things work for others.

I've been talking to my mom a lot lately (she's brilliant) about life and balance.  Everyone always compliments her legal accomplishments, but the other day she told me it was too bad she didn't enjoy it more.  I thought how sad that was.  But then I think about how overwhelmed I get at times with my life and career, even though I absolutely love what I do.  Don't get me wrong, I need to check out sometimes and would love to runaway to Italy or sit on the beach with a few good books, but I know that's not in my cards.  I actually passionately love my life.  Thank goodness because it is what drives me!!

Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!