Saturday, June 20, 2015

Patio Furniture Lust

Trevor has been working hard to finish up our landscaping overhaul that began 2 summers ago. Last summer we finished building a retaining wall and laying new sod in the front yard. This summer we are tackling the walkway/front porch extension/new back porch portion of this never-ending project. The closer we get to laying the pavers the more I lust after patio dining furniture, fire pit sets and benches for the front porch.

Now this is just in my wildest dreams sort of thing because there is no way we would be able to afford all that furniture...ugh maybe someday!!

Stay tuned though because the project will be completed before you know it and some version of my lustful vision will be rolling into The Nook back & front yards!!


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Silly Bio

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I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!