Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Practice Makes Perfect

Tonight kicked off our first 2015-2016 practice (non-mandatory of course)!! There was an amazing turnout...only 5 girls missing out of 33!!! I hope they will keep up the momentum!!

We started our practice with some fun introductions. Each of the girls had to tell everyone their first and middle names; their favorite color; how many siblings they have; something that makes them unique (we need to work on this one); and why they love cheer. Little do they know that I will remember their full names from here on out and may or may not call them by it!!

Next I conditioned their little hearts out! Who knew running 2 laps, kicks and jumps would be so hard!! It was really hot out at the beginning of practice, but we all came to a consensus that we need to drink water throughout the day!! Hopefully the warm-up will take less of a toll on them tomorrow

Hot and tired I put them into informal stunt groups and we went through basic fundamentals of stunting. Brittannee and I were extremely impressed with how well everyone worked together!! We hit a few extensions tonight which is a big high five in my opinion. Also, I'd like to shout out to my 3 JV girls who have never cheered and mastered a prep bump down in 30 minutes of stunting...next is cradling my friends!!!

It was an awesome start to our season!! I'm so excited I cannot even begin to tell you! Keep up the hard work and the positive attitudes, I truly enjoyed coaching y'all tonight!! Let's make it the best season yet!!


P.S. Yes, I'm coaching again at Reed...no I'm not crazy...just love my sport and missed my girls!!!

P.P.S Coach MJ we missed you and cannot wait for you to be back!!

This Week and Next

So far this week we...

Made root beer floats and watched Ninja Turtles. Flashback to our childhood!!

Ethan left this morning to go camping with my dad...all by himself!!! It seems like just yesterday this picture was taken.

And I prepped for Reed Cheer's first non-mandatory practice!!! Sooooo excited to start and get know these girls, tryouts were so fun!!

And as for next week...we are hitting the road down South for 5 days of cousin play time, pool days and fireworks in Las Vegas!! We should be there in time for dinner on Wednesday!!!


Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day 2015

As Father's Day 2015 draws to a close, I am so grateful for the dad who raised me and the dad who is raising my pipsqueaks. I'm grateful for their kind hearts and truly love them with all of mine.

I'm very proud of my dad. He is very smart (even though he'd deny it), he retired before the age of 60 (lucky), he's a great friend, he has a kind heart and a quick smile. He has an affinity for the outdoors and shares that love with his grandkids. He spends every afternoon with Ethan (in the future hopefully Carter & Dax too) doing homework and playing baseball. He loves my sister and I unconditionally. I am very proud to be his daughter.

I am equally proud of my amazing husband. He loves his family with every fiber of his being. He works so hard to provide for us. He is the calm to my crazy! He is extremely patient in moments that I'm about to lose my mind. We are a team. He is a quiet genius, and very humble. He is the most handsome man I've ever laid eyes on. I am proud to be his wife.

Happy Father's Day!!


Saturday, June 20, 2015

Patio Furniture Lust

Trevor has been working hard to finish up our landscaping overhaul that began 2 summers ago. Last summer we finished building a retaining wall and laying new sod in the front yard. This summer we are tackling the walkway/front porch extension/new back porch portion of this never-ending project. The closer we get to laying the pavers the more I lust after patio dining furniture, fire pit sets and benches for the front porch.

Now this is just in my wildest dreams sort of thing because there is no way we would be able to afford all that furniture...ugh maybe someday!!

Stay tuned though because the project will be completed before you know it and some version of my lustful vision will be rolling into The Nook back & front yards!!


Friday, June 19, 2015

Boys & Girls Club Summer Camp

Ethan started summer camp this past Monday reveling in the summer heat, discovery, camaraderie and fun at the Boys and Girls Club Summer Camp.

We decided to sign him up for all the optional field trips not knowing what the kids who don't go on the outings get to do. However, when it came time to go roller skating Ethan decided he didn't want to go, and instead stayed and played baseball in the park. Camp days are overflowing with activities, time with friends, park adventure, arts and crafts, field trips, and games.

By the end of Week 1, Ethan has:

1. Bounced his heart out at Paradise Cove
2. Attended an Aces baseball game
3. Played baseball in the park
4. Spent time with old friends
5. Brought home some interesting crafts
6. Made a new friend

This is our first year attending this camp, and our first week to boot. In Ethan's words "Camp is a 10 out of 10," we are looking forward to next week and more unforgettable adventures!!


Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!