Sunday, September 28, 2014

Tis the Season to Get Crafty

Things like paper mache pumpkins, hand print turkeys and glittery ornaments really make my ears perk up this time of year. I don't know what it is about fall but it makes me want to craft my little fingers to the bone, it always has since I was a kid! Over the next few weeks and/or months I will be channeling my creative impulses and hopefully bringing the pipsqueaks right along with me! Time to get crafting!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Mommy Ramblings: Hello Fall Cold Season, An Old Family Nemesis

It appears that the kids have all been working on their annual fall cold since last week. It's a sad time of year to think summer is coming to an end. The runny noses and coughing have began...for Carter the brief respite we got post surgery was wonderful. Then all of sudden today what should throat starts hurting!!!

Ugh bring on the Kleenex because the Bradshaw family arch nemesis has forced its way into the nook and I feel like it's going to be a sniffly next few weeks!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Bed Head

What do you call that crazy morning hair that the pipsqueaks inevitably roll out of bed with?? Well lately in the Bradshaw Nook it hasn't been the littles that I've had to spend time taming, it's been me!!! I swear I am so exhausted by the time I fall into bed at night that I don't move so how I manage to wake up looking like Madusa is beyond me!! I've coined it "bed head" but it's really more like a rats nest! Thankfully BIG hair is in and I just need a little back comb!

With that I will leave you with this image of Madusa-esque bed head. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words...and a little embarrassment!

And on that note I'm off to bed!


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Party Planning {Lego Party}

This little Lego fete is presenting quite an exciting challenge for this party planning mama. Ethan proclaimed about 6 months ago that he wanted a Lego themed party, and I am bound and determined to make it happen in style!

The party color scheme is going to be the primary colors since the basic Legos are generally these colors. This is the idea I found for the invites:

I can't wait to start putting these together!! Ethan finally narrowed his guest list down enough that now we aren't inviting every person he has ever met!!

Since we are going to LegoLand (shh...still a secret) I think I will be giving him his theme shirt early so he can continue our tradition of dressing in themed party threads...

Pinterest is chalk full of ideas for any theme you could possibly choose, but I really like these cute decor ideas:

That's all I got right now folks!! I know for sure I'm going to find a fun "guest book" for everyone to sign for him so he can look back and see who came...I've done something like this every year for both kids...can't break tradition now! It's hard to believe he is already going to be 6!!

Have a wonderful night and stay tuned for more details as the party planning unfolds!!!


Mommy Ramblings: Why I Am Starting to HATE Shopping

Anyone who has small children, let along shops with them on a regular basis knows what a production it can be. Before you leave the house you have to make sure you have a fully stocked diaper bag; not just for the baby, but for the 2.5 year old who without fail decides he wants to potty train at the gas station. You also have to have water cups for both older children because heaven forbid they share ANYTHING...EVER! The suitcase of items required upon any departure from the residence will most definitely NOT be enough to stave off a meltdown and/or full on tantrum that is sure to occur during some point of said outing. Once you get all of that loaded into the car plus the children you have spent 25 minutes getting ready to leave the whole time praying the "good fairies" bless you with polite children today.

Upon arrival at any store (mostly Target) you will take 2 hours to pick out the 5 items on your list because each child will inevitably ask for 75 things on each aisle, have to go to the bathroom no less than twice, and cue said tantrum(s) at any point between the entry into the store and the 75th "no."

I never understood liking going to the grocery store alone until yesterday when it took me 30 minutes start to finish and I managed to get everything on the list without wanting to rip my hair out!

Don't let those sweet faces fool you!!


Monday, September 1, 2014

Pizza Pizza

We LOOOOOOVE us some pizza in this house! Since we had the day off Trevor and I thought it would be fun to do homemade pizzas for lunch. So after an hour and a half in the bread machine, 2 minutes perfectly placing the toppings and 20 minutes in the oven we dined on yummy personalized pizzas!

We got two thumbs up from the pickiest food critics, so I think this will be something we do again and again!!

Happy Labor Day & September y'all!


Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!