Thursday, February 27, 2014

Weekly Bradshaw Ramblings - Zonked Out

After almost four weeks of having the newest Bradshaw in the nook you'd think we would all be adjusting to the amended sleep schedule, but all five of us are still without a doubt zonked!

Daxton, I have decided, is the best baby ever!! He sleeps about 3 hours at a time, nurses and takes a bottle well, and for the most part goes right back to bed after eating at night (at least for mommy, daddy wouldtell a different story). It's the little pipsquesk who has entered his terrible 2's that is another story!!! That child will not eat anything all of a sudden. Alright hunger strike it is!! Last night he chose to go to bed instead of finishing his dinner!!! And what time should he grace us with his presence this morning??? 5 A.M.!!!!!!!

Now do you all see why I am (along with the rest of the Bradshaws) absolutely exhausted?!! The infant I can handle, it's the defiant 2 year oid that is going to be the death of me!!


I've spent most of my week trying to figure out how I can fit everything I want to accomplish into one day. I have wanted to start working out now for the past week and a half (I am aware you're supposed to wait until 6 weeks), but I just can't seem to find the time to do it! I can't drag myself out of bed at 5:30 because I just went back to bed at 5, and I can't seem to force myself to do it after dinner because I'm passed out on the couch!! My mission today is to create a schedule for myself (around the kids) that will allow me to accomplish everything in a 24 hour period!

Tomorrow I'm ordering the new light fixtures for the kitchen!! I'm so excited, it's slowly but surely coming along!

The Little Mermaid was on the Disney Channel this weekend and it was 100% confirmed that it is still my all time favorite Disney movie. Beauty and the Beast being a close second! I think Ethan and Carter have a slight crush on Ariel because as Ethan put it, "This is the only girl movie I like!" They sat and watched the entire movie in silence!!

My last little rambling for today...I fit into size 25 jeans!!! No they do not button, but they pull up over my huge thighs and zip, so therefore I'm declaring victory over them!!!

Happy Thursday!! xoxo

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


We signed Ethan up for t-ball last weekend!! How is it already time for t-ball? Trevor is planning on coaching or at least assisting in some way, shape or form...we haven't actually received our assignments yet (I'm sure you can guess that I want to be the Team Mom)!

Saturday night Ethan got all of his gear, minus a few necessities. On Sunday at 7 a.m. he was geared up and ready to go play...we had to tell him it was 1) too early and 2) too cold!! By noon Ethan was ready to jump out of his skin if they didn't go across the street to the school and hit some baseballs!

I fully anticipate t-ball/baseball will be taking over our lives this spring and all the future years to come, we only have two more following closely behind.

There are fun times ahead and I cannot wait to watch it all unfold!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Pajama Party

Mondays are always rough days, mainly because it is the start of a new week, routines need to be adhered to. I decided we needed a little fun for a Monday. I made a deal with the two littles that while I made dinner they needed to take their baths so we could have a pajama party after They agreed only because they each would get to a pick a show for us to watch.

Carter picked Dora the Explorer, which was an odd choice as the first time we have ever watched it was yesterday, but nonetheless we watched Dora. Ethan, I thought for sure would pick Star Wars Clone Wars or Ninja Turtles, but I was wrong...he picked PAW Patrol. That show is very cute I must say...he even assigned us all a character.

To make our pajama party even more fun we all donned our Star Wars pj's we received for Christmas made by Trevor's mom! Little Daxton even has a matching set.

On a totally unrelated note...I think having a clean kitchen, with no dishes in the sink is the best feeling in the world! Thank you Husband for sweeping the floor after dinner tonight. Keeping the kitchen super clean seems to be making the chaos our house has become a little more bearable!!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Celebrating Our Newest Addition

Almost 1 month ago our sweet baby boy, Daxton Samuel was born.

It is so hard for me to believe that this sweet little face is almost a month old. I just love holding this little one so much. The other two littles were not snuggly babies that enjoyed being held, but this little peanut would let someone hold him day and night. I'm trying to cherish each sleepless, crying moment because while we are not 100% sure he is out last, he very well could be.

Ethan and Carter have been so sweet with him for the most part. Ethan is a really good big brother, he always wants to help and take care of his baby brother. Carter...well...he will kiss him and hug him and I think he thinks that when I'm burping him I'm actually hitting him because that seems to be the only time he wants to "help" with the baby. For the most part Carter just ignores him.

Trevor and I have always wanted a big family and this little one definitely has given me the sense that our family is complete. While I always hoped I would have a little girl to dress up and take to ballet, these boys sure melt my heart. Now I don't know if I could handle having a girl!

I love every second of being a mom, but I can honestly say this is the first time I had an instant bond with a baby. I know what that sounds like, and trust me I have loved each of my children instantly but it took me a little bit to adjust to the additions and really feel comfortable in my mommy shoes. This time was so different...maybe because I'm older...I don't know but this little baby and I had an instant connection/bond. And I haven't struggled with the addition and change the way I have in the past.

February 1, 2014, a small little miracle came into this world and made my heart a little bit bigger. I always wanted lots of littles that call me Mama. I waited 9 long months to meet this precious baby and I can honestly say my life will never be the same...I can't imagine my life or our family without him!

Welcome to this crazy, fun family Daxton!!! We love you so much and are so blessed you chose us!!!

Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!