Tuesday, October 11, 2011

All My Bags Are Packed

36.5 weeks pregnant and I'm all set to jet out of the door at a moments notice! I know it's probably a little premature and wishful thinking on my part but I decided to pack my hospital bag yesterday...just in case!

Trevor thinks I'm crazy though because I decided that I was going to pack a different "wear home" outfit for me everyday! You never know what you're going to feel like wearing home from the hospital and I know I'm going to look AWFUL after giving birth and spending the night in the hospital so I want my outfit to at least be fabulous!! Is that too much to ask?!!

I got the baby's "wear home" outfit all picked out. I've decide for all of my kids, no matter girls or boys, they are going to wear little baseball outfits home. Ethan's was so cute and tiny (I found it when we were washing clothes) so I got this little guy one too. I will definitely post pictures later.

Just had to get these random thoughts out! Please don't tell me you think I'm crazy too for being all set to go or that I keep changing my mind on what to wear home!! Just love me for me!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ethan's Room Decor, Button Hair Ties and Weekend Update

Happy Saturday!! I am so excited about the start of our bedroom makeovers! Trevor had the perfect posters for Ethan's sports room

Is everyone as excited as I am?! I haven't found frames for them yet, or decided exactly where they will live on the walls in his room, but I think they go perfect!

Wasn't it just yesterday Ethan was in a crib? Yes! Oh good, I thought so!! Well...he's about to be 3 so I guess it was time to graduate from a toddler bed to a real big boy twin size bed! We found a great bed today at RC Willey, we'll be picking it up on Monday and I can't wait!! I can't find a picture of the bed on their website so unfortunately everyone will have to wait until Monday!

The room is pretty tiny and we have some pretty big furniture so I do know the new dresser will be living in the closet! I will make sure to post progress pictures as well as before and after photos!

In my last post I said that I was bitten by the sewing bug...I need to amend that to be bitten by the crafting bug! I saw really cute button embellished hair ties, so I decided to make my own.

I just took small hair ties and slip knotted them through the button holes. The one pictured is a big red button. I also made a giant orange ball looking one and a small white pearly one. I guess I should have taken pictures of them, lol!!

Tomorrow we are going to be busy so I better be off to bed!! Good night and until tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bradshaw Baby Farm Project Goals for August

We have about 12.5 weeks left until our due date! We have so much to get done around here before this baby can make his appearance!! Here are some inspirations I've been collecting for the baby's room and Ethan's new big brother room!

We got this same bedding only red and white from Pottery Barn on sale for less than $100...I was so stoked! Our nursery won't look exactly like this PB inspiration, but hopefully it will look somewhat similar!! Oh and our accents aren't going to be "transportation" they will be trains!

Now for my inspiration for Ethan's big brother room (inspiration also from Pottery Barn):

I thought this idea for the top of the dresser is SOOOO cute!! Did I mention I LOVE POTTERY BARN!! I wish I could make my whole house look like a Pottery Barn catalog...well I'm going to try anyway on a budget ;)

I've got some more decorating projects up my sleeve but these are the major inspiration pictures. As we get things turned around here at the Bradshaw house I will make sure to keep before and after updates!!


I have also been on this cleaning craze. I found this fun website called Flylady.net that is all about cleaning and keeping your house company ready! I'm slowly getting my house up to par, and I have been having a great time doing it in the process!! I have discovered that doing a load of laundry a day really cuts down on my weekend cleaning...because laundry is a never ending project!!

Lastly, I have been bit by the sewing bug. I am thinking/finding every project I can for homemade things for Baby #2 and Ethan. Plus I really really want to make myself work clothes! So any ideas/projects you have send them my way!!

I suppose I should do an August Update on the rest of the Bradshaws!!! Trevor is loving his job for the State...YAY!!! The Ace's are in 1st place, so Trevor has been working lots and lots of baseball!! We miss him on those nights but it is so much fun for him!

Ethan is now (I can say proudly) 99.9% potty trained!!!!!! We are still having small accidents here and there but I guess the 2nd try was the charm. He will no longer wear diapers or pull-ups...it is big boy underpants for my little man!!! So far this week we have had 0, yep ZERO, accidents!!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sunrise Breakfast

A few weeks ago Trevor had to go to Elko for work and then this past weekend he had his annual boys Winnemucca softball trip. Nonetheless Ethan has been craving some serious "daddy time." If only my original plan of having a sunrise pancake breakfast with my boys had worked out the way I had wanted...

First, Ethan was up off and on throughout the night starting at 1:00 a.m. So...when Trevor had to get up at 5 to leave for Carson City by 6 I knew there was no way I was getting Ethan up that early.

Next disaster...I have NO pancake mix!!!! What do I do??? Pull out my Betty Crocker cookbook and make them from scratch!!! They were the BEST pancakes EVER!! If you have never made pancakes from scratch you now have a Saturday morning project. Seriously they are phenomenal!!!

Anyway, Ethan got up at his normal time (6:45) and I surprised him with Mickey Mouse!

He's not perfect, but it was something fun for a Tuesday morning!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

National Park

Some days I really wish I had the luxury of just hopping in the car and driving until we end up in a remote location. I wish tonight I could have just said, "c'mon Ethan we're going on a Mommy-Ethan road trip to Zion National Park or Yellowstone." Then I remember 1) he's only 2, he is NOT going to have fun at a "park" where there isn't a slide or swings and 2) it's Monday and I have to work!!!

So we settled for the best thing available to us...Rancho San Rafael Park!!! It was my favorite park growing up, so i hope it will be
Ethan's favorite place too!!

We picked up chicken nuggets and french fries for our picn
ic which didn't last longer than 5 minutes because Ethan was mesmerized by all the jungle gyms!

Here are some shots from our Mommy-Ethan park date

Ethan eating our picnic

Humoring Mommy the Paparazzi in the tunnel

We spent the majority of time on this slide

I wouldn't have changed tonight for anything! Who needs a National Park with fun hiking trails when we've got slides and tunnels at Rancho!!!

Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!