Tuesday, October 11, 2011

All My Bags Are Packed

36.5 weeks pregnant and I'm all set to jet out of the door at a moments notice! I know it's probably a little premature and wishful thinking on my part but I decided to pack my hospital bag yesterday...just in case!

Trevor thinks I'm crazy though because I decided that I was going to pack a different "wear home" outfit for me everyday! You never know what you're going to feel like wearing home from the hospital and I know I'm going to look AWFUL after giving birth and spending the night in the hospital so I want my outfit to at least be fabulous!! Is that too much to ask?!!

I got the baby's "wear home" outfit all picked out. I've decide for all of my kids, no matter girls or boys, they are going to wear little baseball outfits home. Ethan's was so cute and tiny (I found it when we were washing clothes) so I got this little guy one too. I will definitely post pictures later.

Just had to get these random thoughts out! Please don't tell me you think I'm crazy too for being all set to go or that I keep changing my mind on what to wear home!! Just love me for me!


  1. HAHA! I'm glad you blogged! Don't feel crazy, I had my bag packed at 34 weeks! My doc told me he wouldn't stop me if I went into labor...we all know how that turned out. I hope you don't go late...we want to see that little guy!! Oh and I wore one of chad's t-shirts and my zebra fleece pj pants home. Glamourous right?! :) Miss you guys!

  2. I am glad you are packed and ready to go...I wish I would have been...I didn't even have the nursery set up when I had to rush to the hospital with Tracen at 37 weeks...lame-o! Miss you guys! Can't wait to see the little dude :)


Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!