Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bradshaw Baby Farm Project Goals for August

We have about 12.5 weeks left until our due date! We have so much to get done around here before this baby can make his appearance!! Here are some inspirations I've been collecting for the baby's room and Ethan's new big brother room!

We got this same bedding only red and white from Pottery Barn on sale for less than $100...I was so stoked! Our nursery won't look exactly like this PB inspiration, but hopefully it will look somewhat similar!! Oh and our accents aren't going to be "transportation" they will be trains!

Now for my inspiration for Ethan's big brother room (inspiration also from Pottery Barn):

I thought this idea for the top of the dresser is SOOOO cute!! Did I mention I LOVE POTTERY BARN!! I wish I could make my whole house look like a Pottery Barn catalog...well I'm going to try anyway on a budget ;)

I've got some more decorating projects up my sleeve but these are the major inspiration pictures. As we get things turned around here at the Bradshaw house I will make sure to keep before and after updates!!


I have also been on this cleaning craze. I found this fun website called Flylady.net that is all about cleaning and keeping your house company ready! I'm slowly getting my house up to par, and I have been having a great time doing it in the process!! I have discovered that doing a load of laundry a day really cuts down on my weekend cleaning...because laundry is a never ending project!!

Lastly, I have been bit by the sewing bug. I am thinking/finding every project I can for homemade things for Baby #2 and Ethan. Plus I really really want to make myself work clothes! So any ideas/projects you have send them my way!!

I suppose I should do an August Update on the rest of the Bradshaws!!! Trevor is loving his job for the State...YAY!!! The Ace's are in 1st place, so Trevor has been working lots and lots of baseball!! We miss him on those nights but it is so much fun for him!

Ethan is now (I can say proudly) 99.9% potty trained!!!!!! We are still having small accidents here and there but I guess the 2nd try was the charm. He will no longer wear diapers or pull-ups...it is big boy underpants for my little man!!! So far this week we have had 0, yep ZERO, accidents!!!!


  1. Yay! You updated! Want to come clean my house too? Cute inspirations pics! Can't wait to see the finished deal and the cute little man :) Miss you!!!!


Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!