Friday, May 14, 2010

Things I Take For Granted

They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, but what about if you just never see the person...does that count as distance? If so, then I have the love of a lifetime.

Trevor has been working so much lately. Baseball, Matheson, Repeat!! I have been very silent in my suffering, mostly because Trevor works so hard to provide for Ethan and I that I don't want to make things any harder than they are already. But after seeing how absolutely exhausted he was last night made me realize that I need to make every moment he has at home as special as possible. I know that he isn't living in another country or even city, but the distance between us feels just as great.

By the way, Ethan started at Pip Squeaks last week and LOVES it...I will write more on his first week of school later!

I am so happy that I finally figured out that I'm not depressed or angry or even lonely...since baseball started and Trevor's schedule changed this has been a big learning experience for me. I mean it's not like we're miles apart, but when in life do you get a break from each other without it being considered a break-up or separation?! Trevor's work schedule is only because he wants to provide for the family he loves, and I love, love, love that about him!

Let me just clarify one thing, he worked for the Ace's last summer and my world didn't fall apart then. But this year is different because he isn't working mornings at 24 Hour Fitness anymore, he works graveyard for Matheson Flight Extenders. He is such a hands-on dad and I wasn't sure how we were going to adjust to having opposite schedules. I remember being really depressed about the whole situation and just thinking to myself, "we'll never see you." It's funny because one day I just realized that I have always been self-sufficient and independent and not having him around to help with the bedtime routine wasn't going to be the end of the world...Ethan and I would survive! It's the sleeping alone thing that has been a hard pill to swallow. When it comes to love, I'm so vulnerable and dependent. I think Trev knows this but would never call me out on it!

So, I have decided I am going to combat these lonely night blues by diving into my home re-decorating and making myself some new clothes! Plus, not to mention that I have standing Thursday night date with Sara, Tracen and Logan. I cannot thank Sara enough for putting up with Ethan and I, those nights have been so fun and just the thing I have needed for SO long! I also intend to keep this blog as up-to-date as possible...even if it's just a picture!

As far as the re-decorating goes...I will keep try to post the transformation as it happens. I also intend to continue writing the book I started about a month ago, begin working out (I have about 10 pounds to lose before Tara's wedding in July), and have more time to myself to relax and read. Sara and I decided last night we're going to read "The Tenth Circle" by Jodi Picoult, I'm really excited about it! Although I miss Trevor terribly at night, I think the opposite schedules may be very positive. I think I realized last night that although I'm alone most nights, I am constructively alone and I'm becoming a better person, partner and mother because of it!

Now back to making the time we DO have together special. I just need to take 5 minutes each day and devote myself to planning a little family time and a little couple's time for the brief minutes we are all home at the same time. If that means Ethan and I color a picture for Daddy or write him a love note and give it to him in passing then so be it. I think we've realized that as a couple we are very fortunate to have these hiccups and be able to get through them as a unit! I think sometimes we took for granted all the little things that we don't get to experience as often.

Imagine if suddenly your partner was gone. No dinners together, no chance to enjoy the early mornings together, no kiss good night, no kiss good morning to start your day...I know this sounds really silly but these are things that I miss and I took for granted. Now Trevor and I are not separated by distance so I truly admire and look up to those people who have to experience this at a greater extent (Sara you're amazing!)

Human nature can be a greedy, ungrateful thing! I am so excited for our date tonight, and I have to say I'm look forward to the little things that we do when we watch movies. It's not that I ever stopped enjoying it or appreciating it, it's that it became a habit to NOT do them anymore. I have butterflies and am so so so excited to just reconnect with the love of my life!

It's funny how life is constantly handing out trials and tribulations, but in that happening we need to realize appreciate all the things we usually take for grated. I have every intention of embracing every moment whether good or bad and LEARNING from them.

1 comment:

  1. Jess! You are so amazing and I don't think you realize it! I think that we all have to go through a learning time to realize that we can make the best of bad situations. I didn't do it over night, it definitely was a process and still is. I want you to know that I treasure our Thursdays and totally look forward to them! Please don't think that it ever has to be anything special. I just love watching the boys play and having time to have girl chat! If you ever want to hang out other than Thursday just let me know because I am usually open!


Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!