Monday, August 6, 2018

First Day of School 2018

The much anticipated first day of school went off without a hitch!  As soon as the alarm buzzed I was down the hall, gently waking the boys for their first day of the new school year.  Not two seconds later I had three boys bounding down the hall excitedly chattering about what their first days in the Lions Pre-K, Mrs. B & Mr. C's 1st Grade and Mrs. M's 4th Grade had in store for them this school year.  Good heavens!!! (I was picturing notes home that my kids just couldn't stop talking and who could these irresponsible parents be?!)

All dressed with faces washed, teeth brushed, hair combed and chores done in record time it was finally time for breakfast.  It's tradition in The Nook to have pancakes and chocolate milk for the first day of school each year.  Our little students were all smiles!

Afterwards we headed out to start our morning rounds of dropping off the littlest pipsqueak first and working our way back to the elementary school.  We got to Lion & Lamb and Dax, to my tearful wave and "I love you" bounded off with one of his little friends and didn't even look back.  My heart actually hurt at this point!

So what does any crazy first day of school mom do?! Why, I relied on the other two to be a little sad I was dropping them off at their first day of course!  No such luck, and in reality I'm glad my kids love to go to school and were excited for today.  I was able to help Carter and Ethan both find their seats in the classrooms, unpack their back packs and plant one more kiss on their sweet little faces.  I'm SO glad I did that!!  Behold the faces of pure bliss...

Though we are 5 years in to this whole school thing the first day of school is always a day of new beginnings for us.  The smartest, funniest kids I know get to embrace a new experience.  I am SO unabashedly proud of my boys for bravely and happily heading off to another great year of school.  And we are all eager to do it again tomorrow!!

Sweet dreams are in order in The Nook tonight!

xoxo - j

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Silly Bio

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I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!