Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Mommy Ramblings: 30 Day Challenge and More

It has been a rough week and a half! Carter had his tonsils out, and needed me by his side every minute! Turns out he is one of those kids who will NOT take medicine no matter how bad he feels, and when we don't give him the option, he spits it out. Totally defeats the purpose, hence why we have been having a long week and a half.

I'm really excited that summer is beginning! We have some really fun family outings planned as well as some home improvement projects that will hopefully have us making the most of of our summer. I wish I was one of those moms that could say that summer means constant entertainment, scheduling camps and play dates, but I still have to work, so Ethan is going to be doing a fun summer camp called Camp Unique. I feel like this past year we have been so over-scheduled, that I'm looking forward to a quieter summer where we can all just spend some quality time together.

Summer also means short shorts and bathing suits (insert crying face)!! I started really trying to lose the baby weight back in March, which to my credit I have to say I've lost 27lbs., but I still have 13 more to go...if you're trying to add that up quickly you're right I gained 40lbs with Daxton (insert another crying face)! As a buy mom it's challenging trying to carve out time to work out let alone eat healthy on the go. Although Trevor and I have been semi successful at making a point of not making excuses not to get in better shape, I know I need to do more to get rid of those last clinging pregnancy pounds.

So after reading some pretty inspirational blogs, I decided to try the 30 Day Paleo Challenge. I've actually started and stopped this dang challenge I think 2 times before now, but after reading a friend from high schools' blog about raising her kids paleo and just the whole lifestyle I decided I should get serious and try it. If you are wondering what the heck I'm talking about you can find it at

I'm on Day 5 and I seriously have noticed a difference. I probably started noticing a difference after Day 3, but honestly by Day 4 my pants were fitting me differently! I'm hoping by the end of this month I will at least comfortably fit into the majority of my jeans. You all should challenge yourselves with me!!


As if being a 24/7 mom isn't enough, I have been dreaming of an entreprenurial empire as well. The flexibility and creative control that comes with entrepreneurship is its own reward, but launching a business takes a ton of work, and a taste for smart risk taking, and since I have to work a day job I don't have the time to really delve into my "must have" list right now. So, over the next few months I'm going to slowly be building my Creative Mommy resume so that hopefully around Christmas time I can start my own Etsy store!! Stay tuned and fingers crossed that all my crafting pays off eventually!!!

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Silly Bio

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I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!