Sunday, March 14, 2010

Trevor Is My Calm!

When Trevor and I got together we always thought we would do everything together when it came to Ethan and our future children. It was kind of a silent pact, and for the most part it works. But with life and work it’s just not always possible.

I went to Annalita’s birthday party at Coconut Bowl on Friday. Ethan was really excited to go and play with his cousin and all of her little friends.* It seemed pretty cool until I realized that Trevor couldn’t go with me. We work so well TOGETHER in chaotic situations, considering that he can stay so calm and I tend to become highly stressed. It was so scary to think that I would have to attend this birthday party without him. He is my rock! I tend to become super stressed out by chaotic or unorganized situations. I’ve been exposed to things like this my whole life and yet every time I get in these situations I get extremely anxious. Perhaps it is because my mom always got stressed in similar situations, or because deep down I fear that people will scrutinize every move I make. Was I the parent that just lets their kid run around unsupervised? Was I too mean and he didn’t get to do anything? Did I find a happy medium of supervision and playtime? Am I good mom and there is nothing to really being worrying about? Jeez...I hope the other parents there didn’t think, “wow, she is awful!” Just joking. But my point is when Trevor is with me I feel better. I go into the situation, feel the chaos flow over me and I just look at Trevor who always has a calm look on his face like this is going to be a piece of cake. He gives me a sense of calm and makes me feel confident and beautiful. So, that little birthday party without him was more than him just missing an event. It just made me realize our idea of perpetual togetherness at events like this is just not practical.

Speaking of practicality, this leads me to Trevor’s upcoming work schedule. Hey, I am all for people having more than one job, but I just wish they weren’t jobs that take him away from Ethan and me at night. The thought of only getting to spend one or two nights together as a family? Well, it makes me sad, but it’s something that also excites me. It just reminds us how important the time we do get together is. Trevor loves baseball so much, and I have learned to love it over the last 2 years. It makes me happy that he has a job with the Reno Aces, just because I know how happy it makes him to be immersed in something he loves...and he gets paid to watch and work for BASEBALL!! So...GO ACES!

I am so grateful for my life. I am so grateful for my beautiful family. I am so grateful for my friends. And above all I am so grateful for Trevor...and deep down I’m even grateful for his crazy work schedule! Ok, maybe not, I was just on a grateful roll! However, I stand by the fact that he loves baseball and he wears red clay well!

*Ethan had a blast at Coconut Bowl High Ballocity!

1 comment:

  1. Jess-

    I am so glad that you are so happy! You so deserve to have someone in your life you treats you as well as Trevor does and who loves you and your sweet little boy! I am just so happy for you! I totally know what you mean about trevor being your calm...that's how Chris is for me. You found such a good guy! I wish you guys the best! Once this crazy week is over I would love to hang out...I am a lonely mom too =) we could be lonely together! Talk to you soon and let me know if you want tickets...that way you won't have to buy them the night of the show!


Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!