Thursday, March 11, 2010

March So Far

This month is just flying by! I spent the last half of last week in Ely, Nevada at the Family Law Conference. It was a very entertaining and a good learning experience...and I didn't just learn about Family Law, I learned A LOT about my co-workers lol!

This coming week is Spring Break for Trevor. He definitely can use the rest! Between working nights and studying during the day, he barely has time for sleep. He was asked to run in a marathon-type run in June, so he will be training for that in the upcoming months. He is also going to start playing softball again on Monday nights. It will be so great for him to get back out there with his friends...cold for me and Ethan but lots of fun for Trevor!

Ethan started swimming lessons on March 2. He is quite the little "fishie" as he says! The only downfall is the water is freezing! The water was so cold on Tuesday, (the 9th) that Ethan was blue for about 12 hours afterwards. I got a little freaked out, and had to call the doctor! We are going to try again tonight and see if anything is better since Jenica and I complained.

Ethan is going to have a play-date tonight with Alex's niece TyLyn. I'm just hoping Ethan is nice to her, he doesn't like having to share is cars. Plus, I'm pretty sure he is taller and outweighs her by quite a bit. She is a such a cute itty thing! I will be sure to take some pictures and/or video of the play-date tonight and add them soon.

Tomorrow is Annalita's 3rd birthday party at Coconut Bowl in the Ballocity. I think it's going to be so much fun for the kids, but those ball pools freak me out a little bit. I like to think I'm not a paranoid parent, but I'm a little scared Ethan is going to get lost or trampled in the balls! Get ready for lots of pictures of this event!

These last two weeks have been insanity, I'm hoping next week things will slow down a bit.

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Silly Bio

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I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!