Sunday, April 2, 2017

April Fools Day

Yesterday was April Fools, so what did we do?
Acted silly, goofy and mixed up too!!

In true Nook fashion we did it up well
With a dinner party that turned out oh so swell!!

We sported crazy glasses and giggled with delight
And just like that we celebrated with all our might!!

We had dessert for supper
Oh how our crazy mixed up dinner was totally an upper!!

Finally it was time to eat our cupcakes
And lo and behold if I didn't make a mistake!

The cake was meatloaf and the icing potato!!

It was a night of giggles, smiles and stories so tall
Happy Late April Fools Day to all!!


Side Note:  Sunshine and warmer weather called to us this weekend!!  We are so excited and hopeful spring is finally arriving...check back in this week as we kick off our official baseball season and continue with all our fun activities!

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Baseball Frenzy

Spring baseball is about to start and while my favorite game of the season is always the game where I get to bring snack, but we managed to really send our last preseason practice out in style.  We had a few practices get rained out, but since Trevor is coaching both boys again this season I wanted to come up with a fun last practice treat.  Something that we could show our appreciation for all the hard work the kiddos have been putting in so far.  So I decided what kid doesn't love a donut...especially one that looks like a baseball??!!  So I popped in to Doughboys Donuts and got busy dolling them up.

Ok, so when I say "dolled up" I obviously didn't do much but add red frosting baseball stitches the delicious treats!  I digress...

We had the privilege of watching on of our favorite littles today so I didn't want to keep them cooped up in the house all day.  I packed up a picnic and we headed to the fields to watch Ethan's team have their final practice.

But what is a day out at the fields without spending at least an hour at the park?!

As if that didn't wear them out enough, we still had one practice to go!!  Carter's little tball team is truly the epitome of herding cats!!  While Trevor and Coach Justin herded those precious 5 year olds; Ethan, Daxton, B and I continued our outdoor adventures playing catch and climbing giant hills of wood chips!!

When it was all said and done we were hot, sticky messes, but seeing the smiles on their faces makes every minute worth it!!  Love these little pipsqueaks and their crazy baseball schedules!


Swirly Friday

Our day started out pretty early yesterday with an Ethan/Mommy breakfast date at Peg's Eggs.  Followed by him getting to spend his morning with Nonna and afternoon with Grandpa.  It's amazing to me how fast our two weeks of spring break just flew on by.

After a very long Friday at work, school and playing we decided it was time for another treat.  In an effort to not spend another evening cooped up in the house and let's face it I dole out "treats" that are things I want to do myself I loaded up the two pipsqueaks who ate their dinner and we were off to one of our fave spots...USwirl!!

We indulged on our favorites, me the tartlicious with little cheesecake bites on top and the pipsqueaks on mint and/or marshmallow with a plethora of cavity inducing treats on top!!

Not only did we get this special treat but then in walked one of our besties!  We were so excited to get to hang out with Gracie and her baby brother Lincoln...and of course I was so glad to get to see Tami!!

I think they may have had just a little too much fun...and sugar!!  Thanks Tami for hanging out with us!!


Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!