Sunday, December 2, 2018

Christmas Traditions

One of my favorite childhood decorations is one I made in 3rd grade, a paper garland of Christmas lights.  I think I fell in love with holiday countdowns that year, after careful consideration on whether or not to recreate the paper strand of lights for the Nook I decided a traditional looped paper garland was in store for the boys.  Olaf is an amazing mind reader and brought all the supplies from the North Pole for us.

We had so much fun looking at all the cute Christmas themed strips of paper Olaf brought us.  Carter and Ethan did such an amazing job creating their garlands, I helped Dax with his.  And in the end the trees look amazing with the 23 loops signifying how many days until the big man arrives!

We hope everyone had a fabulous day!!

xoxo - j

He's Baaacccckkkk!!!

Our friendly family scout elf, Olaf, is back for the 2018 holiday season! Hooray!!  He flew in last night and worked his little elfin fingers to the bone preparing our 6th annual Snowflake Breakfast!

The pipsqueaks could not believe their eyes when they came down the hall expecting a quick breakfast before our first event of the day.  We turned on the light and low and behold Olaf was perched atop three tiers of breakfast confections on a Christmas themed table.

A gentle reminder not to touch was largely targeted at the youngest pipsqueak!  Alternating looks of confusion and pure excitement lit up those sweet faces.

While we ate, I did the honor of reading Olaf's book for the first time of the season.  There was lots of banter about what Olaf has up his sleeve this holiday season as well as whether or not Olaf hibernates during the summer.  A rare and memorable breakfast all together for sure!!

We had a full day of Santaland at the kid's school first thing and then Olaf brought us tickets to ride the Candycane Express in Virginia City (more to come on that later).  It was a day full of holiday cheer. 

The decorations are mostly up and Olaf has arrived...Christmas has now OFFICIALLY commenced in the Nook!!

xoxo - j

Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!