Sunday, November 30, 2014

Fa La La La La La La La La

We decked the halls of the Bradshaw Nook, hung the stocking by the chimney with care and bought our tree. Fa la la la la la la la la!!!

I will post a picture of the front of the house all lit up since we have added some additional outdoor decorations this year!! We will be putting the tree up in the next few stay tuned!!


Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Kid Tree

Around here we certainly love decorating, Christmas music, baking, gift giving/receiving and all the other fun things that make this season merry and bright. I lost my grove this year with all my typical party throwing, baking, decorating and I finally feel like since Halloween this mama has got her groove back. Today we started a new Bradshaw Nook tradition...the Kid Tree!!!

The Kids Tree is just for them, they put the lights on and all the ornaments. It's theirs to make it look like they want! I wanted to have something special for them to get to do each year before we pull out all the decorations and really deck the halls. Some people have already had their scout elves make their arrivals but I've really been trying to build up Olaf's return so our tradition will always be December 1st! In the mean time we need to build up the Bradshaw Christmas spirit!!

Today marks the beginning of the Christmas season in the Nook. Each day/night from here until December 25th we will be embarking on lots of fun holiday activities. Some nights we will get all snuggled up in our warm winter jammies and read stories; while others we will be venturing out to embrace the Christmas cheer in our fun little town. Trevor and I have been talking and in addition to the typical holiday festivities we want to really start teaching the littles the true meaning of the season. While I have so many fun things that Olaf will be bringing to the pipsqueaks throughout the month it will be more than just treats and games, so be sure to check back in with us from time to time to keep up with all our ramblings!

I am so excited and looking forward to all the fun!! Time with my husband and pipsqueaks is for sure the best part of my day!!


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Mommy Ramblings: Where Has November Gone??

I know I keep promising to be better about posting, but I think I open my mouth and things fall out before I can catch them. So I won't make another promise, just more a statement that I hope to be better! I'm a work in progress!!


Holiday crafts are starting to make my heart go pitter patter!!

I've got the family Christmas pj's purchased and the kids' Christmas outfits purchased...still not sure what Trevor and I are going to wear.

My co-worker and I are doing a 6 week fitness challenge and let me tell you I have totally sucked at staying on track with actually working out. We did a 7 day clean eating plan and I had no issues with that. I think after my big weight loss push in October I'm all cardio-ed out!

I don't currently have a book I'm reading so if anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it. Also, I think I need to join a bookclub or start one or something!

Work has slowed down a bit, which I'm so thankful for.

I've been taking pictures of the kids like crazy these days. I am trying to capture memories and all the happiness that they bring to Trevor and I. I want to look back and remember everything.

We're getting ready for an influx of family coming into town next week for Thanksgiving, and since it is now the end of the week and I find myself with not a single to do crossed off my list I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a VERY productive weekend.

Happy Thursday!! xo

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Mommy Ramblings: Mangia! Mangia!

I love cooking and the creativity of the table presentation. I love cooking for parties, dinners and even lunches...coming up with new ideas and new creative ways to serve good food is endlessly fun.

Oh and did I mention Christina and I are in charge of Thanksgiving this year?! Get ready for some yummy family recipes, meal presentation ideas, and stress-filled venting for the next 4 weeks!!!

I love the holidays and cannot wait for them!!


Best Birthday

The Bradshaw Nook woke up this morning proclaiming "Happy Birthday Carterbug" Here is how are day went...

1. We took our annual birthday photo.

2. Mommy had to take a picture with the birthday boy because she loves me so much.

3. I got to fill out and take a very special "All About Me" poster for school.

4. I got a lot of fun birthday presents from Mommy, Daddy, Ethan & Daxton.

5. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of how sweet (most of the time) and well-mannered little man I'm becoming.

And that my friends, was Carter Buggy's best birthday thus far. Ahhh to be 3 again!!


Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!